12 : Under Disguise

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"Gosh, you do get injured almost everyday. Everyday! Are you cursed or what?" Aina had the bandages cover my forehead.

"I can heal, Aina. You don't have to bandage my wound." As I was about to remove the bandages, of course Aina had stopped me.

"It's weird, you know. You don't use your tails, but you get healed. The best thing is, you don't die from a Knight! That's super cool, Nanami!"

"That's...not cool, okay? I'm like a monster, you know. Now I feel bad."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I take back what I said."

"It's not a big deal, don't apologize."

"If today I don't, tomorrow I may not be able to."


"No, it's nothing." She continued to wrap the bandages around my head.


Briefing Room, 2:00 p.m.

Our unit, uh... Aina's unit supposed to be having a short briefing now and here. I'm forced to be involved by the way. Aina dragged me into the room where everyone else was there, Lea and Mahiru. It was like stepping into hell when Lea burst into laughter when she saw me.

"You're like a mummy!!" *sigh* Was this Aina's fault for wrapping my head with the bandages?

"I don't find that funny." Mahiru added.

"Hahaha... No, that's not funny. Sorry." Lea stopped laughing and added, "I'm surprised you're here. I thought you'd run away."

"Ah no, actually Aina dr-"

"Nanami! Shh!" Aina interrupted and continued, "Let's start the briefing already."

Mahiru and Lea took their seats which I preferred to stand instead, Aina shut off the lights leaving only the source of light from the projector. Images of people appeared on the screen and Aina started to talk.

"Do you guys know who is she?" she asked while pointing towards a pink hair girl on the screen.

"Oh, I think I know her. She is the prettiest Nora in Japan, The Small Eyes!" Lea spoke.

"I know that, geez! Her real name is Jun Hisako, one of the chaotic Noras in Japan." Aina continued. "She'll appear at a VIP's birthday party tomorrow night and we'll disguise as Noras to find this person."

It didn't sound that difficult, as for my first 'operation'. Why am I involved anyway? Not to mention it, another VIP. I can't believe I'll be involved with another VIP again. Maybe this time it'll turn out well, not like Ashley.

"What will we do after meeting this person?" I asked.

"She's should be annihilated, but we'll interrogate her first, then decide." The answer Aina gave me. "So, any other questions?" she asked.

Looks like no. "Ah, also we'll be using Mahiru's telepathy to communicate. And if anything happens to one of us, we'll gather up." Aina added.


25th November, Shinjuku Station, 7:30 p.m.

All four of us should gather here before the operation starts, like Aina said. They're all here, quite punctual I see. All in party clothing.

"Are you guys ready? This will be out first operation together as a unit, we're missing the male member though. All of us will succeed. And if any of us are in danger, we'll save her even if it risks our lives." "So Nanami and I will be in the ballroom, Lea and Mahiru will be on the roof. Do whatever it takes to hide our identity. Let's go."

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