My Everything Chapter 5 "Wait, What?!?!?!"

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My Everything Chapter 5 "Wait, What?!?!?!"

Emmet's P.O.V.

The practice just ended so I went straight to the locker rooms to take a quick shower so I could take Ximena home. I was extra fast today because I knew she was probably hungry and since we started the day kind of bad I want to be in her good side again. I turned off the shower and got dressed quickly, when I came out I saw her about to do a free throw so I ran and tackle her in to the floor and began tickling her, she is so ticklish. The sounds she makes are so cute and that laugh makes me want to laugh too. I saw her with tears rolling down on her face and stopped, I grabbed her hands in one of my own and I held her by the waist with the other one so she can’t escape. I like this position, I like to look at her from here, those big brown eyes are so deep and beautiful, the cute blush she always has and that smile from all the laughing makes my heart go soft. I don't know what it is but I feel something weird inside me. What is wrong with me?

I looked down to her lips and that was a big mistake because now I can’t take my eyes off them, they are so full and pink telling me to taste them, I want to explore her mouth, as I get closer I can hear her breathing come quicker I thinks she's having the same thoughts as me....

I heard the locker room doors open and I got off her really fast so nobody would catch us in that position.  Looking at the door I saw Francis making his way up to us, great timing dude. Wait, what if he didn't came? Why did I do that? Wait, she wasn't stopping me so I guess she kind of want it too right? I didn't notice I was already walking to my car and I remembered that I have to take her home, but what if it happens again? Or what if she doesn't even want to talk to me, so I turned to her and gave her the lamest excuse I have ever said “Hey eehrm I… I received a text from my mom; I have to go straight home so I can't give you a lift." I said while scratching the back of my head and looking down, I know she'll never believe that she knows my mom is not home yet.

"Sure I’ll just take a lift from Francis." She said in a sad voice. “Well if you don't mind” Now facing Francis.

  "No its okay sweetheart come on lets go." Francis said with a huge smile on his face. " See you men remember we have practice tomorrow at 5." I just nodded to his answer and did our usually bro hug.

"Well bye Emmet." Ximena said to me but before I could answer her she was half way to Francis car.

On the way home I was thinking about Ximena a lot, I don't know what to do; I don't even know what I feel. She probably doesn’t even feel the same way about me... but she didn't stop me earlier so that had to mean something right? Ugh I'm so frustrated.

 I got home and made myself something to eat, turned the music up and began to do some homework. By 11:30 I was thinking about texting her and saying good night but I was still confused so I went to bed and by that I meant to stir on my bed and only got 3 hours of sleep. At 6 my alarm went on so I got up and went to take a shower.

Coming out of the shower I checked my phone to see if Ximena had text me but I just found some other girls texts, I think it was a one night stand or the usual week girl, I don’t even know.

I was just about to head down to the kitchen when my phone beeped I saw a text from X saying that she was feeling sick and wasn't coming to school today so I didn't need to give her a ride. I took my stuff and went outside leaving a note for my parents saying that I was off to school early, even though they probably don’t even care. I started my car and drove to Ximena's house.

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