My Everything Chapter 23 "You should be kissing my feet."

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Finally new chapter! And a long one :) Enjoy

My Everything Chapter 23 "You should be kissing my feet and putting me in the clouds."

Ximena's P.O.V.

Who could it be at this time? We were wondering who it was but it didn't last long, the door opened and the person I least wanted to see entered my room. The one and only.


 His face was priceless, at first he seemed surprised and then the anger was overflowing. I didn't understand at first but then I remembered the two half naked guys that were on my bed.

"What the f*ck are you doing here, I believe we made everything clear just a few hours ago." Emmet said getting up from the bed. Alan followed his lead and without thinking I got up two. I had a bad feeling about this. They can't start a fight here, my dad will get upset and if mom finds out, oh god I don't even want to think about it.

"I'm here to talk to Ximena but apparently she's busy with the both of you." He said giving Emmet a hard look. I just stood there not knowing what to do, and all I could feel was my heart beating really fast.

“Stop assuming things, that’s what got you into trouble in the first place." Emmet answered defending me. By this they were only inches away but Alan was right beside Emmet. I believe or at least I'm hoping that he'll stop them because I'm pretty sure I can't stop two huge guys.

“It’s very clear what's happening. Everyone can see that both, you and Alan are in love with Ximena." He said. Silence filled the room and I was throwing glances at the three of them not deciding on who was catching my attention. How could he said that, it’s obliviously not true, they are just good friends. Are they? Nobody was talking but anyone who entered my room could sense the anger.

“Yeah I know that whole Oh she's my best friend I will protect her sh*t it's just a way to be close to her. But you know what" By this they were so close to each other I knew something was coming up. “I got her, I might have done some things and I can say that I'm not proud of but I at least had the balls enough to ask her out and didn't pretend to be her friend while having feelings for her. Why don't both of you *ssholes go and grow a pair and then confront me." Alexander said and let me tell you I wasn't expecting that, like ever.

 “Stop. Please."  I said and it came out like a whisper but loud enough for them to hear me. I saw Emmet's knuckles go white and I know he was trying to stay strong for me. Alan looked at me with sad eyes and Alexander was still giving the boy's a hard look.

“Can I talk to you?" Alexander said finally being me his attention. “Alone.”

“What makes you think that we would leave her alone with you?" Alan spoke up looking a little pissed off.

“Shut up freak this has nothing to do with you." In a moment I saw the thing I've never imagine that would happen. Alan throwing a punch. It sounded so hard I just stood there with my mouth open. Alexander recovered and smiled at him, what the hell.

“You shouldn't have done that freak."

“Who are you calling a freak, *sshole." Alan said ready to throw another punch. What the actual f*ck! I've never seen this side of Alan. In a second both of them were throwing punches, I saw blood but I didn't know from whom it came. Emmet stepped in the middle of it and tried to stop them but Alexander just threw a punch at him. I knew in that moment that Emmet couldn’t control himself anymore. All the anger went into that punch and Alexander ended at the other end of my room. I couldn't take this anymore. Everyone is getting hurt.

 "STOP! STOP THIS NOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but they didn't mind. Both Emmet and Alan looked like they were in a mission to kill. I guessed somebody listened to me because my dad came barging into my room with a 'what the hell happened face'. When he saw the boys he jumped right into it and stopped them, I really don't know how but I'm grateful he did.


 My dad was beyond pissed. He literally was about to call the cops until I begged him not to. Let me tell you how the boys looked. Let's start with Alexander, His left eye was swelling, his lip was busted open and his right cheek was purple. Emmet since he fought in just his boxers I could see his bruised body, his eyebrow was cut open so that made his eye swell up and his stomach was all red. Alan pained me the most, his chest was a mess and I can sense that even breathing was hard for him, his cheek was already purple with black spots, and I never imagined that he could do such a thing.

“This got way out of hand! You should be kissing my feet and putting me in the clouds because I didn't called the cops on your *sses! I expected more from you guys especially you Alan! How could you let this happen! And you! You come to my house and start this sh*t at this hours!" If my dad didn't called the cops I'm sure the neighbors will do it with all of this yelling. “I want the three of you cleaned up, both Emmet and Alan I expect you to be sleeping and you out of my house the instant you are cleaned up! I don't want to see your face in my house ever again! Ximena help them and don't think of letting these idiots in your room, they'll sleep down here and if they don't like it they can sleep outside. I don't even care anymore I'm going to sleep I already feel a headache." I felt really bad that we got my dad involved in all of this but without him the boy's would be dead by now.


I cleaned every one of the boys and cleaning Alexander reminded me of that one time he came over my house for help. My heart was in real pain, I still couldn't believe what he did to me but I guess I need to grow up and get over it. One day I will.

"Ximena, princesa, I'm so sorry." Alexander said while I checked his chest for any blood. Him calling me that broke my heart more, into tiny little pieces.

"Don't... don't call me that." He still didn't understand the pain he caused me.

“You have to hear me out Ximena please."

"What’s the point Alexander?! So you can continue breaking my heart! Don't you think finding out hurt me enough?!" I was raising my voice by now but I was so pissed off I couldn't help it.

“Do you think I don’t know Ximena! I’ve been thinking all week how to confront you about it but I guess your other boyfriends beat me to it.” And here we go again including the boy’s in this. Uugh!

“This has nothing to do with them! Why are they always your favorite topic? I really don’t understand.”

"Wow you really don't see it don't you. Ximena both of them, I know they feel something for you. It was hard for me to see that every day."

"Don't you dare turn this on them. I was yours don't you get it! And you lost me, forever." I didn't let him talk after that. I was really tired now and I didn't need more explanations. I finally found the thing that triggered him to cheat on me, even if I find it stupid, which I do, I have to accept the fact that he already did it and not even the hundreds and thousands of sorry he could say I will never forget.


Hello my beautiful people! I'm currently on vacation so I had time to write yei! I already have the next chapter so relax I'm not going to take a long time to post it. Thanks for the reads, vote, comment and share please.

Btw like the long chapter? I did lol

Love, Llely xoxox

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