My Everything Chapter 19 "Lots and lots of beers."

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I'm sooooooo sorry! I know it's a super late chapter but I kind of got blocked. I tried my best to complete this chapter and post it.  I'll try to make it up to you guys I promise. Have fun, VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!

My Everything Chapter 19 "Lots and lots of beers."

Alexanders' P.O.V.

Having Ximena as my girlfriend made me really happy. I know I'm not the usual type that haves a girlfriend, they never last, but I have a good feeling about her. She's not the type of girl I usually go for but hey new town, new taste. I've been living with her and I'm thankful that her mom hasn't kicked me out. I love to wake up and know she’ll be there and she speaks Spanish, which I really love. Most of the girls I was with didn't even know how to say Hi in my pure language but on the bright side they were good in other stuff if you know what I mean.

But I'm over that, I want a serious relationship that isn't just about fooling around. The thing is that Ximena is around guys like every second of the day, the worst part is that she doesn't even notice how they look at her and it pisses me off. The first in my watch list is that Emmet guy he really pisses me off with the hole I'm better than anyone look and that stupid Alan ugh. That guy, I just want to punch him really hard in the face, how dare he call my girl 'baby' and kiss her like it's nothing.


I was driving over to that idiot house to leave Ximena there; I don't know how her mom just let her sleepover in a boy's house. I couldn't argue with her because we just got out of one so it wasn’t for the best to star something. The whole helmet thing worked and I don't want to ruin this but I'm sure that if I sleep in another girls place she will be pissed. I just turned off the ignition of my bike and in a second the door busted open and he just burst out screaming like it was nothing.

"BABEEEEEE!" Ugh I have to keep it cool even if he says these things. He crashed her into a hug and she could barely breathe. I was fine about she missing him but when he started kissing her that was it, I'm done. I let out a little growl out of me and Ximena turned my way. I grabbed my helmet and whispered a bye. I took off really fast that when I made it to the freeway I was over the speed limit but I don't care I need to let my anger out in some way and this is better than getting into another fight. I stopped in a gas station and called the guys, yes I found some friends that are a lot like me, there's only like four but that's better than being alone.

“Hey let's hang out, I'm free tonight." I called Luke.

“Sure, what did the girlfriend said about it?” I know he's curious but he doesn't need to know everything.

“Doesn’t matter just call the others. Let’s meet at the Niko's bar, I'll be at your house in ten." I didn't reply and just hanged up.


Hours have passed and I don't even remember the number of beers that I’ve drank. The boys tried to cheer me up at some point because I was in a really bad mood, which meant lots and lots of beers. I was feeling more free now and I saw this girl across the bar wearing a tight and short dress, with every step she took she swung her hips more making every guy turn around. I wasn't thinking clearly and made my way to her.

“Hey Alex, where are you going?" Sam asked spilling his beer on a girl's shirt.

"Watch it dude!" She screamed. I took the distraction and made my way to the girl. But she wasn't there anymore so I decided to get another beer. I just nodded at the bartender and he knew what I wanted. With a beer in my hand I made my way to the guys but I bumped into someone spilling their drink.

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