My Everything Chapter 11 "Well you better fix it and fast."

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My Everything Chapter 11 “Well you better fix it and fast.” 

Emmet's P.O.V.

Sometimes I really hate Alan and one of those times is right now. Why does he always get in the middle of my stuff? Ximena just threw herself in his arms like he was her savior. I was looking at him like I was going to kill him and he responded by giving me a hard look while hugging Ximena. I gave her something comfortable to wear and what surprised me was when she said that we could stay with her. I was now trying to sleep but my mind wasn't letting me. I don't really know how to deal with all this, I've always been a player and the feelings were never there but right now I felt something and what bothers me the most is that those feelings are for my best friend.

I made sure that Ximena and Alan were asleep and I grabbed Ximena by the waist, kissed the top of her head and the sleep easily took over me.

I felt Ximena moving but I decided to pretend I was still asleep. She was cuddling with me but I don't think she knows it yet. I heard a little gasp so by now she knows it’s me, she let go of me and I felt her moving. I heard Alan whispering to Ximena and she responded. I took my hand, tired of pretending to be asleep, and lay it on her waist.

“Good Morning." I said with my sleepy voice.

“Morning." And with that she took off to the bathroom.

I looked at Alan and saw him staring at her back, letting out a growl he turned to me.

“What did you do to her last night? She was heartbroken." I freaking know she was, he didn't need to remind me.

“It was a misunderstanding, which it’s not of your business." Why does he care so much?

“Well you better fix it and fast.” He said looking really serious.

“Yeah I know and I will.” I left the room and went downstairs, cups were on the floor and the smell of alcohol and puke was everywhere.

“Hey men were did you disappeared to last night? Got lucky with some girl?" There stood Francis getting something out of the fridge.

“No, I was with Ximena and Alan."

“Wow really?"

"Dude not in that way." He's an idiot.

“If you say so… Anyways see you later I'm going back to some girl." With that he left and now I was wondering what to cook. I decided to go upstairs and ask Ximena but what I saw made me want to kill someone. I saw Ximena on top of a shirtless Alan both of them looking at each other deeply. That A-hole! He says to me to fix stuff but he does this with her! What the hell! Before I did something I regretted I left the house, got in my car and drove away. I text Alan saying that I left and I send Francis a text saying if he could take Ximena home.


It was Sunday now and I decided to turn off my phone and leave home for a while. I put on my work out clothe and went to the basketball court. I seriously need to relax. I was playing alone just throwing some free throws when a girl came by; apparently she was running around here because she was wearing her sport attire.

“Hey mind if I join you?” She asked me, would I? I can use a distraction.

“Yeah sure." I said giving her a smile passing her the ball. She dribbles the ball and shoots getting it inside the basket.

“So what's your name?" I think I’ve seen her before.

"It's Lily, we got to the same school."

“So that's why I felt like I knew you." I said giving her a smile. Looking at her she was really pretty, dirty blond hair, blue eyes and a perfect body.

We kept playing and by now it was almost dark, we got something to eat and I gave her my number before leaving.


Monday morning I was late, I didn't hear my alarm and Ximena didn't call me so I overslept. Just when I got out of the car I heard the bell signaling that it was time for home room. I barely made it inside of the school before the guard closed it. Walking towards my homeroom I found myself looking for Ximena. I searched the halls and ended just a few steps by her locker but the only thing I found was some dude pinning a girl against the lockers. Ha! Nice moves dude.

He moved a little probably to her neck and there I saw it, the beautiful face of Ximena gasping by the kisses he's giving her and she's letting him continue. I stormed off there, I wanted to beat the hell out of that dude but I can’t risk my spot on the team by getting a suspension. I was bumping on some people and then I saw Lily from yesterday. The bell rang signaling we have to get to class but I grabbed her by the arm and made my way to the girls’ bathrooms.

"Hey are you..." Before she could finish I pushed her inside a stall and crashed my lips into hers. She responded instantly and we began a full make-out session until we heard the door of the bathroom open. She was about to say something but I stopped her.

"Shh be quiet." I whispered.

Looking through the little space between the stall I saw that it was Ximena and saw a huge hickey on her neck. So I began once again to kiss Lily, I made my way down to her neck but she stopped me.

“No, Emmmet stop someone's in here." She said but I chose to ignore her and kissed her gain saying: 

“There’s no one here, she left." I knew she was still here but I don't care.

“Are you sure?" She asked trying to look between the stalls but I stopped her by kissing her again.

"Yea come here let's continue." She gave up and started kissing me again, I heard Ximena leave the bathroom and I began to feel guilty. I let out a sight and I apologize to Lily and went after Ximena.

I went to her classroom and scanned the area but she wasn't there. I was about to go to my classroom but someone pushed me, I turned around ready to punch the guy when I saw Alan.

“What did you do now Emmet? Ximena left and I know you are involved on it." I’ve never seen Alan so pissed off.

“Alan stop playing the hero okay!"

“I’m just trying to save your friendship with her okay! She means a lot to me and I want to see her happy." He yelled at me turning red.

"Well she seemed fine this morning with some guy kissing her and feeling her up! Just leave me alone!" With that said I took off.

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