"Liam!" My mother yelled at me while I was getting ready. "Elaina will be here any minute!"
I quickly looked in the mirror to make sure I was presentable. I realized that I was overthinking my appearance then internally scolded myself for caring so much. After that, I finally walked down the stairs.
Once I got down the stairs my mother was nervous and excited at the same time.
"I hope she likes us. I remembered the last time that she was here. She was so sweet. I absolutely adored her," my mother rambled on.
"Mom," I said to her trying to make her shut up. "Calm down. Everything will be fine."
There was a knock on the door and mom jumped for joy. She opened the door instantly and Elaina stood there blankly. There was another woman by her side who was probably her social worker.
"Hi, I'm Alicia James," my mother explained to the social worker as she shook her hand. "This is my husband, David, and our son, Liam."
I grinned but Elaina stared at the floor totally oblivious to the conversation.
The social worker went on to explain everything, but I focused on Elaina. She was looking down at her outfit to make herself presentable as if she was overthinking everything.
I walked over to her and smiled. "I'm sorry to hear about your family," I explained to her sincerely.
She forced a smile. "Thank you." She hesitated and looked like she was going to say something but she stopped herself.
"Did you want to ask me something?" I asked.
She nodded. "I'm sorry, I just don't remember you," she explained as if she was embarrassed to admit it.
All types of emotions flooded through my body. Anger, rage, confusion...relief.
"My name is Liam," I explained with a smile . "We met about three years ago in the summer. You and your parents came over and spent a couple weeks here."
She looked at my sympathetically. "I'm really sorry. I don't remember. A lot of my memories are gone from the car accident."
I instantly felt like a complete selfish idiot. I started scolding myself in my head again
"I only remember a couple of months leading up to the accident," she explained.
I became flustered and nervous. "I'm really sorry. I didn't even think—I'm really sorry."
She laughed. "It's okay. If anything, I should be apologizing. I can't understand how I could ever forget you."
I smiled and I knew my cheeks were probably turning pink. I walked over towards my parents who were still talking to the social worker. Elaina followed and when my mother noticed she instantly turned to look towards Elaina.
"Hi," my mother simply said. "I know this is going to be a huge adjustment for you, but I want you to know that we are here to help you in any way we can."
"Thank you," Elaina replied with a forced smile. "It's very generous of you to open up your home to me and take care of me."
My mother looked like she was touched by Elaina's words.
"Liam," my father said to me. "Why don't you show Elaina where she'll be sleeping."
I nodded and grabbed one of Elaina's bags. She grabbed the other one and followed me up the stairs. I walked her down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms that was across the hall from my room and placed the bag on the bed. "Here you go," I said to her.
"Thank you," she said with what seemed to be a flirtatious smile.
I grinned back at her. "No problem. If you need anything, I'm right across the hall," I explained pointing towards the door to my room
She continued to smile as she nodded. "I'm still trying to figure out how I could ever forget that adorable face," she said bluntly.
I laughed a little. "Trust me, memories aren't that important. Some memories just remind you of everything you wish you could change."
"Do you wish you could change the past a lot?" She asked with innocence comprised in her eyes.
I kept thinking about the last time we saw each other and how much I hated the way it ended. "All the time," I explained to her.
"What do you wish you could change?" She asked inquisitively.
I smiled knowing she would ask that question. "You don't remember it, but I wish I could change what happened between us years ago."
"What happened?" she asked.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" She screamed at me as tears ran down her face. She ran after me when I walked away trying to avoid conflict. "STOP WALKING AWAY FROM ME AND TALK TO ME, YOU COWARD!"
I stopped and turned around to look at her red, teary eyes. "I'm sorry Elaina, but this is just how it has to be. And I don't see the point of continuing whatever this is."
She sobbed as she spoke. "Why are you doing this?"
"After tomorrow, we won't see each other anymore. I think it's just better to end this now." I started to walk away again. I felt horrible for doing this, but it was better to do it now rather than later.
"I love you," she said abruptly.
I stopped in my footsteps and froze. Now is the time to tell her. Tell her you love her too. Say you didn't mean anything you just said. Tell her! I thought to myself.
I turned around and faced her again. I was debating what I should say to her. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I was scared. "No, you don't," I said to her. "We're fourteen years old. We're way too young to be in love. We aren't capable of love," I lied.
"I love you, Liam James," she said grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. "And you love me too. I know it! If you say otherwise then you're lying to yourself!"
I shook my head and detangled my fingers from hers. "That's where you're wrong. I don't love you," I lied again. "This was just a stupid fling and it's over. You're leaving tomorrow and we'll never see each other again." I regretted those words before they came out of my mouth. "So why don't you just stop now while you still have part of your dignity left."
I walked away, regretting everything I just said. I couldn't believe I had just said those words. I couldn't believe I was capable of hurting someone I cared for so much. I couldn't believe I didn't tell her I love her.
"We had a disagreement and it ruined our relationship," I answered her question.
"Oh," she said disappointedly. "Well, I guess this gives you a second chance," she said positively.
"Yeah," I realized. "I guess it does."
Author's Note:
Again, this chapter is a little slow and uneventful, but this is the first chapter with a flashback in it. I hope you enjoyed it so far and I really hope you keep reading!
I'm still a little new to writing from a guy's point of view so tell me if it's okay or if I should change some stuff or something.
I am going to be trying to get updates up at least once a week, but I still want to take my time with the story so it doesn't seem rushed or uninteresting. I apologize in advance if I don't update very quickly. Between school, homework, and after school activities, I don't have that much time to write.
Don't forget to vote for my story by clicking that little star! It really helps me know you like the story so far!

The Days I Remember
RomansaAfter a terrible car accident, being hospitalized for weeks, and losing her whole family, Elaina Peeters is alone and forced to live with her parents' high school friends. She suffers severe memory loss from the accident and most of her memories are...