Of Disendowments And Dwarves

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"Loki. Do you confess to your crimes? Are you aware of your wrongdoings, and is willing to do penance?"

Sitting on the royal throne, King Odin of Asgard looked down at his son. His face was lined with years of burden beared, of wars fought and trials suffered. As usual it betrayed no emotion; here was yet another criminal kneeling before him in chains, and all that remained was to pass judgement.

No one could see the lump of regret that caught in his throat and the heaviness that squatted on his chest.

On the grand hall's marble floors, Loki looked up. His face was sallow and pale from the one week spent in the dungeons. His long black hair hung limp and straggly over his face, covering one of his eyes. His golden armour and long flowing cape had been removed, along with the helmet on his head.

His sceptre with its shimmering blue gemstone had also been taken away. Now all he had left was the clothes he wore on him - a black tight-fitting garment, long trousers and a greenish-black leather cloak with shoulder pads.

Despite his dishevelled appearance, the hint of a smile played on his lips. Ignoring the question, he tilted his head back and inhaled deeply.

There was a sharp and loud crack as the base of a metal spear was thumped down against the ground. Herrick Geir, head of the Einherjar - elite warriors who guarded the Asgardian palace - demanded fiercely,

"Do you not hear the King's question? Answer His Majesty, you criminal!"

Loki held up a hand, his nose still breathing in the air.

"Patience. I haven't breathed this crisp, fresh air for seven days. Seven. It's terrible I tell you. The dungeon air is really bad for one's complexion." He looked back down to the throne, his smile sly. "No wonder you look like a mummified Asgardian dwarf all the time, Herrick."

Leaning in close, he hushed his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

"I used to think you were the product of a one night stand your father had with a female dwarf because he was too drunk to think clearly." He laughed. "The ideas my head dreams up! Well now I know." He shook his head, clucking his tongue in sympathy. "That accursed dungeon air......"

Herrick's eyes blazed at the insult. He drew himself up straight, his voice furious.

"My father is an honorable man who has never engaged himself in such immoral acts! I demand you apologize immediately!"

"For what?" Loki shrugged. "For letting my imagination run away from me while I was sitting bored in the dungeon, or for stating the truth about your less than pleasant appearance?"

Herrick's anger boiled over and he took a threatening step down from the dias.

"You - "

Odin's raised hand stopped him.

"Peace Herrick. Loki is but a dog barking at his chains. He is mere noise. He can do you no harm."

"Noise can do you harm," Loki popped in. "How else do people lose their hearing later in life?"

"My liege," said Herrick, bowing his head at Odin. "It is clear that this criminal will never repent. He is evil and will stay evil for the rest of his life. Asgard has no need for such scum. Let the executioner's axe take care of him."

At the mention of the word "axe", Loki strained forward against his chains.

"Wait!" It was a desperate cry. "I confess!"

The King of Asgard and his loyal retainer turned to face the prisoner. Herrick looked disgruntled. Asgardian law provided leniency for criminals willing to repent. It seemed that he would not be getting the pleasure of seeing Loki's head fall beneath the blade of an axe.

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