Of Trials And Tribulations

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* korean song above *

Kyra yawned. I think I could get used to this.

It was her second morning in Asgard, and upon waking up she found that breakfast had been laid out for her on the bedside table, and a new dress - simpler than last night's but not less elegant - was hung at the foot of her bed. It was a wonderful feeling to not have to do anything save for showering and eating.

Frigga had left her the vial of potion for her vision, and she dripped a drop each into her eyes. Ah, much better. She had just put on her dress when a knock on the door signaled the entrance of a maid, who was here to clear the breakfast tray.

Kyra frowned at her reflection in the mirror. My jeans and shirt are with Frigga aren't they? I seriously need to pack them up or I'll forget to bring them back to Earth with me.

Turning to the maid she asked, "Do you happen to know where the Queen is?"

The maid looked up. "Why, she's at the trial of course. In the grand hall."

"Trial? What trial?"

The maid looked surprised. "Haven't you heard? The trial of the criminal, Loki Laufeyson."

A block of ice formed in the pit of her stomach. "But - he's in exile now right? He's supposed to complete his exile, and prove that he's changed, and King Odin will let him go! Why a sudden trial?"

"I'm not quite sure myself, miss. But from the rumors I've heard, it's something about him hurting a mortal. One of the terms of his exile was that he wouldn't hurt a mortal, and now that he's done it, he's failed hasn't he? 

"And failure equates death."

The ice exploded, splintering into a thousand jagged shards.

Without knowing it, she was already running. She left the maid and her exclamations behind, her bare feet tearing up the carpeted corridors as she ran and ran. The grand hall was where the ball had been last night wasn't it? She knew how to get there. She had to get there. 

She ran, skirts bunched up in both her fists, her russet hair streaming out behind her. She dashed past startled ladies and frightened another maid, who was exiting a nearby corridor with an armful of washed cutlery. The maid shrieked, and the plates crashed to the floor.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she yelled, looking back as she kept running. "I would help, but I have to go save a really hot nerd!"

A turn left, then right, and she spied the entrance ahead, along with the two guards standing there.

"Ah crap!" she hissed, skidding to a stop. There was no way she could get past those two. And she doubt this time they would believe that she was the Crown Princess of Midgard.

She ducked behind a wall, catching her breath even as the cogs in her head whirled in a frenzy. Come on Kyra, think!

She closed her eyes and tried to visualize the hall in her mind. Damn, if only I had been paying attention yesterday......it's amazing how he distracts me......

What she did managed to remember though, was that at one side of the grand hall was a large balcony, that overlooked an empty square space beneath, where the people gathered to hear the King speak from above. Sort of like the Pope speaking out to the crowd from his apartment window. And if I remember correctly......

She dashed back into the maze of corridors, retracing her steps. Slamming open the door of her bedroom, she was relieved to see that the maid had gone. It's probably going to be hard to explain what I'm doing next. Heading to her balcony, she opened the glass sliding doors and looked down, over the railings......

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