Of Marriage And Mistakes

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Sherria burst into the workplace like her immaculate hairdo was on fire. Everyone looked up.

"Did you guys hear?" she practically shrieked. "Did you guys hear?"

Kyra shot Loki a look. He whispered back, "Magic usually works fast."

"W - w - what?" Eric asked.

Kyra waited, nearly holding her breath in anticipation.

"It's headlines news! In every single major newspaper!"

Hold your hats ladies and gentlemen, here we -

Sherria's next words exploded out of her mouth like a screeching M1919 Browning machine gun.

"Tom Hiddleston is getting married!"

- go?

Sherria waved the newspaper in her hands wildly. "Tom Hiddleston! My Tom Hiddleston! Marrying! And the girl isn't half as pretty as me!"

Harry rolled his eyes and went back to his work. Cecilia muffled a giggle. Kyra looked like she wanted to slap Sherria round the head.

"Is that important right now?" she snapped. Seriously, getting my hopes up and turns out it's the wrong thing.

Just then Richard burst into the room, his beer belly jiggling dangerously, one corner of his shirt already untucked.

"Did you guys hear? The latest news?"

"Yes yes we know, Tom Hiddleston is getting married," said Harry, not even taking his eyes off the computer. "Man, I didn't know you were a fan too boss - "

"What? What Tommy? Do I know a Tommy?" Richard waved it away dismissively. "Whatever it is, I'm not talking about that!"

With an exasperated grunt he walked over to the small television that stood in the corner, muttering something along the lines of "How can I have a successful mag when my journalists don't even know the newest news......"

He switched it on and flicked to the BBC News.

" - Nathan Wilde, was recently revealed to have had an affair with another woman, and even had a child. However, he refused to admit that the child was his and even issued death threats to ensure that the woman stayed silent......"

The five journalists listened to the news in surprised amazement. It detailed out everything for them to hear, even showing the photos of the thugs that had been sent to threaten Jennifer. Kyra watched the two familiar photos with some satisfaction.

"Everything's out in the open now," she said to herself. "No more lies."

"All because of you," came a low murmur near her ear. She didn't even have to look, she knew who it was, and she smiled.

Leaning back a little but still keeping her eyes on the news she said, "Well you helped. A little."

"A little?"

Her grin grew a little wider at the slight indignation in his voice. "Yes. Only a little."

She could picture him in her mind's eye, standing with his arms folded, looking miffed. What she didn't expect was his whisper by her ear,

"The glasses look fantastic on you by the way."

Her smile coudn't seem to leave her lips. "Well the man who bought it had good taste."

And this time she looked up at him, to see the wink he tossed her way and the smile that touched his lips.

The employees of Tidbits erupted in feverish discussion after the news ended, about the hows and the whens and who was that lucky punk that got the whole story out of Miss Jennifer?

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