Of Gifts And Glasses

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* my current favourite song~~~ *

"Oww." A pause. "Ouch! In Bor's name......."

"Oh shush you. How can a god be so easily hurt?"

"Says the person with the lesser injuries. And without a black eye may I add."

They were back in Kyra's apartment. A visit to the clinic and a lie to the doctor about Kyra's purse getting mugged had revealed that their injuries mostly consisted of ugly bruises. And no, her ribs hadn't been broken, but she did sustained a nasty deep gash in her shoulder.

Well at least it isn't dislocated.

Now they were sitting in the living room couch, in front of the television, and Kyra was tending to Loki's black eye with a hard-boiled egg.

"You know what? What don't you just do it yourself. Just roll the thing around your eye, I'm sure you've got enough brain to handle that one at least."

"Ooh. The mortal has become a regular little spitfire." Loki took the handkerchief-wrapped object and Kyra turned to the first-aid kit lying opened beside her. She closed it and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, feeling self-conscious.

"Umm, I need to change the bandage on my shoulder so - I'm heading for the toilet."

"Your shoulder? Can you reach it with one arm? Is it not at the back?"

"Well......" Well idiot, I can't possibly half-strip here and get you to help me now could I?

Loki stopped massaging his eye. "Why don't I help you with that?"

Apparently I can.

Clearing her throat, she went back and perched herself at the edge of the couch. Loki frowned.

"You do realize you need to sit closer for me to help you."

She bit her lip. Suddenly she felt like she was back on her first high-school date all over again.

She moved, just one inch closer. There was an exasperated exhale from behind, and then strong arms grabbed hold of her shoulders and pulled her back. She gave a little yelp as she landed in his lap.

Loki chuckled. "You're not shy are you? We have done more than this."

She was glad that her back was to him and he could not see that her cheeks were aflamed.

Hesitantly she slipped part of her T-shirt down past her left shoulder, exposing the injury.

Behind her Loki said nothing. Instead, smooth fingers brushed the nape of her neck as he scooped her brown tresses over the other shoulder. She tilted her head a little to help him out.

She could feel him peeling the old bandage off. His touch was careful and soft, gentle as he maneuvered around the wound. It was silence for several minutes as he worked. She winced a little when he put the ointment on.

"Wouldn't it be good if you had a distraction about now?" she heard him murmur.

Kyra's whole body froze.

What does that mean? her mind screamed. Is he going to kiss me? Again??? Or does he want me to kiss him? Is this a subtle hint?

What on Earth does he mean???

She wanted nothing better than to ask him what he meant. Yet she was afraid of the answer. Her nerves were all tensed up as her brain scrabbled furiously to work out all the possible meanings.

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