Of Doubt And Death

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Herrick sat at the table, his eyes roaming idly about the place. It seemed to be nothing more than a casual glance here and there, but he was taking everything in. The pillow and neatly folded blanket on the couch. The cutlery on the drying rack, enough for two. The newspaper cuttings on one side of the wall, half of which were written by Kyra, half of which were written by her journalism idols. And of course, the Sceptre lying innocently on the table.

Kyra walked over with the coffee. 

"Why thank you Lady Kyra." Herrick took a sip of the dark beverage and blinked a few times. "Wow, you mortals do like your drinks to be sweet!"

"Oh did I put in too much sugar? Loki likes his sweet so.....here, have mine. It's black."

She pushed her cup forward. "So what brings you here today?"

Herrick sipped from his cup, then placed it back down on the table top with a light clink.

Looking Kyra dead in the eyes he said,

"I'm here to bring Loki home."

For a moment Kyra forgot how to breathe. She had watched the lips moved and heard the words, but they made no sense in her head, none at all, because -

"I - I thought he was supposed to be here for one month?"

"Well the King and Queen has been very pleased with his exemplary behavior so far. They are of the opinion that he has changed over a new leaf, and hence has decided to shorten his sentence. Isn't that great news?"

Here Herrick ventured a smile, but it came out more as a forced and pained grimace.

"But - now? Like now now?"

Herrick sipped more of his coffee. "It's rather up to Loki really. He's done his part here on Midgard. I can bring him home anytime he wants - unless of course, he wishes to stay here. " Herrick laughed. "Which I really doubt."

Something about his words and laugh irked Kyra. 

"What's so bad about staying here?" she said defensively. 

Herrick looked surprised that she would even be asking such a question. "Because it's Loki. He's a man that looks down on mortals. And even if he might have changed, some things don't go away that easily - they certainly don't just disappear in the span of ten days."

His eyes narrowed at her, sharp and sudden. "Lady Kyra, forgive me for asking such a personal question, but are you - perhaps - in love with him?"

Kyra blinked. The question caught her entirely off guard and she opened her mouth, to deny and say something, but no words came.

Herrick's eyes darted around the room, and his voice lowered to a hush. 

"I did not want to say this, because after all soon he will be leaving and there will be no point, but there are some things you must know."

From somewhere he pulled out a silver metal ball.

"You remember I told you that I disagreed with the King's and Queen's decision of sending him to Midgard for his exile? Do you know why Lady Kyra? Most importantly, do you know why he even needed to be sent to exile in the first place?"

She finally found her voice. "Because he did something wrong."

"Wrong doesn't even began to cover it. Do you know what exactly did he did?"

She racked her brain, trying to remember the movie. But that was some time ago, and again she hadn't been paying much attention.......

"This, Lady Kyra. He did this."

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