Of Flames And Fears

425 53 13

* epic cinematic music above *

Kyra reached him and crouched down. Loki was sitting on the ground, looking dazed. His eyes were unfocused, and even though she was right in front of him it was like he couldn't see.

"Loki? Loki! What's wrong with you? What's going on?" He didn't respond, and the panic that swept all over her was overwhelming. She didn't know what was happening and she didn't know what to do; was this a mortal illness, like - like fainting from low blood sugar? Or was this something bigger that she couldn't comprehend?

Loki sagged heavily against her and no amount of shouting could wake him up. His eyes were glazed, like he was watching something far away.

Kyra held one arm protectively around him as people stopped to whisper and stare. She took out her phone and dialed. Her voice was anxious.

"Richard? It's me, Kyra. Listen, there's something up with Lo - Lance, and I need to get him to the hospital. No, I don't know what's going on, but he looks like he's about to faint any second......I'll just take a taxi or something. No, don't bother to come find us, we're at the other end of the market and I can't wait.....he looks really bad...."

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *           *          *

Pain. Screams of pain. But they weren't his.

He was cradled by warm arms that trembled lightly. The timber walls of the house were not thick enough to muffle the roars of the war going on outside.

Frightened, he began to cry. A soft voice hushed him and he was rocked gently.

"Sssshhh it's okay child, hush....mother's right here." The voice that spoke was light and soothing; it tried to calm him even though it shook with fear.

He turned his head a little and faced the window of the house. The shutters were closed, but through tiny cracks and gaps he could see flames and fire blazing, harsh and all-consuming, leaping tongues of light in his vision......

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

Kyra managed to get Loki on his feet. It was as if his mind had wandered to another world entirely, he just wasn't present. Kyra had to pull him a few times before he started shuffling his feet in the direction she wanted.

They moved away from the throng of people. The market was held in the middle of a grassy field, and Kyra had to cross a few feet of deserted space before reaching the streets, where she could hail a cab.

Loki had broken out in cold sweat. His breaths were coming out in short gasps. Fear and pain flashed intermittently on his face.

Kyra bit her lip as Loki let out a small sound of distress. She quickened her footsteps. Loki's weight however, kept him back and he slipped away from her grasp. His legs no longer knew how to stand without support, and he ended up kneeling on the grass.

"Damn it!" she cursed, her voice sick with worry.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

The door to the house burst open and the arms holding him tensed. Then - a warrior stepped in. It was a woman, and she was tall, very tall. She had on a greyish blue armour and nothing beneath it, even though the current temperature was -78 degrees Celsius. Her eyes were a brilliant crimson red, and narrow ridges outlined her jaw and the smooth blue skin of her scalp.

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