Of Trolleys and Toothbrushes

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*Music above. Read and listen to give the words an atmosphere!*

Black chinos. A hooded leather jacket. A green slim-fit shirt. A blue collared outfit.

Loki's arms were piled high with clothes as Kyra plucked item after item off the shelves.

"Am I to try on all these?" he asked, thunderstruck.

Kyra nodded even as she pulled down a navy blue Polo shirt.

"Yeap! Changing room now!" He was bundled off into a room and left alone. Sighing, he eyed all the clothing. By Odin's eye, it will take me a month to get through these.

"Mmm. Green does look nice on you. We're taking that."

"Pull up the hood! .....That flap behind you! It is called a hooded jacket for a reason." Loki obliged. Kyra laughed, hard. "You look like a palace assassin! Make a funny face! Go on!"

It wasn't just one shop that they had to visit. Kyra dragged Loki into Uniqlo, Armani, Target and Brands Outlet. Loki watched as she fished out a plastic card at every counter.

"Are you rich, mortal?" he asked. "These clothes of mine do not look cheap."

Kyra took the receipt and handed the shopping bags to Loki, who was already carrying two in each hand.

"Nope! Am not. But you are my genie," she winked. "I could always ask for an endless supply of riches!"

Then there were the shoes. Loki didn't quite like the - what were they called? Slippers.

"They are ungainly, like a dying fish," he pronounced. "They flop and flap too much." To which Kyra laughed so hard she was doubled over and had to sit down at a nearby bench.

"What?" asked Loki, completely bewildered.

Kyra bought him a phone too, and thought him how to use it. Phone calls, texting, the whole lot.

"Midgard technology is wonderful!" he declared as he heard Kyra's voice coming over the phone for the first time.

The sales assistant approached them. "We have 20% off for our couple phone covers. Would the two of you like to take a look?"

Kyra flushed. She was just opening her mouth to tell the girl that she had made a mistake when Loki stepped close and placed a hand around her waist.

"Is it truly that obvious how loving we are?" He looked down at Kyra, who was standing there stunned, mouth ajar.

He gave her a roguish wink. And Kyra felt the first butterfly flutter in her stomach.

"What was that?" she hissed after they had left the shop.

Loki spun his new handphone around his fingers. "You told me to be your pretend lover did you not?"

"Only in front of my friends! Not everyone else!"

"Ahh. My apologies. I'll keep that in mind." A smile played around his lips.

Kyra felt her cheeks warming and she excused herself hurriedly, heading for the toilet. She splashed cold water on her cheeks and shook her head.

Focus Kyra, focus. There's BIG rewards for you to reap here. Not only is he going to grant you three wishes, he's also a true Asgardian god. A GOD. You know what this means. This is headline material! I can just see it now.

"Asgardian God On Earth!"
"Alternate Universes Exist!"
"The Legends Are Real!"

All these articles, written by Kyra Pierce. Me. I'll finally be the successful journalist I've always wanted to be. I'll snap photos, take a video of him returning to Asgard - I'll have to be careful though......maybe I'll even get a shot of that King Odin! Too bad I was drunk last night.

She eyed her reflection with determination. He was it. The man who will rocket her career.

They made their way to the supermarket after that, and Loki's eyes gleamed when he caught sight of the trolleys.

Pretty soon -

"Slow down! For Christ's sake Loki, slow down!" Kyra shrieked as she sat crouched in the trolley.
"You're supposed to decelerate before making a turn, not accelerate!"

It was both thrilling and terrifying how Loki hurtled the trolley - and her - down the aisles at breakneck speeds. She couldn't help laughing and she could hear his velvet voice laughing behind too.

"I must bring this - trolley - back to Asgard!" He gave a light hop and landed on the metal bar at the back of the trolley, between the wheels. Balancing himself he raised both hands in a regal gesture and rode the momentum.

"I am Loki, God of Mischief!" Kyra laughed.

They reached the tinned goods."Tomato sauce. The can Loki, yeap that's right."

Then, at the seafood section -

"Loki! You don't just throw the raw fish into the trolley, you have to let the man wrap it up in plastic first!"

They reached the shelves of hygiene care products and Kyra rattled off a few items. She was surrounded by cans and vegetables so she couldn't move. Loki was the one that reached over to grab his new toothbrush off the shelf.

His cheek was only half an inch away from her. She could smell his scent, something she hadn't noticed before. It was crisp and clear, like citrus and mint. Faint stubble lined his jaw. Dang, even his stubble growth looks perfect.

Right on cue Loki turned his head sideways to eye her, as if knowing her thoughts. Startled, Kyra cleared her throat loudly and looked off elsewhere. Loki's lips twitched.

They paid and headed for the parking lot. Kyra had walked ahead for a few feet before realizing that Loki wasn't following. She turned.

He was standing before the automated glass doors. He would inch forward, a few steps at a time, and when the doors slid open he would leapt back. He looked like a cat pawing at a new toy.

He hailed Kyra. "This is a wonder mortal! It senses my presence and opens by itself! What kind of magic is this?"

A family nearby was staring. Embarassed, Kyra marched firmly over and pinched the sleeve of his new black shirt.

"It's called technology. Now let's go before people think you're nuts."

He frowned. "Nuts? That is yet another word of which I have not heard. Is it an insult?"

Kyra rolled her eyes. She stepped off the platform and onto the tarmac, while tugging Loki along and saying, "You are one seriously - "

"Woman! Behind you!"

A strong arm grabbed hold of Kyra's shoulder and she found herself pulled close to Loki's chest, just as a car went zooming by.

Heart skipped a beat.

"Midgard mortals are truly more susceptible to dangers. I know of no Asgardian who would not have notice that.....car. Or is it just you?"

Kyra was too stunned to speak, and it was not from the near miss with the vehicle.

She pushed Loki away. She swallowed, and managed to blurt out,

"It's all your fault! If you had just followed along instead of - of playing with doors......." She floundered. "We need to get to my car!"

She turned around and walked off, footsteps fast and furious.

I cannot possibly be attracted to an Asgardian god, even if he is more handsome than Tom Hiddleston......oh my goodness, get your act together Kyra Pierce!

From behind, Loki cocked a head and smiled lightly, mischief toying with his lips.

I think I might find Midgard a little more fun than expected.

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