Of Costumes And Commands

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Torches flickered in metal holders set in the walls. The hallowed royal halls of the Asgard palace was empty for the night, with both King and Queen having retired to their bedchambers.

Two sentries stood watch at the main entrance. No one was to enter the royal halls at night.

Or so the rules went.

For a lone figure stood on the dias, fingers brushing the golden throne. Like all Einherjar, he was well-built and well-muscled, a result of intensive hours of training. It was a running joke among the Einherjar that a true man was one whose armour is too small to accomodate his muscles.

Herrick turned as a similar brutish warrior strode down the hall, his steel sword clinking against his armour.

"You called, Commander?"

Herrick frowned at the warrior's full weapons belt.

"Why do you bring in weapons of war?" he asked, not answering the question. "The royal halls of Asgard is the home of peace."

The warrior bowed his head low. "My apologies Commander. Your message was one of urgency so I simply hurried over......."

Herrick nodded dismissively.

"No matter. There are far more pressing issues at hand." Herrick paced on the dias. "You have heard of the exile of the criminal Loki Laufeyson? What are your thoughts?"

The warrior - Esbern was his name - hesitated. The exile was a royal order, and the criminal a prince. It would be unwise to question the king's judgement. Yet it was clear his Commander was doing so.

"In my humble opinion," Esbern finally said, "the criminal committed heinous crimes that should have brought him straight to the executioner's axe. However the King has spoken and the punishment has been meted out......"

"Punishment? One month in Midgard is no punishment! He is not deserving of such leniency!"

Herrick's voice thundered in a sudden yell that echoed around the halls. Esbern remained wisely silent.

Herrick seethed, struggling to keep his emotions in check. After a long pause he turned to the crouching warrior.

"The King has given his punishment, but the people have not." His voice was dipped in ice.


"Tell me Esbern. Does your family agree to such skewed judgment? Do your friends not protest? Do your neighbours not cry out in outrage?"

".......Many of them feel that the King's punishment was unjust, yes."

"And that is because it is," Herrick shot back. "Which is why we, the Einherjar, shall deliver true justice."

Herrick looked down at Esbern. Grim determination colored his voice.

"Prepare a small army of men. I have a mission for you in Midgard."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A runaway ray of sunlight burrowed persistently underneath Kyra's eyelids. Her eyebrows knitted together and she turned. Yawning, she flipped her body over to the other side.

She could feel warmth radiating from somewhere near. It was a pleasant cozy feeling, and she snuggled up to its source happily.

Mmm. Very warm. Nice.

Then - wait. Is it moving?

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