Of Coffee And Caramel

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"Alright guys, listen up!" Richard walked around the cubicles, handing each of them a set of documents. "This could very well be our next big thing, so I want all hands on deck!"

Cecilia started to read out loud. "Nathan Wilde. 36-year-old white male running for seat of state governor. Has a wife and two kids. Married for twelve years."

She flipped a page. "Jennifer Hopps. Single mother with six-year-old child......oh I see where this is going."

"That's right. I've had a tip from an anonymous source. He's an insider in Nathan's office, so he's pretty trustworthy. According to him, a woman - Jennifer - came to find Nathan one Thursday evening, just before work finished, when the people still in the office were the least.

"According to our source she seemed anxious, and since she had no prior appointment she was turned away. But she continued begging and said that Nathan knew who she was. So the secretary reported her arrival to Nathan, who immediately allowed her to enter.

"Mr Anonymous then said that when she entered the office, she left the door slightly ajar, so he accidentally overheard their conversation - "

Harry snorted. "Yeah right. A married politician, close to winning the elections, meeting up with a mysterious woman. A scene that could potentially cause a scandal! And he doesn't notice that his door is ajar?  I'd bet you my wedding that it was Mr Anonymous himself that decided to play Peeping Tom and started eavesdropping."

Richard pointed a red Sharpie his way. "And a hundred points to Harry for that! I agree with you, but let's allow our source his little lie shall we? He might be the reason for our next jackpot."

Now it was Sherria who snorted. "Don't you mean our first jackpot?"

Richard ignored her and went on.

"Our source couldn't hear quite clearly - muffled office walls and all that - but he did get the gist. Apparently Jennifer is Nathan's ex-girlfriend in high school, and they had a class reunion six years ago, where they met each other again. One thing led to another, and next thing you know she's pregnant. She's been raising the child by herself all these years."

Kyra frowned. "Six years, and she's only saying something now? Why?"

Richard started pacing. "From what Mr Anonymous heard, Jennifer's daughter -  which is called Judy by the way - has been asking about her dad for quite some time. And she's come home crying before because her classmates tease her about not having one. So Jennifer was wondering if Nathan would come see Judy and spend time with her occasionally. "

"And what did our dear old politician have to say about all this?" Harry asked. 

"He was quite the un-gentleman about it. It seems he told her to eff off. He said there was no way for her to prove such a thing and no one would believe her anyway. Oh, and she'd better not show her effing face here again or else her and her effing daughter will effing get it."

"Not a very wise thing to say to the woman that could potentially ruin your career. So what happened after that?"

Richard shrugged. "Jennifer left."

"That's it?"

"That's it. She pleaded for a few more minutes, but when it became clear that Nathan was having none of it -  she left."

Harry frowned. "Wow. That's - quite the anticlimax."

Sherria examined a nail. "Well I would have gone straight to the press. Make as loud as a noise I can, and that way he won't be able to ignore me."

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