Of Judge And Jury

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* music with FEELS *

He was back in the war.

The screams, the clash of steel on steel. This was his reality. 

He knew what was going to happen next. But he also knew, that this time, he could change it.

He marched forward, his eyes burning with steel and determination. He had no weapon on him, but he didn't need it. Kolga was there, right there. Right in front of him, looking him in the eyes, as if she was challenging him.

Well, challenge accepted. 

He reached her in easy strides and caught her in a choke around her neck, lifting her up easily, as if she weighed no more than a feather.

Something was niggling him at the back of his mind. Kolga is a Frost Giant, how can you lift her up just so easily? She's about your height, with a warrior's build no less!

But Loki swatted away that thought like it was a mere fly, and focused all his strength on strangling the last breath out of this thief. She was speaking of course, pleading, but he didn't hear it - it didn't matter anyway, it was just the cowardly lies of a dying woman - 

"I love you."

It wasn't just the shock at the sentence - why would Kolga be saying such things - but also the realization that it was the voice.

That voice.

Her voice.

He snapped right out of it at once. Her voice was an anchor, the thing he so furiously sought, and as he chased after it it brought him right out of the darkness and back into life, and his eyes cleared to see - her. He realized just what he was doing and released her instantly, pulling her into a crushing hug as he realized that she was here, and that he had almost killed her, but then he had stopped just in time. And in all the emotions he felt - relief, shock, guilt - there was one that stood out the most.

"I love you too," he breathed.

There was a sob of relief that escaped from his lips and he squeezed his eyes shut, wrapping his arms around her even tighter.

But their embrace barely lasted five seconds as she suddenly, viciously, pushed him off and away to the side. 

He stumbled and heard her cry his name.

He looked up, and saw Herrick rammed the Sceptre into her back - and out through the front.

The blue jewel pulsed on, unconscious and unfeeling of the blood that now drenched it all over. 

Her blood.

Herrick had paled, his face white as his eyes darted up to Loki's green ones. 

"I - I didn't mean it - I was going for you - " He stopped, realizing that that was probably not the best defense he could come up with.

Loki roared, and leaping forward he dealt a fast and furious upper cut to Herrick's jaw. Herrick fell over backwards, and Loki backhanded him against the temple for better measure.

He dashed back to Kyra, who had fallen to her knees, her chest heaving in an abnormal way. Loki cradled her as carefully as he could, making sure not to accidentally jerk the Sceptre - his Sceptre - that protruded from her back.

Her hands reached up, trembling, and Loki took hold of it, intertwining their fingers in a strong grip.

"Stay with me," he whispered, his voice shaking, his heart hammering wildly in his chest. "Stay with me Kyra, stay with me! "

Lifting his head up to the sky he screamed. 


He looked back down on her, the blood already starting to choke her in her throat. She coughed, and flecks of the red sticky fluid stained his shirt. 

"No no no no no no......you can't leave me Kyra, stay with me!"

"Loki........" She gasped, and he could hear the spasms of pain lacing that one single sound.

"Sssshhhh.....I'm here, just keep your eyes open...." He brushed back a beading tear from her eyes, not realizing that his face was already streaked with tears of his own.

Overhead the thunder swirled and stirred. There was a thump as someone hit the ground behind him, and then a booming voice, familiar and now shaded in sorrow, 

"Herrick. What have you done?"

"My liege. I - I - " He could say nothing. He had gone too far, and he knew it. 

Odin waved a hand and two armored Einherjar stepped out from behind. One of them was Esbern, and his face was clouded with guilt. 

"Take your Captain away," the King of Asgard ordered. As both Einherjar stepped forward, Odin placed a hand flat on Esbern's chest. He didn't look his way, but his voice was stern and icy as he said, "And I would like to have a word with you after this, Esbern."

Esbern bowed his head low, in shame and admittance. "Yes my liege."

The two guards pulled Herrick to his feet and snapped manacles on both his arms and legs. There was a swirl of leaves, a howling wind, and then Heimdall had pulled them back to Asgard.

Loki's hands were shaking as they pressed firmly against her wound, around the shaft of the Sceptre. 

There was so much blood.

Her blood.

Her eyelids fluttered, and half-closed.

"No, no! Stay with me Kyra! Open your damn eyes!"

There was a heavy hand on his shoulder that squeezed gently. "Loki......" came Odin's voice. 

He shook his head, a gesture filled with stubborn denial. "Don't Father. Please don't."

"My son, I am sorry....."

"NO! You do not give up on her, I am not giving up on her!"

"Loki, you must face the truth." The King's voice was abounding in grief as he looked down at the broken body and his broken son.

"Don't say it Father." He was sobbing openly now, rocking Kyra lightly in his arms, seeing the way her eyelids were slowly but surely closing. "Please don't say it."

But Odin said it. 

"It is too late."

Kyra's eyes closed fully and her chest stopped moving. No longer was there any air entering nor leaving her lips.

Loki screamed. 

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