Of Bruises And Bitterness

369 55 18

* Two Steps From Hell epic emotional music above *

"Meddling little busybody."

Kyra backed up, her backpack slung protectively in front of her chest. Her heart thumped like a runaway train, but she was determined not to show it.

"Who are you people? What do you want?" she demanded.

The two men were huge and bulky, blocking the entire entrance of the small alleyway. They advanced meanly, giving her no choice but to retreat. She was going to run out of space soon - behind her was a dead end.

"You leave that wench and her kid alone," one of them said. "You hear me? She's not the one that's got a whole lotta trouble comin' her way."

Even in her dangerous situation Kyra felt something within her flare up.

"Did Nathan send you guys? Are you the one responsible for making her so paranoid? Did you guys threaten to hurt Judy as well?"

She thought of the fearful look and worry Jennifer had worn when she spoke her daughter's name. Her anger escalated.

"You guys are the worst, you know that? And I've got a few words to say to your boss!" she spat. "You tell him, that he's nothing but an - an amorphous nincompoop! And as for you two, I hope you both get attacked by a giant isopod....while you're stark naked! In the shower! And I hope a tongue-eating louse gets into your mouth!"

She lifted her chin up defiantly. The two men frowned, and seemed undecided on whether to laugh or be offended. One of them hacked up a green glob of something nasty and spat it at the ground, before rolling out the muscles in his neck and shoulders.

Crick. Crack.

Kyra swallowed. Something told her things were about to get really bad.

"You're a little spitfire aren't you? Well it's about time somebody doused you with some cold water. Not everybody likes heroes missie."

They walked closer, cracking their knuckles, evil leers marking their faces.

Ah crap. Panicky, she raised her voice and screamed for help. They pounced on her at once of course, a rough hand clamping over her mouth. She trashed and kicked, but her assailants were bestial brutes set on teaching her a lesson -


There was an enraged snarl. She'd recognize that voice anywhere.

Her attackers were violently pushed off of her. Loki stood between her and them, his green eyes flashing murder.

Not letting his eyes off of them, he asked, his voice tense, "Are you hurt?"

"I - I'm fine. But Loki, you can't fight them. The terms of your exile......you'll get executed."

Loki's eyes flickered her way and he swore. He pushed Kyra even further behind him and his grip on her tightened.

One of the thugs thumbed his nose. "Well well well. Whaddya know? Lil princess has got a knight in shining armour! Did she get into your pants or something, for you to come dashing to the rescue like this?"

The little voice in her head spoke up.

Kyra Pierce. You are in a life-threatening situation right now, where both you and Loki are in danger. Right now is not the time to be blushing just because somebody implied you slept with Loki.

A pause.

Though technically speaking, you did sleep with him......

Focus Kyra, focus! 

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