Of Epilogue And Ending

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* final song.....of the final chapter *

"You ready?"


They sat tense, staring intently at the object in front of them. They were in Kyra's apartment, and the object was a radio, sitting squat on the glass table. It was tuned to LaLuna FM, and was currently blaring out some punk rock genre of a song.

Hey, I'm doing fine
And I know I'm out of line
So let's sing this one more time
It goes

Destination: permanent vacation

Then came a whole chorus of na-na-nas, and Kyra was biting her lip in anxiety. In her right hand her phone was clutched by her fingers in a death grip. Loki saw the tension in her posture and couldn't help letting out a chuckle. 

"You know you don't have to try so hard right? You're definitely going to win this."

"Well I don't trust your magic staff very much after what happened to Judy." Kyra shot a dirty look towards the Sceptre, which was leaning against the wall, looking as innocent as a sceptre could be. The blue jewel pulsed away at a steady beat, as if saying hey, it wasn't my fault. "Plus, that thing killed me!"

"Yeah well, that thing also brought you back to life."

"No it didn't, you did."

"Well, it helped."

Kyra shushed him, because at that moment a youthful voice sang - 

Destination: permanent vacation   

 - and the music ended with a bang. There came a second of silence, and then - 

"Call us now, to win two tickets to the luxury Carribean cruise - "

"Oh oh oh we gotta call we gotta call!" Kyra fumbled with her phone and it slipped out of her fingers and to the floor. She swore, loud, and the mother from room 234 who happened to be passing by outside yelled, "Language!"

Loki was laughing so hard he almost fell off the couch. "I don't understand why you're being so panicky when you already wished for it! You're going to win!"

"Well I'm not going to take any chances - " Kyra grabbed hold of her phone and made to get back up, only to bang her head hard against the underside of the glass table. She let loose another expletive. 

"Language!" Loki yelled this time, laughing so hard he really did fell off the couch.


Sherria made her way through the building, her Prada clutch swinging freely in her hand. Today she had put on a navy blue blouse that showed just the right amount of skin, as well as a skirt that showed just the right amount of legs. Her three-inch-high, pointy-toed heels clattered noisily against the stairwell as she made her way down. Normally she would have taken the elevator, but today it was out of service.

She had a portable Walkman in one hand and her handphone in the other. The Walkman was tuned in to a local radio station, and she bobbed her head lightly to the cheerful melody blasting out of her earphones.

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