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"What are you doing back here so soon?" Xehanort demanded. I looked up at him from my chair, not noticing his presence.

"I finished my mission," I answered, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other. "Thought I'd stop by to tell you the good news."

"Oh? And what is that?" Xehanort asked, pretending to be interested. "I'm a very busy man. I don't have time for games-"

"I found the girl," I interrupted. I watched, amused, as his eyes widened. His fists clenched, his jaw tightened, and I could've sworn I saw a vein throb in his neck.

"Vanitas," he said slowly, "if you are lying to me-"

"Want the proof?" I asked, standing up. Smirking, I looked back at him. He stared me down with his piercing yellow eyes. "Make her my new mission."

"No." My smirk fell as he grinned at me. "If what you say is true, I'll have Isa and Braig capture her, since you've failed in the past. She was just a young child then, so how can you possibly succeed when she's now a teenager?"

I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I imagined what could happen to her. All Braig does is talk himself up, but I wouldn't want to be the one he takes aim at. Isa is the one who really worries me, though. I've never trusted the guy ever since I heard about his obsession with Kingdom Hearts.

He loves it almost as much as Xehanort, and that's saying a lot.

"Do you not like my idea?" Xehanort asked, interrupting my thoughts. "It seems you look a little concerned." He was still smiling at me, as if my worry brought him happiness.

"No, I'm just concerned for them," I said smoothly. "They aren't the sharpest tools in the box, that's all."

"Neither are you."

I turned to see two hooded men sitting down. Figures Xehanort would summon them in the middle of our conversation. Glaring at them, I sat back down, resting my head in my hand.

"Look, why don't you just relax, kiddo?" one of them said. "Let the grown-ups handle this, okay?" He leaned forward. "Don't you have some some kid to be fighting right now?"

The other guy snorted. "Don't you mean getting defeated by?"

I felt anger bubble up inside me, but decided not to let it overflow. That would make them feel as if they accomplished something, and I didn't want them to succeed. Luckily for me, I'm good at hiding my emotions.

"Fine," I muttered, just wanting to leave. They could have their fun, but I didn't care. I'm still going to watch over her, no matter what they say. Right now, I need to let out my frustration.

Standing up, I opened a portal.

"And where do you think you're going?" Xehanort asked. I felt their eyes on me, but I refused to look back.

"Somewhere other than here," I answered bitterly.

"Keep an eye on Isa and Braig," Xehanort said, stopping me in my tracks. I looked back to see they were staring at Xehanort, and I could tell they were shocked underneath their hoods. A smile crept up on my face.

"Well, well," I said, crossing my arms. "Let's get a move on, shall we?"

"Oh, c'mon!" one exclaimed. "You can't be serious! He'll only slow us down!"

"He's already failed you once," the other muttered. "He'll do it again."

"Yes, but now he knows her capabilities. You two don't know what she could do," Xehanort said, looking between us.

"Bullshit!" one exclaimed. Xehanort shot a glare at him, making him quiet down.

"Let's just get this over with," the other said, no emotion in his voice. "Just don't get in our way."

"I could say the same to you," I said under my breath. I wasn't too excited to have them around, but it was better than sitting here, doing nothing. Plus, I could keep an eye on Akio. I don't want her to get seriously hurt by these creeps.

"Your mission starts now," Xehanort said. His eyes stared into mine. "Don't fail."

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