Beast's Castle II

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I was sitting in my chair when Braig appeared in his own seat, breathing heavily. Crossing my arms, I looked at him, a smug smile on my face.

"I'm guessing things didn't go too well?" I asked, earning a glare from him.

"She...was slightly stronger than I thought," Braig answered, rubbing his neck. "Not to mention that demon of friend she has."

"Hopefully, Isa has better luck than you," I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, clenching his fists.

"It means that I won't fail," Isa said, causing Braig and me to get startled. He stared at me, raising an eyebrow. "What are we waiting for? I'd like to get this over with."

"Someone's eager," I muttered, standing up. "A little too eager."


We arrived in front of a large, purplish castle. It seemed to reach up into the sky, and large, stone walls surrounded us. Behind us was a gate leading into a deserted forest, except for the occasional howl from some wolves.

"What's she doing in a place like this?" I asked myself, looking up at a statue of a monstrous beast.

"It seems that this girl is drawn to trouble, no?" Isa asked, turning around. "Let's start some. I know that's your specialty." I turned to see he was facing the woods when a man stumbled out of the darkness.

He had black hair in a ponytail, a tight, red shirt, some pants and worn leather boots. He was pretty buff, and looked like he could rip away the gates keeping him out.

"You there!" he yelled in a exaggerated voice. "Could you kindly open these gates for me? I have come to save the pretty girl trapped in here by the hairy beast!"

"What's this girl's name?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. If he was talking about Akio, we were about to have a little "chat".

Wait, what? Did I really just think that? What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Belle, the most beautiful woman in all of France," he said, puffing his already puffed chest. "I will be the one to marry her."

For some reason, an image flashed in my mind.

Wedding bells. Doves taking flight into the air. Me, standing in a suit and tie. A beautiful girl, walking down the aisle. Her long, dark hair trailing behind her. Her hands clutching a bouquet of flowers. Her gorgeous eyes looking right at me. She smiled brightly at me, seeming to be slightly nervous. I pulled her close, and she took in a sharp breath, her eyes getting wide and her face becoming dusted with pink...

What. The. Fuck.

Returning back to reality, I saw Isa had unlocked the gate, letting the muscular man in. They exchanged a few words before nodding to each other. He walked past me, flashing a smile, before heading into the castle courtyard.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Gaston was his name. He plans on killing some beast. That'll be sure to draw her here." Isa looked at me.

"What do you plan on doing?"

"I'll capture her light."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"The light in her heart. The only thing protecting her from the darkness. That should solve our little problem."

"What problem?"

"Xehanort told me his plan. Since her heart is Kingdom Hearts, getting rid of the Light will leave only the Darkness, which can be very powerful for us."

"That'll kill her, though. Having her heart ripped in half won't help anyone."

"It'll make sure that Kingdom Hearts won't stay hidden forever," Isa countered, giving me a look. "I feel as if you care for this girl more than you should. You're not developing feelings for her, are you?"

"Don't be ridiculous," I said, brushing aside his comment.

It's not like I know the answer myself.

Suddenly, I felt my heart leap in my chest. My eyes widened at the sudden jump, and I knew Isa noticed the change.

"She's here," I said.

"Good. I'll handle this." Isa walked towards the courtyard, and I followed after him. We got to the next set of gates to see a girl slipping on her gold headphones before pushing open the large wooden doors leading inside.

We followed after her, stepping into the shadows of the dark foyer. Isa disappeared, so I guess he was making his move already. I watched her with glowing yellow eyes as another girl appeared beside her.

She had golden, bouncy hair, a dark scarf, a white, strapless dress, and white ballet shoes. She seemed to be glowing brightly, especially in this gloomy place. They seemed to be talking for a moment, about to head up the large set of stairs in front of them, when Nobodies suddenly surrounded them. Akio then pulled out her hammer.

The one I gave her.

She swung at one before quickly turning to see another Nobody grab her friend's arm. I saw that they were both affected by its touch, and I felt something in my heart. I flinched as Akio fell to the hard ground. Isa chose that moment to appear with his own Nobodies, grabbing the golden girl and throwing her over his shoulder.

Akio's eyes closed. The girl in Isa's arms fell limp, seeming to grow dim. I stepped forward as Isa turned to face Akio, reaching her in a few quick strides.

"What are you doing?" he hissed at me beneath his hood.

"Just get her light already," I snapped, pulling her into my arms. Her breathing became steady as I rested her head against my chest, standing up. "She'll wake up soon."

"I already have it," he answered. I gave him a confused look when he nodded at the limp girl.

"Uh...okay?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows. How the hell...?

"Let's go already," Isa said. "We have what we came for."

"Wait. Not yet," I said.

"What's the hold up?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "This is not the time to be confessing your love for this girl."

"Shut up," I growled. "Xehanort wouldn't want a weak person like her. She has to grow. Letting her go to these different worlds would help her get some experience."

"That is the stupidest reason to keep someone alive I've ever heard," Isa said with a straight face.

"Just listen to me!" I yelled, getting frustrated. Why do I want to keep her alive? "She'll just be like a puppet. She'll be worthless. Not to mention that she wouldn't join us if she knew we forced her to join the Organization and destroyed her light. That's not want Xehanort wants."

Isa stared at me, seeming to consider this information. I felt her shift in my arms and grew rigid.

"We don't have long," I hissed. "Say something!"

"Fine," he scoffed after a moment. "We'll lure her to us. This is the perfect bait." Isa opened a dark portal, entering it. "I'll find somewhere to hide this one. You just get her anywhere but here. Hopefully, that man is a long enough distraction."

I watched as it closed before sprinting up the stairs, heading to the East Wing. She seemed to be coming to, and I placed her outside a door. Knocking on it, I stood in the shadows to see a pretty lady open the door. She gasped in shock before pulling her into the room, closing the door behind her.

I breathed out in relief. Akio was safe.

Boy, is she a lot of work.

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