Olympus Coliseum

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Returning back to the round room, I saw Braig talking to Xehanort. He seemed to be trying to convince him about something, and Xehanort just shook his head.

"Aw, c'mon! One last chance! We don't have to be violent about this whole thing!" Braig whined.

"No means no, buddy boy," I said, taking my seat.

"Shut it," Braig snapped. Jeez, everyone has a stick up their ass today.

"Only if you know you can plant the seed in her mind," Xehanort said, coming to a conclusion. Braig nodded, smiling.

"You got it!" he exclaimed. He turned to face me, winking. "You and me, buddy boy." Groaning, I opened another portal. Man, I'm not getting a break today at all.


We appeared in a dark world, standing in the middle of a winding path.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Olympus Coliseum," Braig replied. "Right now, we're in the Underworld, home to Hades. He's the Greek god of death." I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged. "I do my research."

"Okay. She should be here soon if this is where we appeared." I backed into the shadows as Braig disappeared into the darkness as well. We watched for a moment, waiting for something to happen, when she came bounding down the path.

Akio was huffing, wiping the sweat away. She was still griping the hammer tightly. She pushed some strands of her long, dark hair back into its ponytail. She looked around, her beautiful eyes landing on me for a second before moving on.

She turned around, about to head back to where she came from before Braig appeared, startling her with his voice.

"Look who's here. Have you been a good girl?" he asked.

"Braig," Akio sneered. "I thought you had run back to Daddy?" I smiled at her sass.

"And I thought Isa had destroyed your light? I guess we're both wrong," Braig countered. Akio flinched openly at the memory. What did Isa do?

That's when he showed up.

"Xigbar? Or Braig?" Riku asked, summoning his Keyblade.

"Braig," she answered. I watched in surprise as she swung her hammer, the metal connecting with Braig's skull. He fell to the ground, clutching his head.

"You'll regret this," he hissed. He opened a dark portal, leaving them. Akio seemed to realize what she had just done and I noticed her hand start to shake. She turned to Riku and they continued down the path, talking.

For no particular reason, I followed them.

They continued on, going to many different areas before coming to a throne room. Must be this Hades guy's place. They looked around the room, but he wasn't in sight.

"Where is he?" Akio asked aloud.

"Something isn't right," Riku answered, shaking his head. Akio nodded in agreement before walking over to the large windows overlooking the Underworld. Riku headed towards a large map in the middle of the room, confused. Akio joined him on the opposite side, touching it.

The map suddenly disappeared, a large hole underneath. Greenish light was shining from it, lost souls whispering, calling out to those who would listen. Akio winced in pain, stumbling closer to the edge. Riku ran towards her, grabbing her arm.

"Haku, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Let go!" Akio yelled at him. "I have to help these poor, unfortunate souls."


"There's nothing you can do for them!" Riku stated.

"But....I must!" Akio exclaimed, pulling away. She stared into the hole, making a decision.

She wouldn't. She better not even try to jump in there. I swear if she does...

Akio started to leap in the hole, but I was faster. As a shadow, I shot across the ground, spun her around, and jumped back into the darkness. She landed on the ground, the map closing behind her. Riku lowered himself, trying to talk to her. She was just staring out into space with a blank face, her mouth moving as if she was talking to someone.

Finally, she blinked. They exchanged words and both stood up, but Akio looked back at the map as if it was calling her. Finally, she turned and followed after Riku, who had already left.

Honestly, what would this girl do without me?

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