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Akio walked back out her bathroom over to her closet, pulling on some combat boots. She then turned to see Riku still sleeping on her couch. Smiling, she pulled some headphones and an air horn out of nowhere.

Where did she get that, her bra? Isn't that what girls do with munny and food?

Akio pulled on the headphones, taking a few steps back.

She wouldn't. Would she?

Akio pressed on the button, letting out an ear-shattering sound.

Yep. It's official. I'm making this girl mine.

I watched, laughing as Riku got tangled in the blankets, falling to the floor in surprise. He got himself loose and smacked the air horn out of Akio's hand, furious. She just kept laughing, and I couldn't help but smile.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Riku yelled, breathing hard. Akio held up a finger before removing her headphones. She nodded, and Riku started yelling at her again.

"Sorry?" Akio said, smiling and shrugging her shoulders. He looked like he wanted to continue his rant, but smiled a little. "I'll make it up to you. Sea-salt ice cream for breakfast? My treat."

"Okay, fine. But no more air horns!" Riku exclaimed, tossing the air horn behind his back. Akio giggled before walking towards the window. She opened it up, glancing my way for a second. Almost as if she could sense my presence. She swung her legs over the window sill, jumping into the Sandlot. I opened a dark portal, watching her approach a group of kids.

Watching from a distance, I saw one guy wearing a beanie turn to see her coming. He seemed to be checking her out, making me get mad. They said a few things, but he leaned in all close to Akio. She backed up, clearing her throat loudly.

"Riku! C'mere!" she yelled. I was actually grateful for him to be there, even though he was pushing it by putting his arm around Akio. They said some stuff before Riku covered her mouth, leading her away from them.

Not going to lie, but Riku was actually useful.

They headed towards another area that was larger and filled with different shops. A train was moving around the area, going in a continuous loop. They headed over to a shop with little candies on it, laughing along the way.

Akio pulled out some munny, giving it to the owner. She was handed two blue ice creams, passing one to Riku. They then sat down on some steps, eating their treat and talking. I zoned out on their conversation. They were just talking about stuff that happened in the past, like defeating Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and other stuff. That's when I heard the words "Castle Oblivion."

"I had a weird dream last night," Akio said, the ice cream stick clenched between her teeth. "I went to a place called Castle Oblivion, and I saw Sora, Donald, and Goofy. There was another guy, too. He had an Organization XIII coat and pink petals." She trailed off, looking up into the sky with her big eyes.

Maybe that's her power. She can see things in the past. But, how would she know about something like that? She couldn't know about that. Sora, Donald, and Goofy don't even remember that.


As in memories.

She remembered a forgotten memory.

"What do you think it means?" Akio asked. Riku just shook his head, as confused as me.

That's her power.


"Where's Xehanort?" I asked, standing in the center of the round room. Braig and Isa looked down, stopping their conversation.

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