Mickey and Riku II

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Once again, I was lounging in my chair when Isa appeared, not-so-nice words spilling out of his mouth. I laughed, glaring at him. He gave me a death stare before sitting down.

"Did you have fun?" I asked. He slammed his fist down on the arm of the chair, grinding his teeth.

"Shut your fucking mouth," he snapped. I raised an eyebrow.

"That's not very kind," I said.

"Neither is your girlfriend!"

"She's not-"

"I'll kill the bitch."

"Whoa!" I yelled. "Chill out, asshole!" I watched as he took in a deep breath. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Her light, that's what! Almost killed me! I should've destroyed it when I had the chance."

"Anger won't solve your problems."

"Just...go. I need some time to myself."

"Gladly," I muttered, standing up. Opening a dark portal, I headed to the place where this all began.


I stared at the endless sea of Keyblades. They were rusted and worn, as if one touch could destroy them all. My shoes crunched on the ground beneath me. It was if this place was dying. My birth world.

Of course, this is also Akio's birth world, too.

I wonder if it even has a heart, like the other worlds scattered in our universe. I guess it does, since it's still here. It's life force is slowly draining, though. Soon, it may fall into darkness.

"So, how is the mission going?" a voice croaked. I turned to see Xehanort walking over to me, hands behind his back.

"Braig and Isa are failing. You should just let me handle this. She knows about us, or, well, the Organization."

"Ah, yes. It was bound to happen." Xehanort turned to face me. "Let's give them one last chance, then you may take over."

"She's not even the one who's defeating them. It's Kingdom Hearts."

"Kingdom Hearts is powerful. You'd think by now it would give the girl a heart and be on its way."

"Yeah," I muttered. That's already covered. "What is so special about her?"

"Maybe it's because her mother sacrificed herself. Kingdom Hearts ended up being responsible for her death, so they rescued the girl."

"You were responsible for her mother's death."

"I was saving her."

"From what?"

"The power of Kingdom Hearts. It was too great for her. She would've burned out, and her heart would have shattered to a million pieces."

"Or did you just want that power for yourself?"

"Are you accusing me of killing my old friend out of jealousy?"

"It wouldn't be the first time," I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"He was in the way."

"Forget it," I said. "Look, there's got to be another reason why Kingdom Hearts is watching over her, and I'm finding out."

"Fine. You have my permission to keep a close eye on her," Xehanort said.

"I wasn't asking," I muttered, walking into another dark portal.


I appeared in front of a large tower that was winding up. It was on one piece of land, floating in the middle of the sky. Stars twinkled above me and clouds were below the land. Mountains were in the distance, breaking through the fluffy clouds.

I watched as Akio walked up the steps, opening the door to this mysterious tower. I followed after her to see her run up an endless flight of stairs.

Forget that.

Opening a portal, I walked into the top room. It had a desk with a wizard hat on it, chair, and bookshelves. The windows were shaped like stars and crescent moons, and another door that opened to a hallway.

I heard footsteps, so I entered the small hallway, leaving the door creaked open. I watched as Akio opened the door, sitting in the large chair. She placed the hat on her head, cleared her throat, and started speaking in a deep voice.

"Now, young Keyblade wielder. You must train hard if you want to kick butt and become a Keyblade Master!" she said in a terrible impression of a man. I stifled a laugh when I heard a familiar voice.

"Master Yensid?" Mickey asked, poking his head into the room. Akio had frozen, but smiled and waved shyly. She stood up, removing the hat from her head.

"Uh, hi," Akio said sheepishly.

"Don't worry. I won't tell Master Yensid about this," Mickey reassured her, chuckling. "The name's Mickey! Ah-ha!" He held out a gloved hand and Akio shook it, giggling.

"I'm Haku. Nice to meet you, Mickey," Akio replied. I flinched at the name she called herself, but that's when I noticed the silent guy behind them. He had silver hair and turquoise eyes, and I immediately didn't like him.

Akio suddenly grimaced, grabbing her head. She squeezed her eyes closed, and Mickey looked concerned.

"Haku? Are you alright?" he asked. The other guy had stepped forward when she suddenly collapsed to the floor. I wanted to reach out to her, but something came over that wouldn't let me move.

"Don't," a voice whispered. "Don't blow your cover."

"Xehanort," I muttered, clenching my fists. Akio's eyes had fluttered open, and she stood up, rubbing the back of her head. She stumbled, almost falling again, when the guy grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Hey, take it easy," he said, eyes filled with concern. I felt something in me change. A sudden wave of anger and envy washed over me.


I'll remember you.

Akio pulled away from his grip, glaring at him and standing taller. I smirked as she said, "I can handle myself, thanks." Crossing my arms, I leaned against the wall. She's independent.

Me likey.

Mickey whispered to Riku, and he gave Akio a look before walking out of the room. Mickey then turned to Akio.

"So, uh, how are ya feeling? I remember I found ya knocked out at......uh.....are you feeling better?" he asked. He doesn't want to tell her about the Keyblade Graveyard. I guess that's smart.

"Uh, I'm good. But you were the person who brought me here? It wasn't just a dream?" she asked. Dream?

"I sure did!" Mickey exclaimed. They continued their conversation while I thought for a second. She doesn't seem to remember the moment she first awoke in the Keyblade Graveyard. I guess when she left this mysterious tower, she returned to....somewhere?

I'll have to figure that out later.

Akio suddenly smacked her forehead, heading out the door. I opened a dark portal and followed her, standing at the bottom of the staircase they were sitting on. They seemed to be talking when Akio shoved him playfully, laughing.

The wave crashed over me again.

Riku chuckled, saying something to cause Akio look at him with surprise. She jumped up, pulling him up as well with a huge smile on her face. She opened a dark portal, making Riku's eyes widen. He asked something, no doubt wondering how the heck she did that. Akio just winked, putting a finger to her lips before grabbing his hand, pulling him into the darkness.

I caused Unversed to suddenly appear, but I didn't care.

I was drowning in those negative emotions.

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