Dream II

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I collapsed on my bed, holding up my hand. I took off the glove, staring at the red-hot skin. I flinched at the wave of pain I felt, sighing.

I have no idea what I'm going to do. It seems hopeless to even try anymore. I'll have no choice but to let Xehanort take over.

"Akio," I mumbled, closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes, confused. I was laying on the ground, and it was dark. My eyes quickly adjusted, but something seemed different. I wasn't in my room. I was in Akio's.

Getting up, I dusted myself off. Looking around, I saw everything was just the way it was before. I did notice something new, though. A sleeping body was sprawled out on the bed. She mumbled something, causing me to smile.

Akio shifted, waking up. She strecthed her arms out, pulling herself up into a sitting position. She got on her hands and knees, crawling towards the edge of the bed. I walked towards her, hands in my pocket.

"Aerith? Is that...you?" Akio asked.

"Who?" I questioned. She jumped back, and I grabbed her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. She let out a yelp the second I touched her, so I loosened my grip. "Calm down, Akio. Jeez."

"Who are you?" Akio asked, not sounding as nervous.

"You don't recognize my voice?" I asked, pretending to be hurt. "Maybe you'll recognize this." I leaned forward, kissing her soft lips slowly. I pulled away before she could react.

"Vanitas," she whispered, sending a shiver down my spine. She seemed to finally see me, pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist, not wanting to let go. I felt her heart beating fast, smiling softly.

She still hasn't changed.

"Where have you been?" Akio asked, her voice muffled. I tensed up at the question, relaxing quickly.

"Let's not worry about that now," I replied, brushing aside her question. "What matters is that I'm here now, and that we're together." She pulled away from me, and I realized I missed holding her. My arms just felt empty.

I felt empty.

I was suddenly hit in the face with something soft, knocking me over. I landed on the floor, moving over to the lamp next to her bed.

"All I've been able to do is worry about you! Don't change the subject!" Akio yelled. I turned on the lamp, wincing at how bright it got. Looking up, I saw Akio standing on the spring mattress, a pillow in her hands.

Her eyes wandered around the room before landing on me. I could tell she was checking me out, but I couldn't help but stare at her, too.

Akio's hair was wild, more of it hanging on the right side. Her shirt seemed kind of small, exposing some of her skin. Her overalls were still short, showing off her long legs. Honestly, it was cute how she was standing on the bed, holding that pillow like it was a weapon.

I smirked, causing her to glare at me. She swung the pillow at me again, but I caught it this time, pulling her down. She landed on her knees on the bed, and I leaned forward. Our faces were a few inches apart, but I could still hear her beating heart.

"So, this is how you're going to treat me after I disappear?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She frowned, turning away from me.

"Yes," she replied, sitting on the other side of the bed. She crossed her arms, and I walked in front of her.

"C'mon, Akio," I said. "Don't be like that." She refused to meet my gaze, making me feel bad. What had I done to make her act so cold?

"You left me without even explaining what you said before," Akio huffed. "Why do you want to turn on our friends? You were the one who thought of joining them in the first place!"

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