lesson#09: Pain and healing

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Waking up with the twins Lilith and Mikaela I couldn't tell if its a blessing or a curse....but one thing was for sure....it was another one of those outdoors days
It felt like it had been years since I last stepped outside...but then every hour in this realm felt like a year already.... According to my calendar at the back of my diary....I've been Here for almost eleven days....it was a week already with me in training and the other me in a coma.....as I went down the steps the twins greeted me at the same time both offering me enthusiastic smiles
I smiled back uneasily as I greeted them

"We finally get to train a Koran" Lilith squealed

Mikaela just smiled at me and offered me a hand as I got down the last step...not that I couldn't do it alone.... Maybe it was an act out of kindness because brutal treatment followed later on

"The Korans were trained by the high sorcerer himself.....we can never be half the warriors the Korans were" Lilith said as they led me into the forest
"Are there any sorcerers left??"I asked

Since almost everyone was either the last of their kind or completely a wiped out race

"Bah! Of course!!" Exclaimed Lilith
"The master's grandfather was the wizard of the first order...a master of all sorcery .....he unlike the rest....was good...he .........died" Mikaela said...but something about the way she said died did not fit
"You're not sure if he did??I asked
"We all know he did..
But his body was never found.... Shortly after ,the Korans started Dying too....probably because their master was no more....the magic probably wore off....but the High sorcerer left one in the hands of the master....Sahalia......she was made into perfection.... An unstoppable warrior....well..she woke in the time of need when another war erupted and involved the dark Lord....he dragged her with him" Lilith said putting on a sad face
Oh I didn't buy that part one bit

"You mean killed herself by the order of the master" I said flatly

Angelica threw Lilith a sharp glance that sent some kind of message I couldn't interpret....I wish there was some lesson about interpreting messages hidden by looks...well if there was I'm sure my language teacher would've taught me that

"Well...in terms of death...she and the dark Lord died together" Lilith said
"And where is the dark Lord now??" I asked

Lilith's smile faded and she cleared her throat

"Right" she said
"We're here" Mikaela said

Looking around it was some part of the forest you probably don't want to venture alone...
It made you feel like the trees have eyes and hands....

"So today's lesson....will be about withstanding pain....and how to heal yourself" Lilith said

Yes I was right...a day outdoor can never be good

"How exactly"I asked
"Like this" Lilith sneered with a little bit of too much irony or threatening in her sentence as she raised her hand and curled her fingers as if trying to catch something in the air

She kind of looked like snow White's step mother


I didn't finish my sentence and I felt a sharp pain as if a sword went through me....I gasped as I crouched and threw my arms around me.... I looked up at Lilith..she was kind of smiling....grinning....smirking...I couldn't tell....all I could feel was my insides threatening to start a war inside of me

"That's not pain" Lilith said coldly as she walked around me....then twirled a strand of my hair around her finger...she leaned closer and whispered in my ear

"This is"

She touched my shoulder and I could feel a high electric current go through me....what did I expect a daughter of a demon to teach me...she was no different from Lucifera but at least Lucifera was the devil's daughter who was a major in her father's work

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