How You Met

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Guess who's back?

People always ask if it was love at first sight with you and Leo, but it was the opposite.

You were walking down the quiet hallway when someone called your name, making you jump. The water fountain next to you exploded, making you jump again. You turned and saw a frowning principal and a surprised looking boy. "Again Miss (L/N)?" Your jaw dropped. "But I didn't touch the fountain!" You protested. "You know the drill." The principal walked away and you glared at the strange boy that scared you.

"I'm gonna have to call your mom this time." The principal informed you. "But I didn't do anything! I got startled and the fountain exploded!" You protested. "And that's the fifth time this month. First you got angry in the science lab and the sink exploded. Then you got embarrassed in the cafeteria and your water bottle exploded. Third, you got sad in gym and the showers exploded, next you got excited outside and the sprinklers exploded. And finally you got scared and the water fountain exploded." He recalled. "You're lucky that I haven't- that I'm not going to write you up." You cocked your head to the side. "Why not?" You asked. "Well summer's coming up and I have an idea of what's happening. But I will have to call your mom." You sighed. "Alright."
Small time skip
You sat outside the office when an announcement came on. "Leo Valdez to the main office please." Your mom walked out with a piece of paper. "I got directions." She said in a sing song voice, waving the paper around. "Direction to where exactly?" You questioned. "Directions to the place I'm gonna take you and that other boy once he gets here." She told you. "Um, mom? That didn't answer my question, but what other boy?" You asked. "That one!" You looked and your eyes widened. "No, I'm not going anywhere with him! He scared me and the fountain exploded!" You whined. "Well you're just going to have to deal with it." You crossed you arms as your mom started walked toward the door. You followed her to the car.

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