I Miss You

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So I found this oneshot being unused and I was like, you haven't updated in... Then I had to stop scolding myself because I don't remember the last time I updated even thought I was probably yesterday. I am awful with time if I'm not in school. Like I once was convinced it was Saturday even though it was Friday and I was upset when I had to go to camp. But enough with my rambling I could go on all day even though it's around 11:20pm right now... I'm rambling again, I'm gonna stop now.

Daughter of Poseidon again.

Leo had asked you to help him change his look but just for day. You were very skeptical but he was your best friend and you'd do anything for him. He was completely different now except for the chocolate brown eyes and black hair that you a somehow brushed and made it somewhat straight. He hugged you and left you there.

The next few days Leo always had a bunch of girls around him and he kept ditching you. Eventually you stopped trying. Finally Leo came back. "Hey (Y/N). What's up? I haven't seen you." You glared at him. "I got tired of punching girls every time I wanted to talk to you, most of the girls in the Aphrodite cabin hate me." Your gaze softened. "I miss you." Leo smirked at you. "I'm standing right here." You glared again. "I mean I miss you. The old you. This isn't you." He sat next to you. "I'm still me. Bad boy supreme, Mcshizzle." He nudged your shoulder and you smiled. "Yeah, when your around me." He frowned and then smiled again. "But all the ladies love Leo."
You shrugged. "I love the other Leo with crazy curly hair and grease all over his clothes." He hugged you. "I'm sorry. I know I kinda ditched you." You hugged back. "It's alright, you were caught up in the fame." He smiled. "But if you ever do this again I will beat you up. And you are going to change right now."

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