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Happy Fourth of July if you celebrate it guys!

Fireworks were the best, the Romans were even there to watch. The Hermes cabin was in charge of fireworks but Chiron told to to make sure they don't go too over the top. You told him that you were the wrong person to ask and he said that over the top meant make sure Connor and Travis don't set anything or anyone on fire. You told him that you would do your best. So you were currently working with Connor and Travis, already have ruling out Connor's firebomb supreme. "But why not?!" He whined. "Because, we can't call the fire department after you set someone on fire." He sighed and started rummaging through a box. "This cabin is flammable enough on its own." He turned to you. "Haha very funny (N/N)." You looked into the box. "I wasn't kidding." He didn't say anything after that. You were planning on spending the fireworks with Connor, Lou Ellen, and Reyna if you could convince her to hang out with you guys. You were already happy that you had forced Travis to ask Katie and she said yes. Leo walked into the cabin. "Hey Leo, wanna help?" Connor punched you (don't worry, it wasn't a hard punch). "It'll spoil the fun and surprise!" You rolled your eyes. "Don't look in the box please." Leo nodded. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch the fireworks with me?" He asked hopefully and you turned to Connor. "I don't care, but if Lou Ellen injures me or turns me into an animal I'm holding you responsible." You thought for a second. "I can live with that. I'll would love that Leo." He smiled and ran out the cabin. "I was serious about Lou Ellen." Connor said. "I know, I've turned a number of people into animals."

You were wearing a blue dress with white stars and red flats cause it was the Fourth of July and, why not? You told Leo that you both could watch the fireworks from on top of your cabin because it was high enough and you could be alone, which made him blush. You were sitting on top of your cabin with a blanket and a camera. Leo climbed up and sat next to you as smiled at him. "Smile." You snapped a picture of the two of you and put down the camera. "Do you know when it starts?" You nodded. "3...2...1, and-" the fireworks started. You stared up at the sky in awe, unaware of Leo smiling at you. He just loved your smile, and the way the fireworks sparkled in your (E/C) eyes. Leo put his arm on your shoulder and you sat closer to him, putting your head on his shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)?" Leo whispered in your ear. "Yeah?" You whispered back. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" You smiled. "Sure."

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