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This is probably going to be mostly dialogue. But I loved all the ideas in the last chapter but I'm going to use demifaller_forever idea which was GodlyGoods, but I want to thank you all because I wasn't expecting all of those ideas. And you're a daughter of Poseidon

Leo had made a YouTube for demigods and called it GodlyGoods. There was all the normal stuff like music videos and vloggers. Like Connor and Travis who posted all their pranks, Lou Ellen did different spell and such, or Katie who did gardening tutorials, or Drew who did makeup tutorials. There were also Romans, like a couple of Romans made videos of Dakota acting like he was drunk. There was another channel called Faun Fails when other Romans would film fauns doing hilarious stuff. Leo had his own channel and he would do lot of random stuff sometimes you went on, sometimes Connor and Travis came on and on rare occasions he could get Katie to come on. He always wanted you to be on his videos though. Leo would do challenges with you and you thought it was really funny, you especially loved reading all the comments. "Hey (Y/N)." You ran over to Leo. "What's up?" You sat down next to him. "You should answer these questions with me in a video." Leo suggested. "Ok."

Now you guys are doing the video.

"Hi guys, I'm here with my awesome and beautiful girlfriend (Y/N)!" You smiled. "Awww, hello!" You waved and hugged Leo's side. "What are we doing, we're answering questions right?" Leo nodded. "Yup!"
"First, where did we meet?" Leo read and he gave you a second to think. "Oh, we met at lunch that one time because Percy, hi Perce, but Percy made me come and we met then." Leo nodded, remembering that. "Second, where was our first date. At a picnic at the beach, remember that?" You nodded. "I didn't even get a chance to answer that." You shrugged and looked at the camera. "Haha, ok next is, what was your first impression of me? Well I thought that you were nice and calm. Which you are not." You laughed a bit. "I'm like that around people I don't know. But I thought you were funny and kinda crazy, which you are." You shoved him playfully. "Yeah yeah, fourth, when did you meet the family? Like our siblings?" You shrugged. "I met a few of yours before I met you. But I didn't meet Jake and Harley until we were at a convention. Oh, they have the most adorable channel where they build stuff that I can't make." You shook your head and Leo laughed. "I think I met all of you siblings before I met you, granted your only sibling is Percy." You nodded. "He's the coolest though." Leo scoffed. "You're just saying that because he might see this." You laughed. "Yeah, Harley is the coolest." You admitted. "Ugh how many questions are there?" You whined. "30, now for the fifth mquestion." You flopped onto the bed. Leo glanced at you and went back to the questions. "Do I have any weird obsessions, and if so what? Well you love chocolate." You smiled. "I do. But that's not weird. And you love making things." Leo nodded. "I really do. Next is, how long have we been together? 4 years?" Leo turned to you. "5." You just stared at him. "Why are you staring at me?" You shrugged. "Do we have any traditions?" You nodded. "2, every month we drive to Camp Jupiter, and every week we prank people with Connor and Travis. But I'm only invited so if they need a girl." Leo laughed. "What was our first road trip?" You thought for a bit. "It was when us, Percy, and Annabeth went to visit Hazel and Frank." You laughed. "Remember when I threw you apple out the window?" Leo nodded. "Because when ever you're on a long car trip you feel the need to throw something out the window. That's your weird obsession." You gave him a deadpan look. "I only throw stuff out the window when you annoy me. Like when we went to the carnival." You shrugged. "Next, what was the first thing you noticed about me? I noticed how beautiful you are." You smiled. "You are so incredibly sweet and cheesy!" He laughed. "I know, what is my favorite restaurant? You like (F/R)." You nodded. "I really do, you favorite thing is to just make tacos though, does that count?" Leo shrugged. "I don't know, the next question is, what do we argue about the most? Well you have this weird thing about the cabinet doors have to be closed." You sighed. "Because I'm clumsy so I'm gonna hurt myself." Leo nodded. "You are clumsy. Next, who wears the pants in the relationship?" You had a very confused expression. Leo turned and laughed at your face. "What is it?" He asked. "What does that mean? (Really, I don't know.)" Leo stopped laughing. "I don't know. We're gonna skip that question guys. So next is if I am watching tv what am I watching? You like (F/S)." You nodded. "I don't know what shows you like, you'll watch anything." You waited for Leo to tell you the next question but when he didn't you turned to look at him and he was already looking at you. "What?" Leo jumped a bit and turned away from you. "Sorry, nothing. The next question is," Leo continued like he wasn't just staring at you. "What is one food I do not like?" Leo turned to you. "You don't like (L/F/F)." You nodded. "I don't. You didn't like the brownies I made that one time but they did suck." You admitted. "What's next?" You asked. "What drink do I order when we go out to eat?" You turned to him. "You like Coke right?" Leo nodded. "And you like (F/D)." You nodded too. "Who came up with these, some of these questions are really boring." Leo shrugged. "Now they want to know our shoe size. You have (S/S) feet." Leo said. "I don't what your shoe size is." You looked at Leo. "I just let Hazel buy all my shoes." You laughed. "Next is, what is my favorite type of sandwich? You love those (F/S/T) sandwiches." You nodded. "You like the chicken sandwiches from, uh, that place." Leo laughed at you. "Yes, that place. What's one talent I have?" Leo turned to you. "Tell me one of my awesome talents." You rolled your eyes. "You're an awesome mechanic, you can make great tacos, and you're incredibly cocky." You said shoving him a bit. "I am. You pretty good at (talent)." Leo admitted, shoving you a little bit harder than you did. You both went back and forth until Leo pushed you off the bed and off camera. He gasped and jumped up and ran over to help you up. You both got up and sat back in front of the camera. "I'm ok guys, don't worry I'm fine." Leo smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that." Leo gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. You blushed. "It's alright." You were still blushing when Leo read the next question. "What would I eat everyday if I could? You would eat (F/F), obviously." You nodded. "You would totally eat tacos. Like all the time." You said, a small hint of a blush on your face. "Are you blushing?" You shook your head really fast and buried your face in your hands, your blush growing. "Aww, what's my favorite cereal? I don't eat cereal that much. You like (F/Cereal), right?" Leo asked. "Yeah. What's next?" Leo checked. "What's my favorite music? Oh gods, you absolutely love (F/Music/Band)." You smiled. "I do, it's/they're awesome. You just listen to the same stuff I do." Leo looked for the next question. "What's my favorite sports team? You like, um, (F/S/T)?" Leo questioned. "Yup, I believe you like (random sports team)." Leo nodded. "What is my eye color? You have the most beautiful (E/C) eyes." You smiled. "Thank you, plus you didn't even have to check. And you have chocolate brown eyes." You laid your head on Leo's shoulder while he read the next question. "Who is my best friend? Is it Annabeth, Hazel, or (B/F)?" You shrugged. "They're all my best friends, yours are Piper and Jason." You said. "Yeah, they're the best. Anyway, what is one thing I do that you wish I didn't? Well I love everything about you." Leo leaned down and kissed your nose. "While that is incredibly sweet and probably a lie, I wish you didn't scare me all the time." You said. "It all in good fun, next is where am I from? You're from (H/T)." You nodded. "I loved/hated (I don't know how you guys feel, I just know you're awesome) that place, you're from Houston, Texas. You'll have to take me sometime." You told him. "I'll make sure to do that, now what kind of cake would you make me on my birthday? I'll make you (F/F)." Leo said, looking at you. "I don't know about that one, I'll just tell Piper and Jason to make it." Leo rolled his eyes at you. "Do I play any sports? Like all sports? Does climbing the lava wall count? I've done that. You can do pretty much everything." You smiled. "Firstly, you're immune to fire so climbing the lava wall doesn't count. And I can't do everything. Like I can't (something you can't do)." Leo sighed. "Fine, what can I spend hours doing? You spend entire days reading." You nodded. "You'll spend hours doing anything mechanical, I don't know how you do it." You repositioned yourself so your head was in Leo's lap. "Last question! If I could live anywhere where would it be? You told me at one point that you'd like to live in (dream place to live)." You smiled. "I remember you saying that living in New Rome might be cool although you hadn't seen the whole thing before blowing it up. And I'd live anywhere as long as you are with me." You said, flicking Leo's shoulder. "You are so cheesy (Y/N). Bye guys! Say bye, (N/N)." Leo reminded. You sat up. "Bye, wait who's at the door?" You got up to check. "Hold on." A few seconds went by and you could hear the door open in the background. "It's Connor and Travis!" You yelled from off screen. "Come say hi, or bye." You, Leo, Connor, and Travis appeared on screen. "1... 2... 3... Bye guys!"

This took me like three days to finish. Wow. Tell me in the comments what you think the comments would be if this was an actual video.

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