20 Questions Tag

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1. I can't leave the house without clothes, but that's obvious. Some times I water the plants with no shoes though... And my phone sometimes.
2. Don't wear makeup, I'm all natural! XD
3. I love tiger lilies, they're so pretty!!
4. I like Macy's and Forever 21 a lot I guess...
5. Omg, I LOVE the warm vanilla sugar anything(including perfume) from bath and body works!
6. Flats, I'm clumsy I don't think I even own heels.
7. Yup, they are pretty good, I hate math though. In the real world, I don't think it's that important that I know that 1+1=2.
8. Purple! And blue, black, gold, orange, and silver, but mostly purple.
9. No, except for this powder stuff you put in water that I guess counts as an energy drink.
10. Yes, a lot of it, I really like orange juice.
11. Yes I love swimming even though I'm not that good at it.
12. No, I eat a lot of stuff with my fingers, it's really weird.
13. Everything from bath and body works, but mostly the warm vanilla sugar.
14. I don't know, I don't think I do. It was never something I was interested in, unless you count fictional characters...
15. Yes, I will get mad at the smallest things too.
16. No, I prefer to watch other people ghost hunt. On tv. From the comfort of my living room.
17. I'm kinda claustrophobic. I don't even like being in a room with the door closed unless I'm showering or getting dressed.
18. Yes, it's really bad actually. I'll grow out my nails and then chew on just one and get mad about it. It actually sound pretty gross now that I'm typing it...
19. No, one time I had this dream where I was falling and I rolled off the bed and whenever I roll off the bed while I'm sleeping it seems really far. But no, I can't think of a time where my life was actually in danger.
20. No, I'm awake enough as it is, I don't think coffee would be a good idea.

Am I supposed to tag a certain amount of people? Eh, I just won't count.

Is that enough people, this was a lot of work... But it's not like I was doing anything. Bye!

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