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"I'm sorry." Leo said, following you into your cabin. You silently walked to a shelf and picked up a vase. "Is this special to anyone?" You asked quietly and your sibling(s) shook their heads. "Is this important to you, did you give it to me?" Your voice sounded like you had been crying. Leo shook his head. You lead him to the porch. "Smash it." Leo gave you a skeptical look but threw it to the ground. "Now say sorry." You demanded, still unusually quiet. "Sorry? " Leo asked/said. "Did it go back to the way it was?" Leo shook his head. "Do you understand?" Leo nodded this time. "Good." You grabbed a broom and began to clean up while ignoring Leo.

You were still upset but getting better. You heard a knock on the cabin door and as soon as you opened it Leo pulled you outside and showed you a ring. "This is my promise to you. I promise to never, ever hurt you again. And I know I said this last time but you didn't have a ring so it's different now. I love you so much and I know that you have no reason to believe me but I really do. I regret what I did, I won't do it again and I want to know what I can do to make things better." At this point you had tears running down your face. You grabbed Leo's face gently and pulled him down to eye level. He looked at you and you pressed your lips to his softly. He kissed back, putting one arm around your waist and held your head with his other hand. When you pulled away you were in the same position but then he was hugging you. "It's ok. And I love you too."

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