Stuffed Animals

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Whenever you didn't feel well, everyone who came to see you knew because you had lots of stuffed animals around you. When Leo asked Percy where you were Percy snickered. "I couldn't find her." Leo just stared. "What do you mean?" Percy put his hand up. "Like, there were so many stuffed animals on the bed I couldn't find her so I gave up." Percy laughed. "Should I look for her?" Leo asked smiling. "I mean you can try. The last time I woke her up when I found her like that she yelled at me and hit me with a tiger plushie." Leo laughed too. "I'll get her."

When Leo walked into the Poseidon cabin he couldn't figure out where the stuffed animals came from. He put them on the floor one by one until he found your face. "Hey (Y/N)?" You softly hit him with a pillow. "My everything hurts." You whined opening your eyes. "Are you sick?" You shook your head. "I don't think so. It's probably because I fell off the roof of the Hermes cabin." Leo's eyes widened. "How?!" You smiled. "It was pretty funny. I was spying on Cecil and Connor came up on the roof and scared me and I fell off." Leo just sighed. "I don't get you sometimes." You shifted and winced. "Can I have a hug." You asked putting your arms out. "Won't it hurt?" Leo raised an eyebrow. "Yeah but you're warm so it'll be worth it." He sighed again an gently pulled you into a hug. "My arm hurts." Leo slightly pushed you over and looked at your arm. "It looks fine." You put your head in his lap and looked up at him. "Do I have to get up?" You asked and he smiled. "No." You turned you head and fell asleep.

This was me this morning. My stomach hurt and I woke up with lots of stuffed animals.

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