Awful Dinners

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You guys are all at least 21-22 here.
Leo decided that you, him, Katie, Connor, and Travis should make a video and talk about the crazy dinner you guys had. "Hey guys, it's Leo. And I'm here with-(Y/N)!-Katie.-Connor!-and Travis!" You all interrupted, saying your names. "Yes. Now can I speak?" Leo asked smiling. "That's what I thought. (Y/N), would you like to tell everyone what we're doing today?" Your eyes widened as you looked from Leo to the camera. "Um, we going to be talking about, stuff." Leo rolled his eyes and everyone laughed. "Well I don't know if you guys noticed but us five don't usually make videos because me and (Y/N) live up in Minnesota and these three live here in New York and it takes about 20 hours get here. So we decided to all go out." Leo explain. "Oh and by the way," Connor added, "(Y/N) is not allowed to drink alcohol of any kind because she is the most responsible so she has to stay sober and drive us around." He finished and you scoffed. "This is what Uber is for." You said looking at him. "I'm not getting into some strangers car." Connor replied. "I apologize to any uber drivers out there, there isn't anything wrong with you guys." You said looking at the video camera. "Anyways, we were getting ready to go to this restaurant and (Y/N) forgot to bring nice clothes." Leo gave you a pointed look. "This is why we went to the Aphrodite cabin, I got a nice blue dress that I am not returning." You said grabbing the dress.

"But we got to the restaurant and (Y/N) kept asking the waiter questions

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"But we got to the restaurant and (Y/N) kept asking the waiter questions." You rolled your eyes at Katie. "I needed answers. We got appetizers and Leo was totally mean to waiter." You added making everyone laugh. "I was telling a story and waved my hand but it looked like I was telling the waiter to leave." Leo explains. "Then I was talking and I messed up a word and it changed the whole meaning of the sentence but only Connor noticed." You said. "So I looked up and Connor was staring at me with one eyebrow raised while he tried not to laugh. Then we both started laughing extremely hard, making half the restaurant stare at us." You finished. "Then you made an inappropriate joke." Travis said. "No, that was Leo." You defended. "Oh yeah, cause you couldn't open the little butter package, so Connor told (Y/N) to pull it harder and Leo goes- that's what she said." Leo interrupted. "I stand by it, (Y/N) found it hilarious, I had to wait for you guys to laugh but it happened, and the entire restaurant including our waiter was mortified, but I stand by it." Leo told the camera and you laughed.  "I dropped Connor's food. But I'm going to continue to blame Travis. Cause I was holding the plate and I was about to pass it to him when Travis started talking really loud in my ear but I didn't see or hear him come over to me so I jumped and the plate flew behind me on to the floor." You admitted. "What about when the check came?" You asked raising an eyebrow and everyone laughed. "I slapped the waiter." Katie said in between breaths as you fell off the bed. Everyone laughed harder and looked over to you as Leo helped you back up. "So Leo said we should probably get the check and I didn't realize he was talking to the waiter and not me so I put my hand up to gesture the waiter that was standing behind me and hit him in the face." Katie ended the story as everyone clutched their stomachs from laughter. "Well that's all guys, go click Connor or Travis' face for their pranking channel, click Katie's for her gardening/beauty channel, and click mine for my channel, or you could click (Y/N)'s face for the information and pictures from the photo shoot we just did. Bye!"

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