Tagged and I'm back!

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So I've started school but I'm gonna update every weekend! I'm back! I opened Wattpad and had 112 notifications. Wow. But I got to do this tag from PuffTheMagicMallow hi!

Aquarius, because I am probably the perfect example of every stereotype about aquarius, maybe, name some and I'll tell you
Book are pretty much my life. If I had to pick between book and my grandmas do, I'd pick the dog but I still love books.
Conversations are an important part of my life. If I can't hold a meaningful conversation with someone then I'm bored.
Dogs are just the best, I love them.
Everything has a bright side. Even if I myself can't see it, someone can.
First thing you need to know about me is that I'm weird.
Guys, not guys as in boys, guys as in you guys are awesome.
Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and The Hunger games. I haven't gotten to the Maze Runner yet.
I have just finished reading Binge by Tyler Oakley and I absolutely loved it. I laughed, I cried, I decided I'm not excited about driving.
Jenna Marbles is the reason I started watching YouTube. Literally the first youtuber I've ever watched.
K is a very hard letter to use right now.
Let me tell you, Dan and Phil are just as awesome as everyone says they are, if not more awesome.
Math sucks. Plus I'm in accelerated math so it it's worse.
No one knows me like you do. That was some Adele right there, All I Ask. I love that song.
Only everybody who has ever heard something I have to say know I can rant sometimes but I also love corny jokes.
Purple is the best color in the world.
Quiet is not a word you can use to describe me.
Request for my Harry Potter book!(that was some shameless self promotion)
Salad tastes good, at least I think so
Today I didn't fall down at all! I think I deserve some applause!
Unicorns are magical.
Vehicles like motorcycles scare me.
What do you call a snobbish criminal walking down the stairs? A condescending con descending. Get it?!
Xylophones are nice. I like them.
You probably know by now that I can't get enough Tyler Oakley.
Zebras aren't horses but they look like horses with stripes.


That's all for tonight, I might update tomorrow, good night!

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