My Random Rants

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Hey guys. See, I just had to tell you guys about this stuff.

Dear People of the World,
We all need to be nicer to people on the shorter side because I have this theory that they are going to get super tall and step on us tall/average people. It's just gonna happen people.

Sometimes I hear stories about people not having friends, or getting bullied and I really with that I could have been there for them because I don't understand what people were upset about. I feel this way even if they're in their 30s and 40s or even their 60s and 70s. Like this girl who had lightish hair, darkish skin and red eyes cause she is albino. But she was bullied because of it and I don't understand because having red eyes sounds freaking awesome. But sometimes I find myself with bad friends but I manage to get out of those situations. But I feel I get into them in the first place is because I believe I can change people when the reality is I can't. But I was never a person to accept reality as is. I'm like, the opposite of a realist. Is there a term for that?

Um, I'm out of rants. This isn't a rant book anyway. Sorry for wasting your time guys, hehe.

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