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Hi, omg it's late why am I up? Anyway I got tagged by the awesome cierra_elizabeth and if you don't already you should go follow her.

Red or Black
Black, red is nice but when I think of stop, which in some cases but not all is negative, and blood and blood makes me dizzy.

This is going to sound really weird but I don't really know. I don't mean that as in I'm confused but I don't really think about it that much plus I've never really been attracted to someone. Like more than a silly crush. I'm gonna focus on school and having good friends before I get into all of that. But I guess I'm straight.

Are you evil?
That's a weird question, like evil in general or about a certain thing? I'm gonna say no because it looks like I'm stalling but no worries, I'm not evil.

Have you ever thought about killing someone?
Does Voldemort count? Or other villains? But no. My friends have this joke where they think about what people are most like to go to jail for and I didn't get to go to jail because I wouldn't commit a crime. They said if I did go to jail it would be for accidentally hitting an officer because I'm a clutz. Or if I was an actual part of a real, serious crime that I would be the getaway driver. Wow. That was way more in detail than it needed to be.

I will now tag others! You're all it, hehe. Sorry, anyway:

Is that enough? Night everyone!

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