My Dog Jumped on my Head

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I got tagged and I had nothing better to do so I figured, why not? Now for the rules!
1) You have to post the rules
2) You have to have a creative chapter name, I think I nailed that
3) You have to tag at least 15 people
4) You have to say 14 things about yourself
5) You must complete this 'Life Threatening Task' (hehe) in one week
1. My dog actually jumped on my head, and she's huge.
2. I play the trumpet, because I'm cool like that.
3. I'm a major nerd, everyone tells me. In a good way of course.
4. I have a twin brother.
5. I love the color purple.
6. I'm aquarius.
7. I love Olive Garden too, sorry I'm watching the commercial and I had to add it.
8. I don't like milk, it makes me sick if I drink a lot of it without anything else like cereal.
9. I don't like long-sleeved shirts but sweaters and hoodies are fine.
10. I know all the lyrics to a bunch of songs.
11. Oh, this is getting harder, I'm a talker but I can listen if someone needs me too.
12. My entire bedroom is pink. It hurts my eyes.
13. I like hot chocolate, hot chocolate is nice.
14. My socks never match, right now I have on one pastel purple sock and the other is gray.
You guys don't have to do it if you don't want to, know some of you got tagged and if you already did it I probably didn't tag you, no promises though.

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