No Questions Asked

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You had always done things for Leo and if he didn't want you to ask questions you didn't, even if it was incredibly weird or stupid. But you had never done that because you never needed to. So he was very surprised when you asked him to go to the alley like passage between the Hermes and Hephaestus cabins. He was on the phone with you. "Tell me that story about the huge piece of celestial bronze Hazel gave you." He started telling you about it. "It was like this-" he was cut short when you jumped off the roof into his arms. "Hi." You smiled and quickly glanced up at the roof. "You're gonna have to do me a favor and run because I'm pretty sure they have tranquilizer darts." You both bolted. "Would you like to explain?" Leo asked as you both sprinted to nowhere in particular. "Nope, I told you. It's no questions asked." Leo didn't say anything else when you pulled him into the Poseidon cabin and shut the door, looking out the window every so often. "I'll explain at some point. Just not anytime in the near future." Leo rolled his eyes. "Is this going to happen often?" You thought about it. "No, just every once in a while.

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