Day One: Part I

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Day One: Part I

Sanyukta didn't love Randhir, nor did she care if he had any feelings for her. She was aware that he hated her with a passion, and so did she - the passion of their hatred was so strong that they even made out in the mechanical lab the previous year due to their excessive anger at each other. It was the most strange thing, yet it evoked a reaction from her that she couldn't control, it made her feel quite turned on.

When she told Kaustuki that she would make Randhir fall for her in seven days or less, she questioned herself afterward, wondering why she would even make such a commitment - but she realized that there was a certain level of attraction she felt towards Randhir. Of course, it wasn't anything romantic - it couldn't be. She would never fall for a male chauvinist pig, or MCP as she would call it, like him. She just felt used to him, she felt comfortable to an extent around him... perhaps it was due to all the fighting.

She felt like backing out from making him fall for her - but she took up the challenge, and Sanyukta was never one to back off from challenges. She had to make this happen, whether she wanted to or not. She had to change this chauvinist into a crazy lover, she had to make him crazy for her... and she had to make sure she did it within seven days.

She was sitting in Professor Vardhaan's class, beside Kaustuki. There was a dream team meeting. The whole team was already seated. The only one missing was Sahil, who had a family problem and wasn't in FITE. She stole a glance at Randhir and noticed that he was immersed in writing something down. She frowned. What was he writing before Vardhaan sir even began to speak? She shook her head. Why did she care? She didn't know why she was so curious when it came to his matters.

She closed her eyes. How was she going to do it? Oh God, please help me out... I can't fail this challenge, she thought to herself. Kaustuki probably already told Jiggy about it, and knowing Jiggy, he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut, especially if she failed the challenge. She didn't even know how to start - especially since her and Randhir avoided each other everyday.

It was as if her prayers were heard.

"Alright dream team, for the next task I've already assigned partners," she heard Vardhaan sir say. She quickly opened her eyes, snapping back to reality."Randhir and Sanyukta, Parth and Vidhushi, and Jignesh and Kaustuki."

Sanyukta smiled widely, realizing that this would give her ample chance to be near Randhir and make him fall for her. She glanced at Randhir, who looked startled to see her smiling. He glared at her, and she turned back towards Vardhaan sir, a smile still on her face.

"The reason that I've put you together this way is because I have noticed that you work best in these teams," Vardhaan sir explained. "Now I don't want any disappointment... we are going to be competing with LITS for this project. I realize that the Techfest just finished, but this idea has been proposed by Miss Maya Raichand herself."

They had recently just beaten LITS in the Techfest. Sanyukta frowned, looking around. The whole dream team looked confused.

"We will start today - don't get too comfortable, you will need to spend hours for this. It won't be easy," Professor Vardhaan said, his eyes scrutinizing each of the members of the dream team. "This won't be like the techfest. There won't be tasks. There is just one task, which you have six days, including today, to complete. There will be a panel of judges on the sixth day who you will present to."

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