Day Six: Part I

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Day Six: Part I

"Ouch!" was the first thing that came out of Sanyukta's mouth that morning when her eyes opened. Before she could register her surroundings, before she even knew where she was or what happened, she felt her head paining. She could barely lift it up without squirming.

"You're up?" came Randhir's voice from over her, and her mouth dropped immediately.

The last thing she remembered from last night was Randhir unzipping her kurta after she suggested having sex, and the colour drained from her face immediately. Did they... did they do it? She looked down at her body and noticed that she was wearing Randhir's shirt. She couldn't feel any undergarments on.

"Oh my goodness!" Sanyukta shrieked, covering her face with her hands. "Randhir, what did we do last night?"

He sat on the bed beside her and held her shoulder gently. She shook off his hand and started to sob. "Oh God, oh no!" she cried.

Randhir hadn't even told her he loved her, she didn't know whether his feelings for her were genuine, and all of this happened between them? How could she do that to her body? If she was confident that he would stay with her, then maybe her reaction would be different, but right now she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

"Sanyukta listen to me," Randhir said, raising his voice.

"No!" she wailed, "Randhir, you don't know, for you it might be easy, but for me... oh no!"

"Sanyukta we didn't have sex!" he yelled, leaving her shocked.

A sigh of relief hit her hard.

"We didn't?" she asked, smiling widely. Then she frowned again. "What am I doing in your shirt then, with nothing on?"

A look of guilt took over his features before subsiding.

"Okay, listen to me Sanyukta. We didn't have sex, but... we went far last night," he admitted. "Don't - don't blame yourself."

Her eyes widened and tears fell from her eyes.

"Far?" she asked, her voice cracking.

"We..." he looked into her eyes and gulped. "We both reached a point where we didn't have clothes on."

She squeezed her eyes shut and felt more tears escape when he said that.

"You saw me naked?" she cried. "Oh my God!"

"Will you stop crying and listen Sanyukta?" he asked impatiently. "Yes, I did see you naked. And... I touched you too. I'm sorry!"

He closed his eyes as if he was anticipating a slap, but Sanyukta felt her heart drop. He was so honest with her. He didn't even have to tell her that, because she wouldn't have known anyways, yet he did.

"T - touched me?" she asked, gulping, her eyes wide. "Where?"

"Where I shouldn't have," he said.

"D - did you... did you put your mouth there?" she asked quietly.

He nodded, looking very guilty.

"Sanyukta, I went down on you... for a few seconds," he admitted. "I'm really sorry. I won't make an excuse for myself."

"You were drunk?" she asked him softly.

He nodded.

"I was very drunk, and when I realized the severity of what was going on, I stopped it before it went any further," he said sadly. "I'm sorry."

"I wish I remembered," she mumbled. "Did I like it?"

A small smile took over his face. "You loved it," he said with a smirk, "I can replay the night for you."

She picked up a pillow and hit him hard. "You're so shameless," she said, before blushing and leaning towards him as his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

She did feel upset for going so far with him, but when Randhir told her the truth, her worries left her mind - this was the man she wanted to spend her entire life with. Randhir was the man who she was lucky to have. He would not let her regret a thing. Her lips curled up into a wide smile as she leaned against his chest.

"Did I throw up?" she asked.

"You passed out and then you were about to puke. I took you to the bathroom at the right time," he explained. "Then once you let it out, I dressed you in my shirt. I was going to put your clothes back on you, but I thought it would be best if I made as little contact with your body as possible since I was already a lot sober by then."

Sanyukta smiled and looked up at him. He was the best she could have gotten.

"Thank you for being honest," she muttered, truly grateful that she had him in her life.

He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm gently.

"I hate dishonesty Sanyukta, you know that," he replied with a smile. "I'll always be honest with you."

Suddenly she felt very guilty about keeping him in the dark about the challenge. She wanted to tell him but her words were stuck in her throat. Then suddenly a thought struck her - maybe she told him while she was drunk.

"Randhir," she said nervously, "Did I mention anything about... a challenge?"

Randhir seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah you did," he told her, looking into her eyes.

She lowered her eyes, his gaze being too intense for her. She didn't know how much she told him, but she figured that he couldn't have known a lot if he was still behaving this way towards her.

"What did I say?" she asked, her heart beating more quickly.

He touched her cheek with his palm and she felt his heat radiate off him.

"You don't remember that part?" he asked her.

She faintly remembered mentioning the challenge and saying that she wouldn't tell him about it, but she wanted to know whether she brought it up later on.

"I remember a bit," she admitted. "Did I mention it after that part?"

He shook his head no.

"I didn't even understand what you were saying after you passed out. You mumbled a few things, but you were so out of it that I didn't understand," he explained.

She felt her face turn red again. So he still didn't know about the challenge. A part of her was relieved and a part of her was not. She wanted to tell him. But then again, if she didn't tell him, Kaustuki wouldn't tell anyone either, so nobody would need to find out about it. She could keep it in. Plus, she genuinely liked him. Well... it wasinfatuation. She was genuinely infatuated with him. But somehow, today her heart made her want to say something else, her heart was telling her that this was not infatuation... that this was something more.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she said happily.

He bent down and kissed her mouth softly.

"Get ready," he told her. "We'll go and have breakfast downstairs."

She nodded.

"Can I shower here?" she asked sweetly.

Randhir smirked.

"Want me to join you?" he asked naughtily.

Sanyukta blushed and shook her head, wincing slightly, feeling her head ache.

"Nooo," she said, before getting up and running to the bathroom. "By the way, can you uh bring me my clothes from my room?"

"On it," came his voice from outside and she leaned against the door smiling.

She didn't know why she felt so happy. A part of her was truly upset that she didn't remember anything from last night. She closed her eyes and imagined what it must have felt like when his hands were on her body, with his lips on every inch of her skin. The thought made her shiver with excitement.

Once she finished showering, she walked out into the room, wrapped in a towel, her head still aching. Randhir was sitting on his bed, his eyes fixed on his phone.

He looked up and smiled, before picking up a glass full of water and walking over to her.

"Here, drink this," he told her.

She nodded and gulped the entire drink down at once. She put the glass down on the table beside the bed, her towel lifting up slightly, exposing her thighs in the process.

"Did you bring my clothes?" she asked nervously.

His eyes were on her, a smile on his face. He tucked her wet hair behind her ear before leaning in closer and kissing her on the cheek. His hands circled around her waist as she smiled up at him. She enjoyed it when he touched her.

"Mhm, they're on the bed," he whispered before leaning down and kissing her jawline softly.

She wrapped her arms around his back and leaned into his embrace, suddenly feeling her headache go away. If this was the cure for aches, she would love to be cured everyday. He held her close to him, his lips on her wet hair.

"You smell good," he murmured.

"I just showered, I'm supposed to," she replied, rolling her eyes.

He leaned back and brought his hands to her face, caressing her cheeks with the tips of his fingers before leaning forward and kissing her lips softly.

"Get changed, you should eat something," he told her lovingly. "I'm waiting outside."

She nodded and smiled as he walked out of the room. The look that he just gave her still lingered in her mind. He looked at her with so much care, so much love. Did he... did he love her? A smile reached her lips as she reached out for her clothes.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw her undergarments neatly folded under the salwar kameez that Randhir had picked out, and she felt colour rush to her face. He went through her undergarments! How could she have forgotten that bringing her clothes meant bringing her undergarments too? She felt so embarrassed.

Quickly putting on her clothes, she hesitated before walking outside. How could she face him? Mustering up her courage, she left his room.

"You... you saw my undergarments!" she said immediately, feigning anger, feeling her face turn red again.

"I saw them already last night jaan," he pointed out, his eyes twinkling.

She blushed even harder. The way he said it, it was like he was teasing her, but there was still truth to his words.

"L - last night didn't happen!" she stammered nervously. "I mean, I don't remember it so it didn't happen."

"If that makes you happy," he replied, smirking.

"MCPeee," she whined, pouting.

"Farziii, we'll talk downstairs," he replied, taking her hand and lacing his fingers through hers.

She looked down at their joined hands and felt a smile reach her face again. Once they reached the restaurant on the main floor and took their seats, a thought reached her mind.

"Randhir, I want to know what happened last night," she told him seriously.

He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You want me to show you what we did?" he asked, smirking.

She blushed and nodded.

"Really?" he asked her, surprised.

"If we've already done it, we might as well do it again right?" she asked him, her heart hammering. "I mean... I just want to know what it feels like."

"Tonight then?" he asked her with a smirk.

"Yes, tonight."

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