Day Two: Part II

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Day Two - Part II

"I like you Randhir," she breathed out, her hands sweating and her heart pounding. "No I... I love you."

Then before she could control herself, she moved her face up and pressed her lips against his, closing the small gap that had previously separated their lips.

Her lips lingered over Randhir's unresponsive, soft ones for a second before he pushed himself off her and stood up on the ground, facing the wall away from her. Her heart beating at a rate she didn't think was humanly possible, she stood up too, fearing his reaction.

Did she like him? No. Did she love him? Not at all. The only reason she told him she did was because she had no other option. She could not tell him about her seven day challenge, otherwise she would never emerge victorious.

"Sanyukta," he said, turning around to face her, taking a deep breath. "I don't feel the same way."

Someone must have shot her in the heart, because that was what it felt like right now. She didn't know why she cared anyways, it wasn't like her feelings for him were real.

He walked up to her, looking completely confused.

"I think... I might have lead you on. I'm sorry about that."

She looked down, feeling a warm, stinging sensation in her eyes. Oh no, was she crying? No, she couldn't cry! Wait... this might be useful. She looked up into his eyes to show him that she was indeed crying. Maybe her feelings would seem more genuine now, in case he suspected that she was lying.

"It's... It's okay Randhir. I can't force someone to like me," she whispered, trying to sound heartbroken too.

"I know I don't love you but we could give this a chance," he finally told her, sighing.

As if I actually love you MCP, she thought bitterly. She wanted to scream that it was all fake and she didn't have an ounce of feelings for him.

"A chance?" she asked him, trying to sound as hopeful as she could... her heart even supported her voice by leaping.

"Look Sanyukta, I'll admit I do feel something. I think you're... intelligent, attractive, cute sometimes," he pointed out.

Cute? Did he just call her cute? And Randhir Singh Shekhawat called her intelligent? She wanted to rub her eyes and wake up from this weird dream.

"I think maybe something could blossom between us... maybe we'll never know if we don't give it a chance," he finally finished awkwardly.

"So what does that mean Randhir?" she asked him softly.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked her.

Hell no she didn't. That was the first reaction she had. But then she took a deep breath and thought about it. If she became his girlfriend, then he would think about her more in a way that might make himself fall for her. After six days, she could always break up with him too, and tell him it was all a joke for her. It wasn't like she was signing herself up to marry him.

She smiled and nodded. "Okay."

Then she saw a sight that she wanted to take a picture of and capture forever. Randhir smiled at her warmly. At her!

He took her hand and squeezed it, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling back.

"What now?" she blurted out, never having been in a relationship before.

He shrugged. "I guess we spend some time with each other."

"We have the whole night to spend," she pointed out.

He chuckled.

"Come on," he said, leading her to the bookshelves before sitting down with his back against it.

She sat down beside him and smiled, the sound of her heart pounding still reverberating in her ears.

"So..." Sanyukta said, fumbling awkwardly.

"So..." Randhir replied, seemingly just as awkward. "What will we do all night?"

He asked the question so innocently, but it made her blush.

"Should we work on the presentation?" he asked her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

She leaned into him and nodded. She took out her laptop before setting it on her lap, her bangles making a jingling sound on her wrist. Randhir's attention went to Sanyukta's hands and he took one of her hands gently before bringing it up to his lips and kissing it. The small action made her blush.

She removed her hand from his and opened the powerpoint, a small smile still on her face. Their legs were extended out in front of them.

"Let's add information about funding," he told her.

"No Randhir, that's not necessary," she disagreed. "If we talk about our cost breakdown, we don't need to mention funding. That's their responsibility."

"Sanyukta," Randhir told her, as calmly as he could, "We need to provide all the information for them. We can't make it seem like a difficult task for them."

Sanyukta put the laptop beside her and turned towards him, getting angry again.

"Randhir where do you think we'll get the information on who would fund them? You know that proposals take a long time to get passed through and we don't even have access to that information!"

"Sanyukta you have to calculate and make educated guesses! We can't just avoid the section completely!" he yelled, getting frustrated.

She stood up angrily, and Randhir did too.

"It's better to not include the information at all than to include something that might not be true!" she screamed.

"This won't work out!" Randhir bellowed, referring to their relationship.

"Once an MCP always an MCP!" she shrieked. "I didn't expect anything from you either. And for your kind information I have NO interest in you!"

"Right," he muttered under his breath. "You were a farzi and you always will be!"

"Don't steal my line!"

"Don't steal my personal space!" he retorted walking away from her.

"Oh yeah?" she snapped, running towards him and yanking the collar of his shirt so hard that his shirt unbuttoned completely.

"You're getting ahead of yourself Sanyukta," he warned. "I'm not consenting to anything!"

"I don't care you MCP," she said and then continued to push him backwards until he hit the table.

She pulled herself up on the table and climbed over him, her lips half an inch away from his, her body pressed against him.

"You stupid MCP," she whispered, and she could feel that he was turned on.

"You annoying farzi," he retorted, his breath tickling her lips.

Then before she could kiss him, he turned the two of them over so he was on top of her. Pinning her arms to her sides, he brushed his lips over hers softly, causing her to shudder.

"What do you want me to do farzi, should I let go?" he whispered. Her eyes squeezed shut, wanting more of him.

"No," she breathed out into his lips.

Upon hearing her approval, he kissed her deeply, his hands letting go of hers and circling her waist instead. She buried her hands in his hair, pressing his face as close to hers as possible.

Her mouth opened, and he slipped his tongue in hungrily. She kissed him fervently, her tongue exploring his mouth, wanting more. Once they broke the kiss, she spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist as his lips found her earlobe. He traced her jawline with his lips before planting kisses down her neck.

Her hands found their way to his neck and his lips found her mouth again. She kissed him passionately, their lips moving against each others feverishly. She slid his shirt off his shoulders as his hands moved up her body. A small moan escaped her mouth.

He pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes, and for a split second she thought that she saw love in them. He pulled himself off her quickly and reached for his shirt. Sanyukta straightened her body and adjusted her clothes, trying to take in what just happened.

She didn't know why he stopped, she wanted more.

"Randhir..." she muttered, not knowing what to say.

"That wasn't right Sanyukta. Sorry," he apologized, putting his shirt back on.

"Why not?" she argued, feeling frustrated again.

"You like me and I don't feel the same about you," he replied flatly. "I should've kept a distance."

"Then why did you kiss me?" she retorted, starting to get angry. She wanted to scream at him that she didn't like him, that they were equals, that he didn't have to feel bad.

"I lost control."

"So did I," she replied, reaching for his arm and looking into his eyes sincerely. "But Randhir what we did wasn't... wrong. I mean..."

"You mean what Sanyukta?" he asked her coldly. "You mean you want to get heartbroken because that's what's going to happen."

She shook her head. You'll be the heartbroken one Randhir Singh Shekhawat, she thought to herself.

"I didn't mean that Randhir. I meant that I don't know what my feelings are for you either right now... so we should experiment and see where it leads us."

Randhir quirked an eyebrow, looking at her suspiciously.

Shit, she thought, I hope I don't sound fake.

"Friends with benefits?" he finally asked her. "Is that what you want?"

She thought about it. When he put it that way, it sounded bad, but she ended up nodding.

"Yes... but you can't commit yourself to anyone else while this is going on," she replied.

"That's called a relationship farzi," he replied with a smirk, moving closer to her, backing her into a bookshelf.

"But I don't want to be in a relationship with an MCP," she whispered, feeling his breath lingering over her lips once again.

His fingers laced through hers as his lips inched closer to hers.

"Deal," he whispered before closing the gap between their lips. 

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