Day Seven: Part I

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Day Seven: Part I

She woke up that morning, her head still on Randhir's chest. One of his hands was wrapped around her waist. She kissed his chest lightly, causing his eyes to spring open. Glancing down at her, he pulled her body closer to his.

Sanyukta pulled herself up and pecked him lightly on the lips. She was about to remove her body from his, when he pulled her down on top of him, causing her to gasp.

"R - Randhir," she mumbled, her cheeks a faint pink. "We... we are naked!"

He pulled her closer, one of his hands sliding up her neck, into her hair, as the other one held the small of her back gently.

"So?" he whispered.

She glanced down at his lips, wanting to kiss them, but she shook herself out of her thoughts. Her breath probably smelled really bad right now. She had to brush first.

"What are you waiting for?" he teased, noticing her gaze on his lips.

"N - nothing, let me go!" she said, struggling from on top of him.

"No," he said, smirking, firmly holding her in place. "I'll only let you go if you kiss me."

"MCP," she said and pressed her lips on his before pulling away from him quickly.

"Farzi," he teased, sliding his hands down her back, towards her legs. "With tongue."

She blushed.

"Stop it Randhir," she moaned, trembling as his hands slipped between her legs.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, she pressed her lips against his. His mouth instantaneously opened, giving her better access. Her tongue entered, and she breathlessly tasted every part of his mouth again. This could never get old and morning breath didn't make a difference to her, she still desired him just as much.

She pressed her body harder against his as they continued to kiss, wanting to get as close to him as possible.

"What time is it?" she asked, as her lips met his neck.

"I don't know," he whispered.

She got off him, and picked up her phone.

"We should get ready," she said, showing him her phone. "It's eight."

Randhir took her phone and put it on the table beside him.

"We have time," he muttered, trying to pull her back on top of him.

"No we don't, we have to shower and get ready," she said.

"We can save time if we shower together, now come here," he said with a wide smile.

She blushed when he said that. Placing a hand on his chest, she propped herself up on her elbow and smiled.

"I kissed you, so it's time to get ready," she teased.

Sliding her hand down his abs, he breathed sharply as her hand reached her destination.

"Sanyukta stop that," he said breathlessly.

"Do you stop when I ask you to?" she teased, her hand wrapping around her target.

"Sanyukta if I do something to you, don't blame me then," he said intensely.

"You won't do anything to me," she said with a smirk. "That makes it more fun."

"Why are you like this?" he groaned, lying back down.

"Randhir," she mumbled, feeling herself blush all of a sudden.

"What?" he asked, clearly in another world.

"It got... it got..." she stammered.

"Bigger?" he completed, this time smirking.

She nodded and blushed, completely embarrassed.

"You said that when you were drunk too," he pointed out.

"I know," she mumbled. "I remember that part."

She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

"Let's shower," she whispered. "You first!"

"Come on Farzi, we can shower together now," he said.

"Randhirrr," she whined. "Gooo!"

"Fine, okay, I'm going," he said, and kissed her lips quickly before standing up comfortably and going into the bathroom.

Blushing, Sanyukta lowered her gaze as he got up.

Once they both finished showering and got ready, they rushed downstairs for the announcement of the results. They were five minutes late, but Maya ma'am and Vardhaan sir still weren't there. Dharam and his partner were already waiting there.

Randhir laced his fingers around Sanyukta's protectively as he glared at the two boys.

"So you are with your bodyguard," Dharam stated to Sanyukta, stepping up, and glancing down at their joined hands.

Randhir removed his hand from Sanyukta's and wrapped it around her shoulder, pulling her close.

"If you have to say something, you say it to me," Randhir threatened coldly, glaring at him. "From now on, if you say a word to her, your circumstance will be such that you won't be able to speak for the rest of your life."

Sanyukta leaned into his arm, feeling so safe and protected that she didn't know how much luckier she could get. In normal circumstances, she would have told Randhir to stay out of it, and that she could handle these boys herself - and she knew that she could, but now that she was with Randhir, he had this much right over her, to protect her.

"I'm not interested in speaking to her," Dharam replied, stepping back.

They were interrupted by Maya's voice.

"What's going on here?" she asked, sounding pissed.

Sanyukta already knew that they won, given the tone of her voice. Vardhaan sir looked expressionless as he glanced down at Randhir's arm around Sanyukta.

"Interesting... very interesting," he said, before looking at the whole group. "Okay, getting straight to the point, the panel has decided that FITE has won the competition."

Sanyukta grinned widely. She turned around and threw her arms around Randhir, hugging him tightly. He held her to him, refusing to let go of her, and she didn't want to let go either.

"But, there is a catch," Vardhaan sir said, causing them to pull apart abruptly, looking confused.

"C - Catch sir?" Sanyukta asked, her eyes widening.

"LITS did a phenomenal job," Vardhaan sir stated. "In fact, it was almost a tie. What caused FITE to win was that your Powerpoint presentation incorporated funding decision, which LITS's Powerpoint did not."

Sanyukta's face paled. She had argued with Randhir about this very topic, saying that it was completely unnecessary to include it, and she had been firm in her decision and had not included it. When Randhir changed the Powerpoint, he must have added it himself.

Vardhaan sir glared at his team.

"It was very close," he said again, conveying a silent message that their efforts had not been good enough.

If Randhir had used the presentation she made, then they might have lost. How could she be so careless? Randhir grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, but she pulled it away. They couldn't hold hands in front of Vardhaan sir and Maya ma'am like this!

"So what is happening is that there will be another competition in two weeks," Vardhaan sir said. "You will get more details as the date approaches. The winner will once again get one million rupees for their school's team."

Randhir and Sanyukta nodded nervously. They really had to step it up. Sanyukta wondered how the LITS team did so well all of a sudden.

"Your cars are waiting for you, you may return back to college," Maya ma'am finished.

All four of them nodded and went to get their belongings from their rooms.

"Shit," Randhir whispered. "We almost lost!"

"Vardhaan sir looked so disappointed," Sanyukta said, feeling upset.

"Don't worry, we'll show him that we can do it next time," Randhir told her. "We'll get through this and come out stronger."

"If you didn't change the Powerpoint, we might have lost," she mumbled, feeling her eyes tear up. "I would have made us lose."

"Sanyukta we're a team right?" he said, stopping her and holding her shoulders.

He brought one hand to her chin and lifted it up.

"There's no you and I in a team, only we," he said with a smile.

She hugged him.

"Why are you like this?" she asked, feeling her heart ache at how sweet he was. "Why do I have the best boyfriend ever?"

"Your spell," he murmured.

She pulled away from him and just looked at him.

"You know, you would taunt me so much if we were like how we were last week," she pointed out.

"Back then I didn't know I was in love with you," he said, holding her cheek. "But now I can't see you sad."

Then he raised an eyebrow.

"You know Sanyukta, it's weird how we came so far in less than a week, how could all of this happen naturally?" he asked her, sounding amazed.

She felt her heart beat faster when he said that. Please, please don't realize that all of this started because of a stupid bet, she thought to herself. She dreaded his reaction if he found out.

"Yeah, it's very weird," she said, laughing awkwardly.

"Anyways, let's go," he said, "Get your stuff."

She nodded, feeling terribly guilty and picked up her suitcase from her room. They both headed to the entrance together.

In the car, Randhir took her hand in his and she smiled at him, her heart hammering fearfully - what if he found out about the challenge someday? Would he ever be able to forgive her? Maybe she should tell him... but if she did, he would be angry that she didn't tell him this earlier. Would he understand? She nearly slapped herself. Of course he would! Randhir was the most understanding and caring person she knew. He wasn't the grumpy, MCP Randhir that she used to know anymore.

"R - Randhir," she said, breaking the silence between them.

"Hmm?" he asked, rubbing her hand with his thumb.

"I need to tell you something," she told him, feeling her palms start to sweat.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I love you, I really do," she whispered, feeling her eyes tear up. "No matter what happens between us, please don't forget about that."

He looked at her, confused.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

She wanted to shake her head no, she wanted to desperately tell him what she had been meaning to say but the words got stuck in her throat. Maybe Dharam was right - maybe she was a coward. She couldn't just tell him that their relationship had started off with a lie.

"Yes," she mumbled, and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and let her close her eyes. She pretended she was asleep for the rest of the ride.

When they reached FITE, they both departed to their own rooms in order to put away their belongings. Kaustuki and Vidhushi weren't in her room. She sat on her bed and placed her head in her hands, feeling terrible about hiding the truth about the challenge from Randhir. He might never find out, but that didn't mean that her guilt would wash itself away - and if he did find out, he might never be able to trust her again.

Just then her phone beeped with Randhir's text.

Meet me in room 215 now.

Sanyukta got up and walked all the way to room 215 nervously.

Randhir was waiting for her there, his back turned to her. She closed the door behind her.

"Sanyukta," he said, his voice steady. "Did you make a bet to make me fall in love with you?"

He turned around to face her as the colour drained from her face, his expression emotionless.

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