Day Three: Part I

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Day Three: Part I

When Sanyukta opened her eyes, her face was pressed against Randhir's thighs, his hand buried in her hair. She turned around to see him leaning against the bookshelf, with no shirt on, his eyes closed in a deep sleep. Smiling to herself, she picked up his hand and took it off her before sitting up and looking around for her dupatta. It was on the ground beside them.

Looking at Randhir sleeping so peacefully, she couldn't help but feel her heart leap. Why did he look so cute while he was sleeping? Wait... cute? No way. He looked like adevil. Still, she couldn't help it when she leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

He stirred in his sleep and held on to her wrist before opening his eyes.

"Sanyukta?" he asked, shocked to see her so close to him.

"I was... uh... how did I get on your lap?" she mumbled nervously, embarrassed that he caught her in that position.

"You were saying something in your sleep about some challenge you had to complete in a few days," he told her, causing her mouth to drop open, "Those LITS boys are really scaring you huh? Don't worry we'll win."

Shit. She couldn't sleep near him anymore. How could she give away her challenge in her sleep?

"So I repositioned you on my lap and stroked your hair until you fell asleep," he finished, fidgeting nervously.

She picked up her dupatta and placed it on her shoulder. "Good morning," she just said, trying to avoid the topic of her nighttime confession.

"Good morning," he replied with a small smile.

He rubbed her hand gently and leaned closer to her. Her heart beating rapidly, she couldn't help but lean closer to him, anticipating a kiss, but his hand reached around her and grabbed his phone from the ground, his breath tickling her cheek.

"The peon will open the library in about twenty minutes," he told her, checking his texts.

She was disappointed. She wanted him to kiss her good morning, but she couldn't express that to him. After all, it was her who had put the stupid condition that they had to take things slowly physically.

She rested her head on his shoulder and watched him open his inbox. The name at the top of his messages was Aaliya. Frowning, she looked up at him, but he tapped her name so nonchalantly.

Looking back down, she noticed the words I miss you before Randhir turned off his phone and glanced down at her.

"Who was that?" she asked, feeling herself get irritated that a girl was texting Randhir... especially that she missed him! Or was it him texting her? She couldn't even get a good look at it.

"Why do you care?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"You aren't cheating on me right Randhir?" she asked, her eyes bulging, her blood pressure rising, anger flaring up from within. "If you are then watch."

"I haven't had any time to cheat on you farzi," he told her with a smirk.

Why was that good for nothing MCP smirking? She felt her hands ball into fists as she got up. He stood up too, smirking even more.

"Are you jealous?" he asked her, seeming amused.

"No!" she snorted. "Of course not. I never get jealous, please!"

"Okay then," he said, leaning against the bookshelf and crossing his arms.

Why did he look so sexy like that? And he was still shirtless from last night too. She just wanted to run her hands all over his bare body... no concentrate Sanyukta, she told herself. She had a mission to complete, and she couldn't lose focus until it was over.

"Yeah exactly, I mean I miss Parth too... I know what it feels like to miss someone Randhir," she said, rubbing it in.

Parth and her were not on friendly terms, and she honestly didn't even think about him much anymore, but she couldn't help but bring his name up to get back at Randhir for trying to think he could miss anyone he liked and she couldn't. She was his equal in everything. Even in this.

Was it fury she detected in his eyes? It left as quickly as it came though, and Randhir returned to smirking.

"Alright then farzi," he told her, unconcerned.

She pouted. He didn't even care? He didn't get jealous? Fine. She decided that she would need to make him jealous. Maybe jealousy would poke at his feelings and evoke a response from him... maybe jealousy would make him fall in love with her.

"Put your shirt back on," she demanded. "You're gross. Have some shame, MCP!"

That was a lie. She wanted him to put his shirt back on because she was distracted. His body didn't make her react in a way she logically should be reacting in.

"Really? I'm gross?" he asked her, walking towards her, her heart hammering inside her chest.

She was frozen on the spot, unable to think straight with him walking towards her so casually. As soon as he reached her, he pressed his body against hers, his hands gripping her arms tightly.

"I.. you... Randhir..." she mumbled.

He leaned towards her ear, his lips grazing over her earlobe softly. Unable to contain her desires, she placed her hands on his lower back and slid them up towards his neck, feeling his skin and shivering.

"You want to go slowly Sanyukta?" he whispered, tracing her jawline with his lips.

She closed her eyes. "N - no. I mean... y-yes, I don't know," she stammered.

He chuckled and moved back slightly, but her hands which were around his neck, pulled his face down towards hers with such force that his lips crashed against hers hard.

She didn't care anymore, she just wanted Randhir. She couldn't help it. He was just so irresistible... she really wanted him near her, she didn't know why she was wasting her time on a silly challenge when she could just have him all to herself without the stress of a stupid challenge getting in the way.

His hands gripped her waist and pulled her body as close to his as possible and he responded to her kiss with just as much passion.

When they pulled apart, he cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "You look so beautiful," he murmured, causing her to blush.

"You're calling me beautiful?" she gasped, surprised.

He kissed her temple. "Your antics make me smile you know. I knew last night when you told me to maintain distance that you wouldn't be able to follow through."

She frowned.

"You know what MCP, I am following through now. That's enough. I will not back off this time," she huffed, removing her arms from around him and taking a step back.

As much as she was starting to detest this challenge, she remembered why she was making him fall in love with her in the first place - so he would stop being such a egoistic jerk who thought that he was better than her.

"Oh really now farzi?" he asked, circling his arms around her waist again.

She pulled her body back once again.

"Really! Now stop being such an MCP and wear a shirt!" she replied, annoyed.

"Okay farzi," he replied, chuckling again and put his shirt back on.

She needed to control herself around him. She had no idea why she lost so much of her self-control like this. She glanced at the time and noticed that the peon would open the library in a few minutes.

"Do you want to get some sleep or want to freshen up and meet?" Randhir asked her, as he buttoned his shirt up.

"Uh... let's meet at twelve," she told him absent-mindedly, concocting a plan in her head. She knew exactly what she was going to do.

"Okay," he told her with a smirk, "Don't be late this time."

They heard the door open and Sanyukta scrambled to pick up her stuff from the ground. Randhir did the same. As they were walking out of the library with their bags, they turned towards each other one final time.

"Randhir," Sanyukta told him nervously.

"Yeah Sanyukta?" he asked.

"Don't tell anyone about... us. I don't want the whole college to know," she muttered.

"Neither do I," he replied with a smirk. "Don't worry farzi, nobody will know. It's our little secret."

For some reason, him not wanting to tell anyone about their relationship made her insecure.

"Why not?" she questioned with authority.

"I have my reasons," he said with a wink. "See you at twelve farzi."

Then before she could even try and comprehend what he was trying to say, he walked off in the other direction towards the boys hostels, leaving Sanyukta stunned.

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