Day Seven: Part II

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Day Seven: Part II

"R - Randhir," Sanyukta said, forgetting how to breathe. The blood froze in her veins. "B - bet?"

He looked at her intensely, as if he was looking deep into her soul. Walking up to her, he grabbed the top of her arms tightly, but she stood there numbly, too lost in what was happening.

"You tell me," he told her. "Sanyukta, tell me."

She looked at him fearfully as tears invaded her eyes. She couldn't even think straight. The first thought that came to her mind was how he found out.

"R - Randhir," she whispered, "L - listen to me please. I love you."

"I didn't ask you that Sanyukta," he said angrily, squeezing her arms more tightly. "Answer my question. Did you make a bet like that or not?"

Breathing heavily, she squeezed her eyes shut as tears fell down her cheeks. She nodded.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "Randhir please listen to me."

He let go of her arms abruptly and her eyes sprung open. He turned around to leave from the room, but Sanyukta grabbed his arm.

No, he couldn't leave her. She couldn't lose him. She wouldn't let him go anywhere!

"Randhir listen to me!" she yelled. "Please!"

He stopped and turned around, nothing but fury in his eyes.

"Sanyukta, what is there to listen to?" he asked, disappointment evident in his voice.

"I love you!" she yelled quickly. "I promise, whatever I said to Kaustuki was just my stupidity - all of my feelings, everything was real! Randhir you understand me - you know what I'm thinking, I know you know my feelings are genuine."

He glared at her, and grabbed her arms, pulling her so close that she could feel his breath on her lips. His eyes bored into hers and all she could see within his dark brown eyes was love, not hate.

"You won Sanyukta Agarwal," he muttered harshly, "You won."

She closed her eyes and felt her heart ache at the bitterness of his words.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "When I made the bet I didn't know I would love you like this."

"And that makes it okay?" he asked, his lips moving even closer to hers.

Her heart was beating so fast. She just wanted to hide herself in his arms right now - she didn't want him to misunderstand her. But at the same time, there was nothing to misunderstand. Whatever he was saying was correct, it was the truth, and she couldn't deny it.

"Randhir, punish me however you want to punish me, but please don't leave me," she whispered painfully.

His let go of her arms and one of his hands slid into her hair, causing her to inhale sharply. He pulled her head as close as he could without their lips touching.

"You want me to punish you?" he asked softly.

"If it will make you stay with me," she replied, just as softly.

Her knees were weak, she desperately wanted to close the distance between her and Randhir, but she didn't dare to.

"I will stay with you," he replied, his lips lightly brushing over hers and she felt herself relax.

She reached up to wrap her arms around Randhir's neck, but he pushed them away instead.

"No, this isn't going to work," he said, and her heart dropped again.

"Wh - why?" she mumbled, looking at him longingly. "You lo - love me right?"

Randhir let go of her waist and turned around with a smirk.

"Sanyukta Agarwal, you think I was stupid enough to think that this whole thing was genuine?" he said, and then he started laughing. "I knew this was a game this whole time."

She could feel her heart breaking into pieces.

"Wh - what?" she croaked, his words stinging. "What do - do you mean R - Randhir?"

"I knew you were up to something from the beginning - in fact, ever since the day you dressed up for me and locked us in the library, I knew there was something up," he revealed. "I'm not as stupid as you think Sanyukta."

"You - you knew?" she mumbled. "About the seven day challenge? You knew?"

"I knew something was up with you - I mean you wouldn't normally ask me about the kind of girl I liked and then try and behave exactly the way I told you to the next day, would you?" he pointed out, rolling his eyes. "You were too obvious."

Sanyukta held back her tears - Randhir knew this whole time and he didn't mention it?Why?

"Then that night when you mumbled something about the challenge in your sleep at the library, I knew it couldn't be the competition with LITS. You were least bothered about that," he continued darkly, turning around to face her again. "So I figured that there was a challenge somewhere in here. That's when I decided that I would play along."

Her jaw nearly dropped open when he said that - she would have never expected this even in her darkest nightmares.

"But I didn't know what your challenge was for," he pressed on. "I assumed it was a challenge to be my girlfriend... so I let it happen. The reason I let it happen was so I could investigate more and figure out what you were trying to do."

This time her mouth actually dropped open. He became her boyfriend for the sake of being a detective? This angered her. It angered her a lot.

"What the hell," she interrupted angrily, "You were only with me because you wanted to get to the bottom of this?"

"Don't act like you're so innocent Sanyukta," he said coldly, "You weren't exactly with me for the right reasons either."

That made her keep quiet.

"Anyways," he continued. "I have to say it was fun."

Sanyukta's hands balled into fists and she couldn't control her tears any longer. Was his love a lie? Had it all been a joke?

"You - you played me Randhir?" she asked, heartbroken. "You - you didn't love me?"

"Let me finish," he said coldly. "I knew I was attracted to you. But the day you told me you'd be there for me and you'd never leave me, when I told you about my parent's divorce getting postponed... that day I figured that I didn't want to leave you either."

Sanyukta looked up at him with a hopeful expression. That had been the fourth day of the challenge.

"But then I buried my feelings and remembered that this was all a plan by you - I didn't know what your plan was, I didn't know what kind of challenge you made," he added on, "So I told myself that under no circumstance was I allowed to fall for you."

Randhir looked down and started to fumble, his own eyes getting wet.

"We got closer and closer to each other," he whispered, his voice cracking, "That morning when you hugged me in the cafeteria, trust me - I didn't want to publicize our relationship either because I didn't expect it to last, but it hit me that maybe your feelings were genuine, and I started to realize that there's no way that I could care about someone as much as I care about you."

She didn't know what to say or how to react. She was heartbroken and angry because Randhir had lied about his intentions in this relationship, but at the same time, seeing him in this state hurt her. He looked heartbroken too. Perhaps he was feeling the same way she was feeling.

"You know... the next night we got drunk, and when you confessed your love to me, I realized that I... that I loved you too. I was so happy Sanyukta," he said with a smile. "I can't even explain how happy I was to know that this wasn't a game for you, because I truly fell in love with you during the last few days."

Sanyukta reached out for a chair and let her body fall down on it, not sure how to take any of this right now.

"So I dropped my guards because you confessed when you were drunk so your feelings must have been genuine," he said with a smile, before his expressions turned dark again. "Then today, Kaustuki was in my room with Jiggy when I went in. Jiggy was behaving abnormally."

Kaustuki? Kaustuki must have told Jiggy who then told Randhir - Sanyukta had not expected this from her best friend, she didn't think that Kaustuki would ever betray her like this.

"It turns out that Jiggy was going through her phone and stumbled upon your conversation with Kaustuki," Randhir said, narrowing his eyes at her. "He knew we were in a relationship, so when Kaustuki asked you 'did he confess', Jiggy automatically knew she was referring to me. What surprised me though, was your response. According to Jiggy, you said yes, you won? So I finally found out the reason for our relationship. Today I found out that you made a seven day challenge to make me fall in love with you and confess."

Sanyukta covered her face and sobbed into her hands. How was she going to be able to deal with this embarrassment - not only was she embarrassed, but she was hurt that Randhir had to find out like this. He must have gone through so much once he found out.

"Then I asked you to come and meet me... it turns out what Jiggy said was true Sanyukta. Congratulations, you've won," he sneered. "How do you feel?"

Wiping her eyes dry, she took her hands off her face and looked him directly in the eye.

"Randhir, tell me one thing - if I had no feelings for you, would I have given my body to you like this?" she asked. "Please use your brain!"

"Sanyukta, I don't give a damn if you have feelings for me or not - whether this whole thing was a lie for you or not, I don't care. If you truly had feelings for me, why didn't you tell me the damn truth?" he yelled, furiously.

She got up and walked over to him. Grabbing his arms tightly, she felt her lips tremble.

"R - Randhir, look, I admit that I took up this challenge and our whole relationship started off with this stupid bet, but I promise Randhir, I - I fell for you and now I can't imagine being without you, please understand me Randhir... I didn't tell you because I was scared I'd lose you," she whispered weakly.

She moved her hands up his arms and clutched the sleeves of his shirt tightly, before resting her head on his chest and sobbing.

He lifted his arms up and held her shoulders gently.

"Look Sanyukta," Randhir said softly. "I don't know what to think right now... I'm hurt because you didn't think you could tell me about any of this. I'm very hurt Sanyukta. You lied to me."

He pulled her off him gently and looked her in the eye, his own eyes holding an immense amount of pain.

"I don't know what to think," he muttered. "I'm sorry."

He turned around and was about to walk out of the room when Sanyukta found her voice. She was not going to let him leave like this - he couldn't put the entire blame on her. Yes she was wrong, but he was not a saint either!

"Randhir Singh Shekhawat!" she yelled angrily, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn around. "You can't leave me like this! If I lied to you - you lied to me too! You know what you hid? You didn't tell me that you weren't being a boyfriend in this relationship, but instead your role was of an undercover investigator!"

He turned back around, an expression of realization settling on his face. He seemed to finally realize that what she did was not so different from what he did - if she was wrong, then so was he. He walked back up to her and touched her cheek softly, making her tremble.

"So Sanyukta Agarwal, you want to be with me?" he asked lightly with a raised eyebrow.

"N - No!" she said, forcing herself to be angry at him. "I don't want to be with you anymore."

A bright smile took over his features, infuriating her. Why did he think it was okay to smile during such a serious situation? He just broke her heart a few minutes ago and now he was smiling? Jerk. She wasn't going to let him think she was going to forget about this so easily.

He leaned closer to her, making her heart beat so fast. She cursed it. How could it beat so fast when she was angry at him? Holding her shoulders, his lips brushed her earlobe softly, causing her knees to feel weak. Dammit, this was not the right time.

"Alright then Sanyukta Agarwal, today I am going to make a bet with you - and please, point to be noted, I am making it with you, and not behind your back - I will make you admit you want to be with me within seven days," he whispered seductively into her ear before pulling back and smirking.

"I - I am making no such bet!" she said defiantly and glared at him.

"Sanyukta Agarwal isn't taking up a challenge?" Randhir asked, sounding surprised,. "Really now Miss Agarwal, you've lost already?"

She folded her arms and breathed sharply, annoyed at him.

"Fine!" she said, and then walked to the door. She decided that she would just avoid him for seven days, and everything would be alright.

"Tomorrow is day one," he called out after her, and he stayed back, chuckling.

As she left the room, she decided that this was a bet that she would have to win under any circumstance! 


This was the last chapter of this story. 

Don't worry, there IS a sequel coming up: Seven Days to Woo Sanyukta Agarwal which will continue from the next day in Randhir's POV.

Thanks for reading :)

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