Day Five: Part II

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Day Five: Part II
This is a little warning that this part might not be suitable for the younger audience. Read at your own discretion.

She was not able to register her surroundings. Everything seemed like a blur. On top of Randhir on the bed, she relaxed against his body, her eyes closing.

"MCP," she murmured. "Why do I feel so weird?"

She felt his arms wrap around her body, his lips in her hair, and for some reason the closeness between them did not feel like it was good enough.

"You're drunk Farzi," he replied.

She pushed her hands on top of his chest, lifting her body up to look at him.

"I am not!" she replied sounding offended. "You are! You drank more than me!"

Her eyes traveled to his lips and she suddenly felt very turned on.

"I drank what you gave me Farzi," he replied, his eyes rolling back.

"Am I hot Randhir?" she suddenly asked him.

"Beautiful," he replied, looking up at her. "Most beautiful girl in the world."

She felt her heart soar.

"More beautiful than Katrina Kaif?" she asked, feeling herself smile.

"She doesn't even come close," he replied, rolling over so Sanyukta fell beside him on the bed.

He pushed his body up so it was looming over her, his hand on her ribcage. Her breathing started to quicken. His lips looked so good.

"Then next time don't talk about her," she snapped.

"I didn't talk about her," he murmured, moving his face towards hers.

"You did on the first day of the challenge!" she blurted out.

Wait Sanyukta you fool
, she thought to herself. He doesn't know about the challenge.

"What challenge?" he asked.

"The challenge you don't know about," she replied, rolling her eyes. "And I won't tell you about!"

"Whatever, why do I care?" he asked just before he let his lips press hard against hers, catching her off guard.

She grabbed his arms tightly, her fingers wrapping around the material of his shirt and responded to his kiss with equal force. He sucked on her upper lip gently, causing her to moan into his mouth. He pressed his body against hers, one of his hands holding the top of her head as his other hand moved up her ribcage to the top of her chest, causing her heart to pound even faster.

"Randhirrr," she whispered, struggling to catch her breath as soon as he removed his lips from hers. "Your hands!"

"My hands?" he asked, confused.

"Your hand is on top of me there," she told him, feeling her eyelids get heavy.

"Oh sorry!" he apologized, removing it from her chest.

"No!" she said quickly, and grabbed his hand again, placing it over her chest again. "This feels good. Keep going!"

"Are you sure?" he asked, slurring.

She nodded and grabbed his head, pulling his face towards hers. He kissed her cheek before tracing her jawline with his lips, as one of his hands fondled with her breasts, inciting a moan from her.

She pushed him over and climbed on top of him, her lips attacking his, sucking on his lower lip fiercely. She unbuttoned his shirt completely and threw it on the ground before kissing him all over his neck. Pulling herself back, she saw him blinking repeatedly, as if he had never seen something like this.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, wondering if she was doing something wrong.

"I never knew you were so wild," he replied, his eyes glinting.

"Sorry!" she apologized, feeling her eyes start to sting with tears, her insecurities getting the better of her. "I'm not the kind of girl you want. I know."

She removed herself from his body and brought her knees up to her face before sobbing in them. She wanted him to hold her and tell her it was okay, that she was all he wanted. Somewhere, deep within, she was worried that he would leave her. And why shouldn't she be? She had a reason to be worried.

"You are all I want," she heard him say, his arm wrapping around her body, pulling her towards him. "Farzi you know I want you and only you."

"Promise?" she whispered.

"I promise," he mumbled. "I never felt this way for anyone else."

"Then why did you tell me you wanted someone who was soft-spoken and who took care of how she looked?" she asked him with a pout, feeling her chest hurt again.

"To tease you," he replied, "I don't want anyone else. I only want you."

She felt herself smile.

"Really?" she asked, pulling her head out of her knees and looking up at him with her glossy eyes.

He kissed her wet eyes one by one.


Then she frowned again.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you like it when I touch you here?" she asked, pressing her hand on the top of his thighs, feeling a hardness there.

"I love it," he replied, "Why do you act so innocent Farzi?"

She blinked a few times.

"What do you mean act?" she asked him, pouting.

"You know what's there right?" he asked, leaning towards her and gently kissing her earlobe, causing her to shiver with pleasure.

"No," she lied as he sucked on it.

She moaned again, pressing her legs together, feeling the need to have something in between immediately.

She was about to remove her hand from his crotch when his hand went on top of hers to stop her.

"Don't take it off," he whispered, and she felt it get bigger.

She gasped.

"Randhir," she whispered, as he placed a kiss on the back of her ear. "It got bigger!"

"It's supposed to!" he replied, his hands caressing her bosom again.

She moaned.

"Why are you moaning so much Farzi?" he asked her, his lips on her neck now.

"Randhir," she moaned again, very turned on. "Let's have sex."

He pulled himself off her, his eyes wide, before a smile reached his face.

"Really?" he asked her.

She nodded.

"Please," she moaned. "I want you now!"

He grabbed her arms and pulled her so close that she placed her cheek on his shoulder. One of his fingers went to the back of her kurta. Moving her hair to the side, he unzipped it. Feeling his fingers on her bare back, she shivered with pleasure.

He slipped it off her shoulders, but before it could reveal anything, he looked into her eyes.

"Farzi are you sure? We are drunk... maybe we shouldn't do this," he said.

Stupid MCP! Now she remembered why she was mad at him. She pushed him down on the bed and climbed up on him, conveniently letting herself sit on his crotch, making him groan.

"I... want... you!" she responded through gritted teeth and proceeded to pull her kurta up over her shoulders.

It joined his shirt on the ground. His hands reached up to grab her breasts.

"I am mad at you!" she yelled, grabbing his shoulders and pushing her lips against him, kissing him ferociously.

It was his turn to moan now.

"Mmm Farzi I like you like this," he managed to say.

"Shut up! You ruined my presentation!" she snapped and pushed her tongue into his mouth roughly, tasting him.

His hands rubbed her back and headed lower and lower, pinching her waist softly. She moaned again and rubbed her body against his. He slipped his hand under her pants and she sat up again, pulling her pants down to reveal her underwear. She slid them off completely and threw them on the ground.

His hand reached up to the back of her bra. He unclasped it and rolled them over so she was on the bottom.

"Randhir," she moaned, her hands fumbling with his belt buckle. "I need you!"

He closed his eyes and collapsed on the bed after her gentle push. She started to kiss his chest and make his way down his abs, his navel, and finally she used her lips to try and remove his belt. Giving up, she used her hands to remove it and pulled his pants down, revealing his boxers. She threw his pants down along with their clothes before climbing up on top of him again.

"Sanyukta," he moaned, as she kissed him forcefully, her bra falling off. She threw it on the ground as he turned them over and he planted kisses all over her chest, sucking her most tender areas.

"Randhir please stop it, I need you now," she cried. "Please!"

He kissed down her navel as her body tensed up and he slid off her underwear. He stroked her gently as she moaned in pleasure again. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his warm lips over her, lightly sucking her where it was most sensitive. It felt sogood. She grabbed his bedsheets tightly and moaned even louder.

He pulled himself off her and struggled to pull his boxers down. She knew he was drunk and she was too. He took them off and threw them to the side as he rested his body over hers again.

He kissed her neck once again before his face paled and he pulled away.

"We shouldn't be doing this Sanyukta!" he yelled, terrified.

"No I want this Randhir!" she moaned, trying to take deep breaths.

"No!" he said and lay down beside her.

She tried to climb on top of him, but he held her away from him, closing his eyes, trying to calm down.

"Sanyukta shit!" he yelled.

"Randhir please!" she moaned. "Don't do this to me!"

"You're drunk idiot!" he replied.

"So are you," she cried. "I need you."

Why couldn't he just sleep with her? She felt tears spring up in her eyes.

"You think I'm ugly!" she wailed.

"No Sanyukta," he said, holding her close to him and stroking her hair. "Tell me when you're sober and we will do this. Promise."

All she could feel was her naked body against his.

"If a drunk person won't sleep with me I must be ugly!" she cried, trying to guilt trip him.

"Shut up Sanyukta! You know you're not ugly," he said. "Be quiet or I'm going to sleep on the floor!"

"I will join you on the floor then," she huffed. "You can't escape from me!"

"I will lock myself in the bathroom," he said seriously. "I shouldn't have gotten carried away. Shit!"

"But I want you!" she replied, wailing. "I want you now."

"I want you too. But you're more drunk than me... I'm sobering up now!" he responded.

"You won't leave me right Randhir?" she asked, feeling her eyelids get heavy.

"I won't leave you," he murmured, kissing the top of her head.

"Do you love me?" she asked him, not knowing what she was saying. "I love you that's why."

"I do love you," he whispered, as she pulled her head on his chest.

"Really?" she asked him with a wide smile. "You do?"

"I love you a lot," he admitted, before closing his eyes.

She closed her eyes too.

"Randhir, I don't remember what happened two minutes ago," she whispered.

"You won't remember anything tomorrow," he explained. "Go to sleep."

Then she held him tightly and closed her eyes, not understanding that the next morning she would not remember a thing. She felt very bad. Like she was going to puke.

"I loveee you," she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep, or rather passed out.

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