Day Six: Part II

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Day Six: Part II

She picked up the menu and hid her face behind it as a blush crept over her cheeks. She lowered the menu to see Randhir's surprised look in front of her, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

He took the menu from her hands and placed it on the table before holding her hand tightly in his.

"Not here Randhir," she teased. "Are you already turned on?"

"Holding my girlfriend's hand means I'm turned on?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay fine, I am your girlfriend... but isn't there a lot more to this?" she asked him, her heart hammering.

All she wanted was for him to tell her he loved her. She knew that he did - that look he gave her in the bedroom was not a normal look. He looked at her with so much love and concern. She wanted him to admit it, and that was the reason she decided that she was going to seduce him into telling her tonight.

Today was day six. Tomorrow was the last day of the challenge.

But something felt different now. She didn't want him to tell her he loved her for the sake of the challenge, in fact - she didn't even care about the challenge anymore. She wanted to just forget she even made a vow to make him fall for her.

She wanted him to confess his love to her for reasons she herself couldn't even comprehend, and she was getting impatient.

"A lot more to what?" Randhir asked her.

"I mean... love," Sanyukta said, her eyes wide.

"Love?" he asked, looking confused, but she knew that he was inwardly smirking. "What about love?"

"Don't you love me Randhir?" she asked him impatiently, directly getting to the point.

"I'll have to think about that Farzi," he replied, smirking.

She was about to snap at him angrily, when a waiter came to their table to take their order.

"Two plates of toast and fries," Randhir said to the waiter.

Sanyukta cringed.

"Ew greasy fries?" she asked him.

"Shut up and eat what I tell you to," Randhir told her seriously.

She frowned as the waiter walked away.

"So what do you mean by you'll have to think about whether you love me?" she asked him impatiently.

"Do you love me Farzi?" he asked.

"I uh... no!" she said impulsively, before biting her tongue.

Shit. Now he was never going to tell her that he loved her. He grinned even more widely, as if he knew something that she didn't. She glared at him.

"What?" she asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," he said, sounding amused.

Did he even care if she loved him or not? She didn't love him so there was no way he could even see through a facade even if she put one on.

"I asked you a question," she said adamantly. "Do you love me?"

"Nah," he replied coolly.

"Nah?" she repeated, her eyes widening.

She felt her heart drop. What was going on in his mind? Why was he playing games with her? If he didn't love her why did he say he'd stay with her? A voice in her head told her that she could ask herself the same questions. If she herself didn't love Randhir, why did she tell herself she was going to stay with him? Why did she want to be with him, not only in his arms, but in his heart as well?

He ignored her and pulled out his phone, his eyes fixed on it. She narrowed her eyes. Why was he on his phone right now?

"Shouldn't we practice before our presentation?" she asked him, trying to get his attention.

"We can wing it," he muttered, still distracted by his phone. "We'll be fine."

She frowned.

"Do you want to lose to the LITS team?" she asked him impatiently.

"Chill Farzi, we won't lose," he said, typing something now.

She pursed her lips together, annoyed that he wasn't giving her attention.

"Who are you texting?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

"A friend," he replied.

"Which friend?" she asked, frowning. As far as she knew, the only friend Randhir had was her and maybe Jiggy.

"You don't know her," he said quickly, still distracted.

? She felt her heart drop.

"Aaliya?" she said immediately, remembering the girl that had texted Randhir "I miss you" a few days ago.

"Mhm," he said with a quick nod.

She got up from her seat and walked out of the restaurant without saying another word to him. She felt like crying right now. What was wrong with her? She felt a mix of emotions. She knew she was wrong in trying to trap Randhir in her love. Her plans had all failed anyways, he saw through each and every one of them, but he still told her he would stay with her. And she was hanging on to that bit of hope.

Sanyukta was insecure. She was scared that he was only saying he'd stay with her for the time being. If he didn't even love her, if he spoke to another girl and that girl missed him, then that was a threat to her relationship.

She felt her eyes well up with tears. She didn't know how she could deal with this heartbreak. If he left her, how would she cope? She gave her body to him - even that paled in comparison to the fact that she gave her heart, her faith, her emotions to him.

She never felt so vulnerable in her life.

When she felt his fingers wrap around her wrist, her heart leaped.

"Come back Farzi," he said. "Eat something."

She turned around to face him, and he immediately brought his hands to her cheeks, wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "I should have told you. Aaliya is Karan's younger sister. Karan is the person I tried to get you kicked out of FITE for back in first year."

Sanyukta frowned, remembering how much trouble he put Sanyukta through for the sake of getting this guy admitted into the college.

"Why did she say she missed you that day?" she asked him.

"You want to check my phone?" he asked her, holding it out for her. "It was Karan. His phone was broken so he was using her phone."

She shook her head. She didn't need to see his phone. Randhir had only ever been truthful to her after all.

"Then why are you talking to her now?" she asked him, feeling her heart fall again.

"Karan is... he's depressed Sanyukta," Randhir said with a sigh. "He has tried to commit suicide before. Aaliya was telling me today that he was giving his family a hard time."

He held out his phone for her again.

"You can check," he told her.

She shook her head, before sniffling and throwing her arms around him tightly. "I'm sorry," she cried. She poured her heart and soul into that apology, truly feeling sorry for everything she had ever put him through, including the challenge. "I'm sorry foreverything Randhir. I'm not worth you."

He rubbed her back with one hand soothingly, as the other one caressed her hair.

"Don't say that," he told her. "You're perfect for me."

"How? All I do is complain and whine," she sobbed, her tears wetting his t-shirt.

He pulled her face back gently and looked into her eyes.

"You know, you are so intelligent and passionate about things you love," he told her with a smile. "I think that makes you perfect."

She felt her heart melt when he said that. He said things that made her smile, and she truly believed that he was perfect for her too.

"Come on," he said happily, upon seeing her smile, "We'll eat and then get ready for the presentation."

He held her hand and lead her back into the restaurant, where their order was sitting on the table, ready for them.

"I'm still mad at you for changing the presentation," she said, frowning. "I worked so hard on it."

"I'm sorry," he apologized again, ripping apart a piece of toast and holding it out for Sanyukta to eat.

Feeling touched by his gesture, she moved her head forward and allowed him to feed her.

In the next few hours they divided up what they would say for the presentation, and then went into their respective rooms to get changed. Sanyukta walked out of her room in a white dress shirt tucked inside a black skirt that flowed down to her knees. Randhir walked out in a white dress shirt tucked inside black dress pants, a tie around his neck. He was carrying a laptop bag which contained his laptop.

He looked Sanyukta up and down and smiled.

"Someone's looking beautiful," he complimented and held his arm out.

She looped her hand around his arm happily.

"Thank you!" she said. "You look nice too."

In fact, he looked very handsome. She was having a hard time resisting from kissing him right then and there.

They both walked downstairs to the conference room. Dharam and his partner were already there. Both of them gave them death glares.

"You cowards," Dharam said, sneering at the two of them.

Sanyukta was going to say something when Randhir put his hand on top of hers and squeezed it. Glancing up, she saw Vardhaan sir and Maya ma'am coming out of the conference room.

"The panel of judges are inside. LITS will go first. In twenty minutes, they will finish presenting. After a ten minute question and answer session, the FITE team will go," Maya explained. "The results will be announced tomorrow morning at nine."

"Your models are already inside," Vardhaan sir concluded, glancing at Maya. "Best of luck. May the best team win."

The LITS boys straightened their shoulders, adjusted their ties and followed Vardhaan sir and Maya ma'am into the conference room.

"Can you believe them?" Sanyukta asked angrily as soon as they were out of sight, "They called us cowards!"

"Don't worry, we won't have to see them after tomorrow," Randhir said reassuringly.

The next half an hour passed by quickly and soon enough it was their turn. They both worked together to explain the machine, its function and the rest of the factors associated with their model. The judges looked pleased with their work, and even Vardhaan sir flashed them an approving smile.

Randhir and Sanyukta both walked out of the presentation happily.

"We won," Randhir said approvingly.

"Don't be so overconfident," Sanyukta warned. "You never know."

"No, trust me Sanyukta, we won," Randhir said happily. "I could read their faces."

"I hope you're right," she said happily.

They spent the rest of their day, having a discussion with Vardhaan sir, Maya ma'am and the LITS boys. According to Vardhaan sir it was important to have open communication between the two teams, discussing their experiences and learning something from the opposing party. Maya ma'am and the LITS boys looked disinterested. So were Randhir and Sanyukta, but they put on an interested facade for Vardhaan sir's sake.

Soon they had dinner and were told to depart to their rooms. The results were to be announced the next morning at 9 AM and then they would head back to their respective campuses.

Without saying a word to each other and when the LITS boys had already disappeared into their own rooms, Randhir pulled Sanyukta inside his room and closed the door behind him.

He pinned her against the wall beside the door and pressed his lips on her ear, her heart beating rapidly inside her chest. She felt her palms get sweaty and a blush reach her cheeks.

"Ready to get started?" he murmured, his lips gently brushing over her earlobe before tracing her jawline and sliding down her throat.

He placed a kiss on the crook of her neck causing her to shiver with pleasure. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips on her body.

She was already excited to be so close with him, but she had another reason to be excited.

She was going to get him to admit that he loved her tonight. 

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