Day Four: Part III

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Day Four: Part III

Sanyukta's palms were sweating. She could not believe that she actually wore this dress. She also wore makeup - for the second time that day, but this time she tried to keep it more on the natural side... and she looked good. If she herself thought she looked good, then she had to be irresistible to Randhir right? She had blow dried her hair straight and had worn black stilettos.

What was she doing? She could barely even walk. She had half a mind to just run back to her room and change into normal clothes, but this had been part of her plan and she had to execute it someday before her seven days were up. Gulping nervously, she entered room 215, her heart beating so loudly that she thought she would go deaf.

It was dark.

She breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed like Randhir wasn't there. She was about to turn around and leave the room when she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist and soft lips on the crook of her neck.

"Dressed up for me?" she heard Randhir say huskily.

Her back was pressed against his body and she knew her heart was pumping more blood than normal!

"N - no!" she replied, trying to think of an excuse. "Randhir, I'm... I was... trying to decide what to wear for the presentation, so - so I decided to ask you if this was fine!"

He removed his arms from around her and switched on the light of the room. She blushed.

"You were thinking of wearing this for a presentation Farzi?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. "This looks like something you would wear to a night club."

Sanyukta felt her cheeks turn even more red but she still tried to defend herself.

"I - don't stereotype MCP!" she said, trying to sound angry.

Her voice was deceiving her.

"What's there to stereotype?" he asked with a smirk. "Nobody wears such cheap clothes to give a formal presentation."

? She balled her fists in anger. Why didn't he ever like it when she put in effort to look good for him? Dammit it was all for him.

"You stupid MCP!" she yelled, grabbing the collar of his shirt tightly. He looked down at her hands and smirked.

"You intelligent farzi," he retorted, his eyes glinting.

This was a joke to him? She wanted to hit him. She felt her eyes glisten with tears. Everything was a joke. He never appreciated her when she did things for him. Never!

"Don't talk to me!" she told him, letting go of his collar. She kicked off her heels and sat down on a chair behind a desk. "Get out!"

He walked towards the desk, on the other side, in front of her and placed his palms against it, leaning towards her.

"I was here first Farzi," he told her, tilting his head to the side, still seeming amused.

"Argh!" she yelled angrily and got up, the soles of her feet hurting.

She picked up her heels and walked up to the doorway. Putting them down, she slid her feet into them. She had already opened the door and was about to leave the room before she heard him say what she wanted to hear.

"You look beautiful."

She stopped at the doorway and turned around, a tear falling from her eye. She walked back inside and closed the door loudly.

"I don't want to talk to you," she replied, sniffling.

"Oh, come on Farzi," he said, walking up to her and wiping the tear off her cheek. "You know I like to mess around with you."

She sniffled again.

"I did all this for you," she said with a pout, looking into his eyes.

He cupped her face in his hands.

"I know," he muttered and kissed her forehead.

She felt her body relax and she closed her eyes.

"Why do you cry so much Farzi?" he asked her and then kissed her eyes one by one.

He made her feel so loved. She wanted to cry again.

"Why do you make me cry MCP?" she responded, her voice cracking, as he lowered his arms to hold her arms. She gripped his forearms with her hands.

"You know I don't ever want to see tears in your eyes," he whispered, kissing her cheek.

"Then don't make me upset," she demanded.

"You take it the wrong way Farzi. I like it when you fight with me," he admitted and kissed her other cheek.


"You know how much I admire you right?" he asked her, kissing the bridge of her nose.

She felt her cheeks flush again.


"Well you know now, I admire your fighting spirit," he murmured, kissing her lips lightly. "That's why I get into arguments with you."

Her stomach performed somersaults.

"Do I really look cheap?" she asked. "Be honest."

"Never," he whispered, kissing her chin.

He let go of her arms and held on to her waist gently with both of his hands.

"Are you turned on by me?" she asked him shyly.

"Always," he replied, kissing the side of her neck, making her shiver.

"So if I came to you in nothing would you be turned on by me?" she asked before she realized what she said.

Shit. She had meant wearing average clothes, wearing nothing spectacular, but in the heat of the moment, she had lost her rational thought process and had asked him about her being naked.

"More than ever," he whispered, kissing the crook of her neck. "Just try it once."

"Shameless creature," she said lightly, pushing him back.

"Just being honest," he replied, grinning, pulling her waist towards him again. "By the way, you look exceptionally hot."

She blushed.

"So you're turned on?" she asked him curiously.

He buried his face in her neck.

"Can't you tell?" he asked, holding her against him tightly.

Her cheeks turned a dark red. She wanted to die on the spot right now. Her hands reached up and her fingers lightly brushed over the back of his neck.

"Yes," she whispered.

He looked up at her and smiled before bending down. "Let me take these off. I like your height better without your heels. It's perfect for me to kiss you."

She lifted her feet one by one out of the heels as he slid them across the floor.

She squeezed her thighs together tightly so he wouldn't be able to see up her dress. He chuckled and leaned against the wall.

"Come, sit down," he told her, patting the ground beside him.

She leaned against the wall and sat beside him. He turned towards her and slid his hand into her hair, caressing her cheek in the process. The small gesture made her shiver.

She leaned forward and kissed his lips softly before pulling back and looking into his eyes. He glanced back down at her lips then back into her eyes. Everything seemed so perfect at that moment. She rested her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her back, holding her close to him, as his other hand wrapped around hers. He kissed the top of her head and she smiled. She closed her eyes and leaned further into the crook of his neck.

This was bliss.

He rubbed her hand gently. Glancing up at him, she noticed his lips and felt the sudden urge to kiss them.

Moving her head off his shoulder, she reached up and kissed his lips, his fingers still caressing her hand. She removed her hand from his and held on to his cheek as she stood on her knees.

"What are you doing?" he asked her as she threw one leg over his and sat facing him on his lap.

"Sitting on your lap," she replied casually.

"This won't be good Sanyukta," he warned, his eyes widening.

"Why?" she asked seductively, leaning towards him and pressing her lips against his with force.

He grabbed her forearms and pinned them to her back. She always told herself that she hated him for being a chauvinist, but this MCP side of him was something that she herself had come to adore. He was possessive, but still so caring. He took charge, but he never wanted to hurt her.

She slid her body up his thighs, until her body was pressed against his. She knew that she was wearing a dress, and there was only a thin piece of cloth between her and his pants.

He let go of her arms and slid them around her waist, his lips on hers. She opened her mouth so his tongue could enter. He entered eagerly as she gripped his shoulders tightly, his tongue exploring her mouth with passion. When they pulled apart for air, they looked at each other for a few moments before simultaneously kissing each other again. She unbuttoned his shirt as the sound of their kisses filled the room.

He rested his palms on her thighs and started to move them upwards when she suddenly started to shake nervously. Breaking their kiss, she looked into his eyes fearfully.

A look of understanding passed between them and he removed his hand from her thighs immediately, holding on to her waist with one hand. He held the back of her head protectively with his other hand, before gently lowering her on the ground. He kissed the side of her mouth before planting kisses down her neck, his lips lingering over her hickey. He let his lips caress it gently before moving downwards towards her collarbone.

"I want to give you a hickey," she said from under him, surprising him.

"What?" he asked breathlessly.

She grabbed his shoulders and pushed him up. Dazed, he sat up and leaned against the wall again as she climbed onto his lap, her lips touching his neck softly.

She sucked on it and pulled back. Nothing. Frowning, she glanced up at him.

"Why isn't there a hickey?" she asked, pouting.

Randhir chuckled, and held her close to him, her chin resting on his shoulder.

"Let me show you how it's done," he said, his fingers running up her back to the top of her halter where it was tied. He started pulling on the knot.

Her breath caught in her throat.

"Wh - what are you doing?" she asked nervously.

"You trust me right? So don't worry," he assured her, as he finished untying it and the straps fell loosely over her back. "I won't do anything you don't want."

The top of her dress was loose and she nervously looked up at Randhir, her body still pressed against his. He pulled her shoulders back softly, her eyes squeezing shut.

The deep v-neck of the dress had increased in space, and Randhir pulled on the front of the straps to hold it in place. Sanyukta took a deep breath. She wasn't even wearing a bra. Did Randhir know that? Did she have to tell him?

Looking into her eyes, he gently caressed the top of her breast, causing excitement to run down her spine. Moving the top of her dress slightly to the side, still not revealing anything, he put his mouth over the soft skin.

"Watch," he breathed out, "This is how."

He sucked on the skin lightly, causing her body to fire up with desire. It felt so good. He was looking into her eyes the whole time. She knew he was giving her the love bite there because nobody would notice it there.

"Is it there?" he asked, not looking down.

She was in awe. Nothing private was revealed, and he still didn't look at her over there. Blushing, she nodded, as she noticed the red mark appear faintly.

"You can... you can look you know," she whispered. "Nothing's showing I mean."

"You want me to look Farzi?" he asked her mischievously. "I won't be able to control myself if I do."

"Please MCP," she retorted, trying to sound like she was level-headed, which she wasfar from, "You have already checked me out."

"Point," he said, kissing her cheek softly. "I always underestimate your intelligence huh?"

"No MCP! You always compliment me on it," she retorted sarcastically.

He chuckled, kissing her earlobe.

"So how often do you check me out?" she asked him, her hands on his bare chest, slipping under his shirt and removing it from his shoulders.

"Is that even a question Farzi?" he asked her, as her lips lingered barely a centimetre away from his. "Every time I see you."

"Then why won't you check me out now?" she breathed out against his lips, her lips brushing over his gently.

"I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable," he admitted against her lips.

Why was he so sweet? She truly felt lucky right now to have him in her life.

"I won't," she replied, pulling back slightly, looking into his eyes honestly. "I want you to see the mark you gave me."

"Fine," he replied, kissing her cheek.

He held the straps of her halter firmly in place as he glanced down at the top of her chest, where the red mark was.

She took advantage of that moment to remove his shirt completely.

"You know I check you out too, a lot," she muttered, embarrassed, as she pulled the shirt off him.

"You make it obvious Farzi," he said with a grin.

She frowned. Why was it that everything she did was obvious to him? He was able to know what she was thinking to the extent of failing all of her plans too.

"Why don't you make it obvious?" she retorted, "Do you even check me out?"

He pressed his lips against the fresh red mark on the top of her chest and kissed it softly as she shivered with pleasure.

"Asking for compliments now Farzi?" he asked her, clearly enjoying this.

She wanted to stomp her foot with frustration. He knew when she wanted to be complimented too now?

"Shut up," she replied, before pressing her lips against his neck and sucking gently.

"Whoa hold up Farzi," he said, but it was too late. She was not going to hear any of it.

Pulling back, she smirked as she saw a red mark appear.

"I did it!" she said victoriously.

"Still rank two though," he said with a smirk. "By the way, how am I supposed to hide this? I don't have the creative liberty of wearing a scarf like you do, do I?"

Sanyukta blushed. He had a point.

"Stereotype again," she pointed out, jabbing his chest with her finger.

"Never miss a chance to touch me huh?" he asked, amused.

"Never," she replied with a smirk, pressing her lips onto his again.

She pushed her tongue into his mouth before he even opened his mouth to let her in.

His arm that had been gripping her waist tightened and he pushed her down on the ground.

"Feisty huh? Let me show you what it means to mess with Randhir Singh Shekhawat," he told her pushing her arms over her head and pinning them on the ground.

"What does it mean MCP?" she asked him breathlessly.

"It means war," he replied, kissing her neck and moving downwards.

She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"How turned on are you?" he asked her, kissing her shoulder.

"I'm... not..." she lied, as he kissed her new mark once again.

"Liar," he muttered before getting off her and releasing her arm.

She frowned. Why did he do that? She sat up immediately, the straps of her halter about to fall down. Randhir grabbed them quickly, accidentally brushing the top of her chest. They both turned red.

"Uhh," he said awkwardly, tying her halter back up with shaky hands. "I think you need to sleep."

"But why did you stop?" she asked him softly.

"I'm tired Sanyukta," he mumbled, looking down.

Something was fishy.

"What's wrong Randhir," she asked, holding his cheek affectionately.

"I don't want to lose control, so it's best that we stop now," he admitted.

She turned his face and forced him to face her.

"You think you'll lose control? Meaning?" she questioned.

"Meaning you're so hot, I could do anything," he replied, suddenly smirking again.

"MCP, that wasn't sarcasm was it?" she asked, trying to sound offended.

"No, completely honest," he told her with a smirk, leaning closer to her. "Want to test it out?"

She grabbed his thighs with her hands, causing him to stiffen up. She leaned closer to him, about to kiss him, when she felt his hands touch hers.

"Sanyukta, wrong place," he groaned.

She blushed, remembering the first day of the challenge where she had done the same thing. Shit.

"Sorry!" she apologized, removing her hand from that spot, turning a deep red colour once again.

"Alright, we have to wake up early tomorrow. Before Vardhaan sir transports our machine, I want to show you something," he told her. "So go to sleep."

"MCP you're the one who called me here when I was just about to sleep," she retorted, folding her arms and glaring at him.

"Sorry baby," he said, holding his ears apologetically.

Baby? Did he just call her baby? What was wrong with him?

"Why did you call me that?" she snapped.

"Why, you don't like it?" he asked, smirking.

"No... it sounds weird coming from you," she said.

"Okay honey, sweetheart, or darling," he replied, chuckling. "Which one, take your pick."

Then she smirked, an idea coming to mind.

"Call me love," she replied, smiling.

"No," he replied, leaning closer to her.

"Why not?" she asked him, frowning.

He picked up his shirt from the ground and wrapped it around her. "I don't want anyone to see you like this," he told her, stretching his arms and yawning, ignoring her question.

"So you're going to walk back shirtless?" Sanyukta asked, her eyes widening.

"Yeah... so?"

"So... what if someone looks at you the wrong way?" she asked possessively. "I don't want everyone to see your naked body!"

"I'm not naked Farzi."

"You might as well be," she said, crossing her arms.

"Then what do you want me to do?" he asked, glaring at her. "I'm not going to let you walk back like that."

"I won't let you walk back like that either," she replied stubbornly, taking off his shirt and handing it to him. "Why don't you walk me back?"

Randhir put his shirt back on and buttoned it up.

"Fine," he replied.

He picked up her heels with one hand, laced the fingers of his other hand through hers and lead her outside protectively.

"Randhir, do you care about me?" she asked him, smitten by his protectiveness.

"No, of course I don't, that's why I'm doing this for you Farzi."

Sanyukta felt herself smile as she looked up at him, awestruck.

"What time do you want to meet tomorrow?" she asked him, blushing.

"Ten. Be on time, Vardhaan sir is transporting the machine at eleven. And we're leaving for the venue at three."

She nodded, smiling at him. They reached the girl's hostels, and he let go of her hand. He reached up to hold her cheek, looking into her eyes.

"Good night," he murmured, kissing her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night Randhir," she whispered. She held his shoulders and kissed his lips lightly.

She was about to breathe out I love you, but she was so horrified at the thought that she swallowed back her words. What kind of silly thought was that? Why did she want to tell him she loved him? She was stupid. Insane. This wasn't love. It was just infatuation!

"Take care of yourself," he replied sternly, handing her shoes to her, looking her in the eye. "Don't go around dressing like this for everyone."

Sanyukta smiled and tilted her head to the side.

"Why're you trying to control me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't know the way that boys look at girls Sanyukta. I don't want anyone's dirty gaze on you," he said seriously.

"Why Randhir? Do I belong to you?" she asked, amused.

He placed his hands on the wall behind her, on either side of her head.

"I told you this already, you're mine. Only mine," he whispered, moving his face closer to hers.

She wrapped her arms around his back, holding onto him tightly, and pressed her face against his chest.

"I told you this too Randhir, I'm only yours," she told him. "But I have a condition."

"Hmm?" he asked, burying his face in her hair as he wrapped his arms around her body.

"You're only mine too," she replied, losing herself in his scent.

He kissed her hair softly.

"Is that even a condition?" he murmured. "I am already yours."

She pulled back and smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"But one thing Farzi," he said, his eyes darkening. "Remember, this stands clear... don't mess with me."

Sanyukta suddenly felt guilty. She planned to stay with him, but that didn't mean that her seven day challenge was right all of a sudden.

"Yeah... you don't mess with me either MCP," she replied nervously, feeling her palms get sweaty.

He kissed her forehead again.

"Good night Farzi," he said.

Before he could turn around, she grabbed his arm and let her lips crash against his, literally taking his breath away. She could feel him smile into the kiss as she deepened it.

"Sorry," she whispered, breaking the kiss. "I... got carried away."

He chuckled and kissed her jaw softly before looking into her eyes.

"Farzi you know I want to continue this, but we have to wake up tomorrow," he told her sadly.

"I know MCP," she replied with a sigh. "Fine, we'll... continue tomorrow."

"Deal," he said with a smirk.

"By the way, how are you going to hide the hickey?" she asked him curiously, stunned at how comfortable she was with this topic now.

"I won't hide it," he told her, smirking, "Let the whole world know I belong to somebody."

Sanyukta brought her hands up to her face and covered it.

"Everyone will know it was meee," she groaned.

He took her hands off her face with his and brought them to his lips, kissing them.

"Who cares?" he asked. "Why are you worried? I don't plan on leaving you."

She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

"If you're here, I'm not worried," she said honestly. "I trust you."

"Good night Farzi," he said, kissing her lips one last time.

"Good night MCP!" she replied against his lips before pulling back.

He let go of her hand slowly, and walked away. She entered her room, smiling, and changed for bed immediately. Both Kaustuki and Vidhushi still weren't there. Pulling her covers to her chin, she smiled in her sleep, amazed at how easily she was able to talk to him. She didn't need to feel shy around him anymore when it came to communicating about intimacy.

She closed her eyes, not knowing that the next three days were going to be the most bittersweet three days of this challenge. 

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