Day Three: Part II

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Day Three: Part II

Sanyukta was late. Again. She knew that she was getting late, but she didn't feel bothered to keep him waiting. Randhir was perfectly capable of taking care of their project, and Sanyukta had to make sure her plan was in effect. Plus, Randhir couldn't get angry at his new girlfriend.

She was dressed in a pink v-neck kurta with black skinny jeans. Her hair was out and she had applied kajal. She didn't think she looked spectacular, because she was too busy trying to set her plan into action, but she tried to look decent for Randhir.

Sanyukta had already decided that she would dress up really sexy for Randhir before her seven day challenge was over... of course it was for the challenge - it was not like she actually wanted his lusting eyes on her. Despite that, the thought made her blush and she didn't even know why.

She ran towards the mechanical lab at half past twelve. Randhir was already working on the machine. When he heard her arrive, he looked up and crossed his arms.

"Do you know what time it is farzi?" he asked, stepping towards her.

She clutched her phone tightly, feeling the blood drain from her hand. She gulped. Not because she was afraid of him, but because she didn't want him to come so close to her that she couldn't control herself anymore. She didn't want a repeat of last night - or this morning for that matter.

"12:30," she replied, trying to sound as casual as she could.

He took another step towards her. She took a step backwards, hearing her heart thunder in her chest.

"And what time were you supposed to be here?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow, taking another step forward.

She hit the wall and felt her palms get sweaty. Shit. He was going to come close to her and she was going to kiss him. She already knew it.

"12," she breathed out, as he approached her and placed his hands against the wall on either side of her head.

She felt her body tense up as his body pressed against hers and his lips made his way to her ear.

"This calls for a punishment," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

She shivered. She wanted him so badly.

"What punishment?" she gasped.

His lips grazed her earlobe gently, and she closed her eyes, her heart beating rapidly against his chest.

"Get to work," he said loudly, pulling away from her, leaving her shocked.

Trying to control her breathing, she felt her nostrils flare when she saw him smirk. So this was funny to him.

She tugged on his shirt forcefully, pulling him close to her.

"This stuff isn't funny MCP!" she said irritably.

He grabbed her hand from on top of his shirt, and removed it, lacing his fingers through hers. She felt her breathing quicken again.

"You're so reactive Sanyukta," he pointed out, "It's just too much fun."

She pulled her hand away and walked towards the model, irritated. She was so reactive? Even the vow that they would take things slowly was not enough to make her seem less "easy".

"I'm going to work on the presentation - don't even try to interfere MCP!" she said. "And don't talk to me!"

Huffing, she pulled out her laptop and opened up the powerpoint.

Randhir just shrugged indifferently and continued to work on his model. His indifference annoyed her, but she chose not to comment because she was going to give him the silent treatment now.

Two hours later, she received a text and it reminded her of the plan she was supposed to execute.

When are you starting?

She nearly groaned. She couldn't believe she actually forgot. All because of the stupid MCP.

She deleted the text right away and coughed out loud. She noticed Randhir glance at her from the corner of her eye and inwardly smiled.

I am so upset,
she sent to the same number.

She put her volume up to the highest setting and a few seconds later, she heard her phone beep.

What happened baby?

Smirking, she glanced at Randhir, who went back to working on his machine.

Nothing, just upset with someone's behaviour
, she replied, coughing out loud again. This time Randhir didn't flinch.

I'll kick his ass for you baby.

Why didn't Randhir ask her about who was texting her so much? He looked like he couldn't have cared less.

Nobody cares about me :(
, she replied.

I care... you are my world
, came the response.

Finally, Randhir's head shot up and Sanyukta tried to keep her face straight.

"Stop texting and work Sanyukta. We don't have a lot of time!" he snapped.

Randhir was at the next table. She increased her phone's brightness to the brightest possible setting and gently threw her phone at his table.

"Oops!" she said out loud, pretending it was an accident.

Randhir picked up the phone and was about to hand it back when his eyes landed on the phone and an annoyed expression took over his face.

"You talk to Parth?" he asked, walking over to her.

She stood planted on the ground and nodded.

"Yes, he's my best friend," she said, smiling dreamily. "We made up this morning."

Randhir grabbed her arms tightly and pulled her close. She tried to control her smirk.

"What's all this baby baby nonsense?" he asked her angrily.

"I'm his baby and his world," Sanyukta said, trying to sound proud. "Do you have any problems? I really missed him!"

Randhir pulled her even closer, his lips an inch away from hers. She was so tempted to close the gap between their lips, but she managed to keep her composure.

"Sanyukta if I hear this crap from his mouth again, then he'll be sorry. Warn him," he said possessively, causing her heart to leap.

"Are you jealous?" she asked faintly. "Are you scared I won't be yours and I'll be his instead?"

Randhir responded by smashing his lips against hers, his hand traveling inside her hair, her hands resting at the nape of his neck.

She wasn't expecting this, but she loved it. She opened her mouth and his tongue entered hungrily, as if he wanted to do everything possible to her right now. Just the thought turned her on so much that she moaned into his mouth.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her against him roughly, and she could feel what her moan had done to him.

If you're like this now, how will you be when I dress up really sexy for you? she thought to herself, enjoying every bit of what was happening.

His lips left hers and attacked her neck, planting wet kisses everywhere. She wanted more of him, she wanted him now.

"You're mine, only mine," he muttered, roughly pressing his lips against hers again.

When he said that, her stomach filled with butterflies - that was what she wanted to hear this whole time. She always wanted to hear that she was Randhir's. She felt herself melt in his arms, her body burning with excitement.

"Only yours," she breathed out against his lips, before she could stop herself.

Her hands lost themselves in his hair and she kissed him with so much force that they collided against the table.

His face buried itself in her neck. She was just going to push him onto the table when she heard a cough from behind them.

Turning around, her arms still around Randhir, his lips sucking on the supple skin of her neck, she felt the colour drain from her face.

"P - Parth?" she stammered.

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