Day Three: Part III

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Day Three: Part III

She gulped, her fingernails digging into Randhir's neck. His head shot up and looked behind them, his mouth dropping open.

He looked back at Sanyukta who looked like she was going to cry. He held her hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

"If you two don't mind, I need to use the mechanical lab for my task too," Parth said, sounding completely grossed out.

Without them uttering a word to him, he let himself in. Sanyukta was lost in a trance. She was upset for two reasons. One was that she was caught in a position like this with Randhir, and the second one was if Parth and Randhir spoke at all about the earlier texts, Randhir would find out it was all a ploy.

She felt Randhir's fingers gently repositioning her hair to cover her neck. She looked up at him, confused, but he placed a finger on his lips telling her to keep quiet.

"Anyways Sanyukta," Parth said coldly, assembling his work area. "I didn't know that you were like that."

She was about to speak and defend herself saying that she wasn't like that, when Randhir took a step forward.

"Like what Parth?" he asked coolly, "What did she do wrong?"

"You guys are disgusting," Parth replied darkly. "If you were this hormonal, you could have found a more private place."

Sanyukta didn't understand why Parth was such a hypocrite - she knew that he was much more wild with Arpita... and he had no shame in telling her about it when they were friends either.

To her, it seemed like Parth just enjoyed chiding her.

"Like where Parth Kashyap?" Randhir responded, raising his eyebrows, turning around to face Sanyukta, studying her face. "Text messages?"

Sanyukta's heartbeats suddenly sped up when he said that. Shit.

"Huh?" he asked, confused.

"Don't try hitting on my girlfriend from now on Parth, or you'll be sorry," Randhir warned, grabbing Sanyukta's wrist. "Yes, she's my girlfriend."

As awed and pleased as she was by Randhir's actions, she was so scared that Randhir would find out the truth.

Parth looked surprised and confused.

"Wait... hold up for a second, when did I hit on your uh... girlfriend? I have no interest in her," he told Randhir, genuinely confused.

Sanyukta gulped.

"Uh... Parth, Randhir, there is no need to drag this further," she said, stepping in, her heart racing.

"No Sanyukta," Randhir interrupted, "Show him your phone. Let's shut him up."

Sanyukta's mouth fell open and she shook her head. Shit. No. Please no. But Randhir grabbed her phone from the table. She just wanted to disappear into thin air.

Then he held her hand more tightly, with authority.

"Come with me," he hissed, dragging her outside the classroom.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness Randhir didn't figure out that she just changed Kaustuki's name to Parth on her phone, and it was really Kaustuki sending her all those messages.

He pulled her inside an empty classroom and closed the door behind them.

"Why didn't you lock the door of the mechanical lab?" she accused him, her cheeks red. "Parth caught us like that."

"Be glad I saved your self-respect in there," Randhir said angrily. "Otherwise I had no interest in telling anyone you were my girlfriend."

Ouch... she didn't know why that actually hurt her. She didn't want him to tell anyone either right? It wasn't supposed to hurt.

He held her shoulders tightly and pulled her close. She could feel his anger. Why was he so mad?

"And next time you think you can fool me, think again," he scolded angrily. "I knew from the beginning that Parth wouldn't send those messages."

The colour drained from her face again. She felt weak. Now she actually wanted to disappear. She just made herself look like an idiot.

"Then why... why did you get so jealous?" she managed to say.

"I wasn't jealous, I was just playing along with your game to see where you would take it," he snapped.

"But you kissed me?" she questioned.

He pressed his lips against hers again and she felt her body burn once more. Why was he doing this? She liked it a lot, but she didn't understand what his intentions were.

He pulled back and looked at her angrily.

"I didn't lie when I said you were only mine Sanyukta," he said darkly. "So next time you create a scenario, even if it's a fake one, that involves you and someone else, you won't have it easy. Don't mess with me, remember that!"

Then he let go of her shoulders. She felt dizzy. His words made her feel weak in the knees. She wanted this reaction from him so badly, but at the same time, something didn't seem right.

"Randhir!" she yelled finally, deciding that she would say something. "Why are you behaving this way? You aren't playing games with me are you?"

He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her close again, his breath on her lips.

"Sanyukta, you shouldn't be talking about games," he said before letting go of her and walking out of the room.

Her mouth fell open. What the... did he know? She texted Kaustuki quickly.

Did you tell anyone about the challenge?

Her phone beeped right away. Kaustuki replied no. Then what game was Randhir talking about?

She ran after him, but he was already in the mechanical lab, working on their project. Vidhushi had joined Parth too. She ran upto Randhir and looked at him, expecting him to look right back at her. But he didn't even glance at her.

What was going on in his mind? Suddenly she felt very bad. He definitely knew that she was up to something, and her feelings weren't genuine. But then again, what he was doing with her wasn't right either if he knew. She was in a confused state, not sure about what to believe or do.

"Randhir," she muttered.

He didn't look at her.

"Talk to me," she whispered.

He still didn't look at her.

Sighing, she went back to work on her powerpoint. She decided that she would question him when he left the room for a bathroom break or something.

Finally, Randhir left a few hours later. She walked out of the mechanical lab, following him.

She grabbed his arm to stop him in the hallway.

"Randhir what's wrong?" she asked, genuinely upset. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that."

He turned around and continued to walk. She continued to follow him, deciding that she would not rest until she got her answers.

She followed him right into the men's washroom.

Randhir turned around, an expression on his face which said that she was completely crazy.

"You know you're not allowed here right? Get out," he said angrily.

Before she could say anything, they heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. Randhir grabbed her arm and pulled her into a stall, locking the door.

"Randhir I'm sorry," she apologized again.

"Shhh," he hissed, covering her mouth with his hand.

"No mmph," she said, trying to speak.

He left her mouth and kissed her passionately, catching her off guard. She clutched his shirt tightly and responded with the same passion, feeling completely in bliss.

When Randhir finally pulled back after whoever entered the bathroom had left, he looked at her inquisitively.

"Are you crazy?" he asked her.

"Maybe," she admitted.

Crazy for you were the first words that came to her mind but she bit her tongue. Of course she wasn't crazy for him... her mind was playing games with her.

"I can tell," he said sarcastically. "Why are you here?"

"Why do you think I'm playing games?" she asked him innocently.

"Sanyukta, I know you very well," he said through gritted teeth. "What was the need to try and make me jealous?"

Without saying a word, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, pouting. Randhir was completely taken aback by her action.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice softening, rubbing small circles on her back.

"I just wanted to take revenge for that Aaliya girl on your phone," she wailed. "I wanted to know whether you would feel the same way I did."

Randhir pulled her back, looking into her eyes, his eyes glinting. A small smile played on his lips.

"You were jealous of Aaliya?" he asked.

"N - no!" she spat quickly.

Jealous? No way! But then again, she had to pretend like she was.

Randhir chuckled.

"We're in a bathroom Sanyukta, a men's bathroom, so we should probably get out of here, don't you think?" he asked her, smirking.

"But Randhir, one question," she said quickly, wanting to ask him something that was nagging her mind. "Why didn't you want to publicize our relationship?"

"Sanyukta," Randhir sighed, holding her shoulder gently. "Same reason you want to. We both don't know where this is heading."

She frowned, not liking what he said one bit.

"But Randhir, we've been making out!" she replied, suddenly feeling her heart get heavy. "This has to go somewhere!"

Randhir took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly.

"It will, I know it will," he assured her with a warm smile.

That smile sent shivers down her spine.

She smiled back at him and hugged him again, this time genuinely.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand and leading her out of the bathroom. "Let's get something to eat before we have to spend another night together."

She couldn't lie - the thought of spending another night with him was intriguing and definitely tempting, but she blushed, nodding, deciding that she should give him some space to breathe and sort out his feelings... and give herself space to sort out hers too.

They both went to the canteen and had dinner together before deciding to part ways for the night.

"Good night farzi," he said with a soft smile.

"Good night MCP," she replied, smiling genuinely.

He looked around the hallway, making sure the coast was clear, before grabbing her waist, pulling her close, and planting a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled against his lips, feeling at home, like she belonged with him.

She didn't want to pull away, she wanted to stay like this with him. She felt like she was under a spell.

He stroked her cheek gently one final time before kissing her forehead.

"I'll see you in your dreams," he whispered in her ear, causing her to tremble.

Then he smirked and pulled back. She was still smiling at him, lost in him, as he turned around and walked away.

As soon she walked into her room that night, smiling as if she was under an enchantment, her cheeks still red, Kaustuki noticed her.

"Look at yourself in the mirror Sanyukta," she told her with a smile, "I think instead of making him fall for you, you're falling for him. You're glowing!"

Sanyukta walked up to the mirror, noticing her smile, the glow on her skin, her rosy cheeks. All of this because she was smitten by Randhir.

"I'm not," she said with a dreamy sigh, but her heart told her otherwise.

Pulling her hair back, she touched the red mark that was on her neck, and remembered how Randhir sucked at the area gently. No wonder he adjusted her hair in front of Parth. He wanted her to maintain her dignity.

"He really cares about me Kaustuki," she said with a glint in her eye.

"Do you like him?" she asked curiously.

"No," she mumbled, but her heart was saying something else. "Just attracted. Lust."

Then she got ready for bed and lay down, her eyes wide open, the same smile on her face.

"You're thinking about him and smiling even an hour later," Kaustuki pointed out to Sanyukta, "Are you sure it's just lust?"

"Yeah," Sanyukta sighed, blushing.

"Sanyukta..." Kaustuki said, sounding nervous. "I think you should drop this challenge. You won't be able to see him heartbroken."

An image of heartbroken Randhir flashed in front of her and she felt a strong pain in her heart.

"But... I don't love him," she replied, shaking her head. "I shouldn't care if he gets hurt."

"He's falling for you Sanyukta," Kaustuki said, frowning. "I didn't think you could make it happen, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. Can we just say you won?"

"He won't have to," she muttered to herself, in a daze. "I won't leave him."


"Nothing Kaustuki. He'll tell me he loves me by the end of these seven days," she replied, smiling widely. "Don't worry so much, I won't break his heart."

Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep, holding her pillow tightly, the dreamy smile still lingering on her face.

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