Day Four: Part I

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Day Four: Part I

Sanyukta stared at her reflection in the mirror, the same smile from last night still haunting her face. She adjusted her dupatta around her neck to hide the red mark that was situated there.

"Kaustuuu," Sanyukta whined, "I don't want to see him!"

There were butterflies floating in her stomach... the thought of seeing him again was exhilarating, nerve-wracking and something she wanted to run away from.

She never believed in lust... but she didn't hate Randhir either anymore. She wanted to be with him. It couldn't be love... no way! She wasn't in love. She was attracted... or in other words, lust. Randhir made her believe in something she thought didn't even exist!

"Just go Sanyu!" Kaustuki replied, with a smile on her face.

"I don't even look good! I don't have any decent clothing!" she complained.

"You look nice Sanyu... okay wait," Kaustuki said, making her way over to Sanyukta and started to french-braid her hair.

Sanyukta had already finished applying pink nail polish on her fingers and had put on makeup... a lot of makeup to look nice for Randhir.

She was wearing a salwar kameez.

"Sanyu, wear something nicer, more modern," Kaustuki suggested.

"No... Kaustu, I have to hide my neck," she muttered, blushing.


"He... he gave me a hickey," she whispered, completely embarrassed.

Kaustuki's jaw dropped open.

"You two have been making out?" she asked, her eyes widening. "Sanyu why didn't you tell me?"

Sanyukta blushed and hid her face behind her hands.

Kaustuki shook her head.

"Wear skinny jeans and a nice shirt... then wear a scarf as a design," she suggested.

Sanyukta nodded and obeyed Kaustuki. She always knew how to look good. When she came out wearing dark blue skinny jeans and a v-neck blouse that clung to her body, a scarf around her neck, Kaustuki grinned.

"Much better," she said. "Now go... you're getting late!"

Sanyukta shook her head nervously. "I - I can't face him!"

"Why not?"

"I just can't!" she said, blushing deeply.

"Aww Sanyu, you have a crush," Kaustuki said brightly. "Go and work on your project first, think about him second!"

She nodded slowly, still wondering how she would get him off her mind, especially since she was working with him.

She made her way to the mechanical lab slowly. It was nine in the morning and she was on time for once.

Once inside, she noticed that he wasn't there. Sighing with relief, she placed her bag down on the desk.

She got a text as soon as she sat down from Randhir.

Won't be there today... you handle it. I know you can.

? She felt herself get angry. She tried to look presentable for him and he wasn't even going to show up?

She called him right away. He didn't pick up.

Where are you?
she sent, hoping that he would at least have the decency to tell her where he was.

Just tied down.

She gritted her teeth angrily. She didn't ask why, she asked where. She was about to send him another text when he replied.

I'm in my room. Don't come here. You need to finish the project.

Just then Parth entered with Vidhushi. He gave Sanyukta a disgusted look before he walked to his workstation. Sanyukta felt like snapping, but she held herself back and ran out of the mechanical lab towards the boy's dormitories.

She knew that Jiggy was with Kaustuki, so that meant that Randhir was alone in the room. What was he doing?

Glad to see that the coast was clear, she entered the boys dormitories with ease and knocked on Randhir's door. When he opened it, her heart sank. His eyes were bloodshot red, as if he hadn't slept last night.

"Randhir," she said, reaching out to touch his cheek.

She was sure that this had to do with his parent's divorce.

She couldn't see him like this. She wanted to hug him and tell him that she was going to be there for him everytime he needed someone.

He stopped her hand in midair, looked in both directions, and then pulled her in, locking the door behind her.

Just like she had guessed, his room was empty.

"What happened?" she asked, concerned for him.

"I told you to work on the project didn't I?" he asked angrily. "What will happen to that now?"

She didn't know why he was acting like the old Randhir. She wasn't nobody anymore, she was his girlfriend, she had the right to know what was happening in his life.

"Randhir, please tell me what's going on," she said softly, reaching out to touch his shoulder comfortingly.

"Sanyukta, go away!" Randhir yelled out of frustration.

She felt like crying - not because Randhir told her to go away, because that was his natural reaction... he never let anyone into his life if he could help it, but because she couldn't see him like this.

"Randhir, I didn't get with you to leave you!" she yelled back, feeling her eyes sting with tears.

Why couldn't he understand that fact? Noticing her tears, he stepped forward, held on to her shoulders gently and seated her on his bed, falling to his knees in front of her. She felt the tears fall from her eyes.

He wiped her tears with his fingers and took her hands in his.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, "I shouldn't have said that."

She shook her head, her lips trembling, and took his face in her hands.

"What happened Randhir?" she asked again.

He placed his head on her lap and suddenly started to sob.

"They postponed the court date again for next month," he choked. "I found out last night... and dad wants me there or he won't talk to me."

Sanyukta felt tears fall out of her own eyes seeing Randhir in this condition. She stroked his hair softly.

"It's okay Randhir," she said, wiping her own eyes.

He looked up at her like a little child who was lost and needed to find someone desperately. Sanyukta reached out and wiped his tears with her fingers before cupping his face.

"I'm here for you Randhir," she said genuinely.

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his face against her stomach, closing his eyes.

"You won't be Sanyukta, you'll leave me just like the rest of them," he said hoarsely.

"No Randhir... I promise I won't," she said honestly, stroking his hair again. "You must be so tired. You haven't slept all night have you?"

Randhir stood up and Sanyukta followed his lead. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry... let's go work on the project, that comes first," he said, turning around, but Sanyukta caught his hand.

"Randhir, rest," she commanded.

"But the project," he argued, "We need to complete it today. Tomorrow we're going to have to go to the venue and then the day after is the presentation."

She shook her head and dragged him to his bed. Sitting down, she tugged at his hand to indicate that she wanted him on his bed too. He sat down next to her.

She crossed her legs and gently brought Randhir's head to her lap. He stretched his legs and closed his eyes as she stroked his head.

"I'll be fine when I wake up, I promise," he mumbled.

"Shhh," she said, stroking his hair. "Be quiet and sleep!"

"You look very nice by the way," he said into her lap. "Sorry I couldn't appreciate you more."

"You can appreciate me when you wake up," she said, blushing.

She watched his lips curve upwards to form a smile and she immediately felt her heart fill with warmth.

"I promise I will," he replied.

She leaned forward and planted a kiss on the top of his head and leaned back against his bedframe until his breathing got heavier and he fell asleep. She watched him sleep, holding on to her legs like he needed her, and she couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking when she told herself that she wanted to break his heart.

She wouldn't break his heart.

She would make sure he fell in love with her by the end of the week, but that didn't mean that she would break his heart afterwards. She would keep her promise, she wouldn't leave him. She would stay with him. Smiling happily to herself, she kissed the top of his head one more time.

A few hours later, Parth entered the room and looked at them, disgusted.

"Sanyukta, Randhir isn't the only one who lives in this room," he said loudly.

Randhir stirred in his sleep and Sanyukta angrily placed a finger on her lips indicating for Parth to be quiet.

"Shhh," she hissed, stroking Randhir's hair softly. "He's sleeping!"

Parth rolled his eyes and left the room, closing the door loudly behind him. Randhir woke up with a start.

"Go back to sleep Randhir," Sanyukta said softly.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the time.

"Oh no Sanyukta, it's one!" he yelled, getting off the bed.

"So?" she asked.

"You should've worked on the task!" he snapped.

She got up too, stretching her legs.

"I care more about you than the damn task!" she yelled, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.

She saw his face soften as he took a step towards her, holding her arms and pulling her close, seemingly lost in her eyes. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as they looked at each other.

"Too much makeup farzi," he finally said with a smirk, letting go of her.

She furrowed her eyebrows angrily. She spent all this time getting dressed for him, and he was here criticizing her?

"And why are you wearing that tasteless scarf?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"T- t - tasteless?" she spluttered angrily. "I knew you were still an MCP. Argh!"

She shook his arms off her and stormed towards the mechanical lab. A few minutes later, he joined her there too.

They were alone, and he was was walking closer to her. She felt her breath hitch in her throat.

"Take off the scarf," he ordered.

She felt her face burn. "No!"

He walked even closer to her, her walking backwards with each step he took, until she hit the wall.

"Take it off," he whispered into her ear, making her feel weak in the knees.

"N - no!" she replied feebly.

He brought his fingers up, gently carressing the skin over her neck, making her shudder, before taking off the scarf and letting it fall to the ground.

She gasped as he smirked seeing the hickey.

"Who gave this to you farzi?" he teased.

"Shut up MCP," she said, trying to push him off, but he pressed her body back with his.

His lips made their way over the red mark, making her shudder again. Instinctively, she tangled her fingers in his hair as he kissed it softly.

"Don't worry, next time I'll give them in places nobody will see," he said with a wink and backed off, picking up the scarf and wrapping it around her neck again.

Why was she blushing so hard? Why did she want him so close to her? Surely... this was just lust's effect.

Smirking, he walked back to the model.

"No matter what we do, we have to finish everything today," he explained. "Vardhaan sir already informed me that he'll take care of transporting the model. Tomorrow afternoon we're going to leave for the venue. It's a five hour ride. We'll get there in the evening. Next morning is the competition."

Why didn't Vardhaan sir tell her this? She frowned.

"He told me the day you slept until one," he said with a smirk, reading her thoughts again. "I just remembered."

"Fine," she said through gritted teeth. "Presentation's almost done anyways."

"Good," he said simply, and began to work on the machine.

She glanced at Randhir who was so into his work... he looked so good that she kept on staring. She didn't know why she didn't want to take her eyes off him. She felt a dreamy smile take over her features as she continued to watch him.

When he turned around to look at her, she still didn't snap out of her reverie. He walked towards her and gripped her wrist tightly, which caused her to look up sharply, her breath catching in her throat again.

"What were you looking at?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Then, without thinking, her hormones taking over her senses, she pressed her lips against his. He dragged his hands up her cheek and into her hair as he responded, causing her to shudder. He grabbed her back and held her close so she wouldn't fall backwards.

She took a step back and smiled, her cheeks flushed, feeling content. He took a step towards her and held her waist again, pulling her close.

"Randhir... task," she muttered, "Focus!"

"I have such a hot girlfriend," he replied with a smirk, inching closer to her, "She comes before everything else."

She felt herself blush and closed her eyes, anticipating a kiss, but she heard Randhir's footsteps only walking away from her.

Surprised, she opened her eyes to find Vidhushi at the doorway, her mouth open.

"You two are together?!" Vidhushi sputtered, her eyes wide, as if she couldn't believe it.

Shit. Now the whole school was going to find out.

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